Najib wants Selangor, badly

— Gomen Man
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 16, 2012

MARCH 16 — There is a reason why Najib Razak is going to Selangor nearly every week: Getting back the country’s richest state is the minimum passing mark he has set himself in the coming elections.

Umno insiders say that Najib and his strategists do not believe Barisan Nasional (BN) can regain its two-thirds control of Parliament, but think that winning back Selangor will assuage Umno members and prevent a coup attempt against him.

And that is why Najib is using money like water in Selangor and spending nearly every weekend in some district there. And that is also why Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has reason to be worried about the sudden increase in the number of voters in constituencies in the state.

As it stands, Najib is confident that he will still be the prime minister and that he will do slightly better than Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. But not everyone in Umno believes that Najib’s advisors are giving him the right information, with some betting that anything between six and 10 parliamentary seats will fall in Sarawak, and that a good number of seats in Johor will also be lost.

On the flip side, Umno is confident that Kelantan will be retaken and Perak will stay with BN. Najib is due to visit Perak tomorrow and meet folks in Beruas and Ipoh, among other places, to convince them that his coalition is the best for the state. Continue reading “Najib wants Selangor, badly”

Is Najib prepared to establish a judicial tribunal to investigate serious allegations against AG Gani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan for subversion of the law and perversion of the course of justice?

How long is the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to remain “blind deaf and mute” to the mounting pressures for a judicial tribunal to investigate serious allegations against the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail and former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan for subversion of the rule of law and the perversion of the course of justice?

The latest Open Letter by former senior police officer, Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar copied to the Prime Minister has brought the long-simmering scandal of serious allegations about the complicity of the chief legal officer of the land in the subversion of the rule of law and the perversion of the course of the justice to the centre of national and international attention.

Mat Zain revealed that on February 19, 2009, he had briefed and passed evidence to Najib over Gani and Musa’s “misconduct” in fabricating evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” incident 13 years ago.

Musa was the investigating officer in the Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy I case while Abdul Gani led the prosecution. Mat Zain was the investigating officer in the black-eye incident.

Mat Zain said he was prepared to give “no holds barred” testimony under oath before a judicial tribunal when and if it is informed. Continue reading “Is Najib prepared to establish a judicial tribunal to investigate serious allegations against AG Gani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan for subversion of the law and perversion of the course of justice?”


Mat Zain bin Ibrahim
16 Mac 2012.


YDH Tan Sri Ismail Hj.Omar,
Ketua Polis Negara,
Bukit Aman,
Kuala Lumpur.
[email protected]

YDH Tan Sri,


Saya meramalkan bahawa PM Najib, TIDAK akan menasihatkan YDP Agong untuk menubuhkan Tribunal, menyiasat tingkah laku Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail,Peguam Negara,walaupun beberapa banyak pendedahan salahlaku jenayah telah dibuat terhadap beliau sejak 13 tahun yang lampau.

PM Najib lebih rela memansuhkan undang-undang ISA dan Ordinan Dharurat,atau menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Di-Raja Siasatan dalam kes lain.Malah beliau bersedia membenarkan suami Shahrizat dituduh di-Mahkamah dan jika terdesak, akan sanggup membiarkan Sharizat dan anak-anak mereka juga dituduh kerana bersubahat.

Namun,dalam keadaan apa pun,PM Najib tidak akan membiarkan penubuhan Tribunal, jika penubuhan tersebut adalah untuk menyiasat Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan mantan Ketua Polis Negara,khasnya berkaitan memberi atau merekacipta keterangan palsu dalam sesuatu penyiasatan atau pendakwaan. Continue reading “Surat Terbuka – SALAHLAKU GANI PATAIL : MENUBUHKAN TRIBUNAL???”

Ex-cop says tribunal probe will implicate A-G, Musa in ‘black eye’ case

by Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 16, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, March 16 — A former senior policeman wants Datuk Seri Najib Razak to set up a tribunal to investigate Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Tan Sri Musa Hassan, saying that this would find the duo guilty of fabricating evidence in Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s “black eye” incident.

Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim, who was the investigating officer in the “black eye” case, claimed today that both men were never investigated for “evidence fabrication” and had only been cleared of “abuse of power” allegations.

He claimed this could be a “new lead” that would warrant the formation of the tribunal.

The former KL CID chief said only a tribunal endorsed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong could conduct a probe on Abdul Gani as the latter is currently the Attorney-General. Musa is a former Inspector-General of Police.

But Mat Zain predicted Najib’s refusal to heed his request, pointing out that Abdul Gani and Musa’s conviction would prove that Anwar had been victimised during the 13-year-old case. Continue reading “Ex-cop says tribunal probe will implicate A-G, Musa in ‘black eye’ case”

Lynas, hazardous waste and rotting fish head

— Rama Ramanathan
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 16, 2012

MARCH 16 — Malaysians are wondering why Lynas is transporting concentrated ore from Australia to Malaysia. Many think they know the answer. I’ve made up my mind too, but it’s not because of the science/technology behind Lynas. It’s because I believe the old saying: fish begins to rot from the head; more on that later.

Do you think there are any other companies which transport ore out of Australia?

The answer is YES! There is a company listed on the Canadian stock exchange which operates a mine-cum-concentration plant in Western Australia and ships out lead ore, mainly to China.

Why do they ship ore out instead of processing it at home? Continue reading “Lynas, hazardous waste and rotting fish head”

Najib sedang menunaikan janjinya

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 15, 2012

15 MAC — Semalam saya ke Pekan, Pahang, berceramah bersama Tuan Haji Mohamad Sabu dan Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz di sebuah rumah di Sungai Miang, kalau tak salah saya. Kehadiran yang menunggu kami sangat menggalakkan dan saya agak terkejut juga melihat kedatangan begitu ramaiyang kesemuanya terdiri dari orang tempatan. Saya bergembira kerana bersebab.

Pertamanya kami ditunggu oleh begitu ramai rakyat tempatan dan saya tidak menyangka sambutannya begitu baik dan menggalakkan, kerana kawasan itu adalah kawasan Parlimen Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Yang hadir itu adalah dari setiap lapisan penduduk di Pekan dan mereka semuanya fokus mendengar apa yang kita perkatakan.

Keduanya inilah pertama kali saya sampai berceramah di Pekan sejak hampir 30 tahun dan seperti di kawasan-kawasan lain, Pekan juga mempunyai rakyat yang prihatin terhadap apa yang berlaku dalam sekitar politik negara. “Response” yang menggalakkan itu menunjukkan yang perkembangan terkini politik negara juga dirasai oleh penduduk bandar diRaja ini.

Tetapi seperkara yang saya tidak enak yang kami alami semasa ceramah tersebut, pihak yang berwajib tidak mengambil tindakan yang seadilnya terhadap pihak yang diganggu oleh pihak pimpinan Umno bahagian Pekan. Continue reading “Najib sedang menunaikan janjinya”