Are Najib and Cabinet Ministers going to keep quiet about the serious allegations of corruption and subversion of the rule of law in 2007 involving the three topmost officers of the land, the AG, IGP and DG of ACA?

Today, Malaysiakini followed up on the revelations and serious allegations by former Commercial Crimes Investigation Department (CCID) Chief Datuk Ramli Yusuf during his 60th Leap Year birthday celebrations last month that he was a victim of Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s abuse of his constitutional powers with new information on the “bizarre five-year-old case allegedly involving the country’s most powerful police officer, the attorney-general and an underworld figure”.

The question now is whether the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, and Cabinet Ministers are going to keep quiet about the serious allegations of corruption and subversion of the rule of law with regard to the case in 2007 involving the three topmost officers of the land, the Attorney-General, the Inspector-General of Police and the Director-General of the Anti-Corruption Agency (before it later became Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency).

Malaysiakini reporter Hafiz Yatim said Malaysiakin has possession of documents revealing the history of how a number of whistleblowers – whose information led to the arrest of the underworld figure in 2007 – were forced to implicate six police officers investigating the case.

The whistleblowers signed sworn statements claiming that they were turned over by a team of Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) officers.

The six police officers were subsequently charged with fabricating evidence against the underworld kingpin, but were all eventually acquitted, the last of them in mid-2011.

Najib should not only initiate proceedings for the establishment of a judicial tribunal into the serious allegations by the former CCID director that the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail had grossly abused his powers in victimising him and other police officers concerned, but also into several bizarre train of events in 2007, including separate corruption reports being lodged against then Deputy Home Minister, Datuk Johari Baharum (who had by-passed the then Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan and instructed Ramli to conduct investigations into the underworld kingpin), Musa himself as well as the then ACA director-general Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor – with police investigating the ACA director-general while ACA investigated the IGP, clearing each other!

Ramli has told Malaysiakini that he has new evidence regarding Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s black-eye incident and Malaysian Airlines (MAS) chairperson Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli, who is the beneficiary of another recent RM840 million government bail-out.

Public interests demand that there should be a no-holds-barred judicial inquiry not only to get to the bottom of the several bizarre train of events in 2007 at the topmost levels of government, including the serious allegations of abuse of power by the Attorney-General in undermining the rule of law and victimising Ramli and other police officers, but also into the new evidence regarding Anwar’s blackeye and Tajudin.

8 Replies to “Are Najib and Cabinet Ministers going to keep quiet about the serious allegations of corruption and subversion of the rule of law in 2007 involving the three topmost officers of the land, the AG, IGP and DG of ACA?”

  1. He won’t call a tribunal. Nothing can be done. Are the “Ah Longs” (Bar Council) going to add in their voice to call for a tribunal? The S’pore system has (theoretically) one additional tier of check and balance: If the S’pore PM stops or holds up an investigation for corruption against any of his ministers or senior officials or himself, the CPIB can investigate on S’pore president’s directive. In 1990 (also an election year) Kit/DAP called on then PM Dr Mahathir to suspend AG Tan Sri Abu Talib as AG and to establish a tribunal to impeach him for misconduct for directing or advising the destruction of the Vijandran pornographic videotapes. The then PM also ignored the call. In GE on 21 October 1990 the M’ysian electorate still returned BN with 127 out of the 180 Parliamentary seats. Opposition Gagasan Rakyat led by Ku Li apparently lost by reason of BN’s media playing up his wearing of Kadazan headgear with a cross, saying that he sold out Muslim rights and interests to Christians in the PBS in Sabah! Then communal and religious incitement worked on the majority of electorate sentiments more than issues of governance and corruption that seemed to take a back seat. For 13th GE, the BN is absolutely banking on the premise that the situation has not changed – race communal and religious issues weigh more important than governance issues relating to corruption based on ‘you help me I help you’.

  2. The 6 former police officers led by former CCID director are whistleblowers and should test our Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010 (“WPA”) and if nothing happens – as expected- at least it proves what LGE contends, that the WPA is ineffectual. Civil Society should establish and give awards of recognition to all Malaysians who dare whistle blow, the first being whistleblowers like former CCID director Ramli and Mat Zain Ibrahim. These are distinguished Malaysians who are willing to take risk, bear sacrifices whenever their consciences prompt them to disclose suppressed truth on important public matters. More than ever they should be shown support by at least that section of community that values their contribution and sacrifices. Such an award will give them hope. It will give inspiration others similarly placed to do the right thing. Such an award will be more honoured than our usual feudal honorifics/titles.

  3. The MalaysianInsider: “Datuk Seri Najib Razak commended Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil today for her decision to sacrifice herself and quit the Cabinet for the sake of the government and Umno… “Although there is no proof so far that she had committed any offence because the NFC issue has drawn controversy and dispute she was willing to withdraw from the government ” he told reporters referring to the National Feedlot Centre. How does Shahrizat’s so called “self sacrificing” resignation just because of controversy but without proof of commission of offence affect the AG also now mired in controversy from allegations of former policemen like Ramli & Mat Zain? Is he willing to follow to Shahrizat’s “noble” gesture and example?

  4. HA, ha, ha – adoi, HOW 2 expect Ah CHEAT Kor 2 take actions on d AG, IGP n DG of ACA, when in fact they r d PILLARS dat prop up UmnoB/BN n Ah CHEAT Kor

    Just listen 2 Ah CHEAT Kor PRAISING COWwitch, like she had won a Nobel Prize in honesty n sacrificed herself in d line of national duty, n WARNING d AG, IGP n DG of ACA 2 leave her n her COWfamily alone

  5. Actually a very real issue is how is the police to be reformed once PR gets into power. Its clear corruption runs deep and wide in the police. Its not hopeless for reform but care must be taken not to get over-zealous in finding wrongs in the police but rather keeping an eye on the goal of building a professional force that serves the public ultimately.. Some sort of amnesty program ultimately may be necessary for the police.

  6. When we were kids, there was this Police Sergeant who would come to coffe shop for his tea after finishing his duty. He loved to play majong. He certainly looked frail and I guessed hardly 110lb; but he tolerated no nonsense and the people who met him respected him which today they won’t give even to the ACP in town! This was 40 years ago! Now that we have one of the most senior officers who has come out with this exposure and is the Gomen keeping quiet about it? How does the rest of the world look at our Police force, if the gomen pretends nothing had happened in spite of this?
    To those who are still in the force; how would the rest of the police around the world judge you when you meet them on justice and honesty, the pride of the firce world wide??

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