Lim Kit Siang

Chief Justice Ariffin Zakaria should intervene against the harsh and excessive one-year jail sentence imposed on imam Hoslan Hussein for throwing his shoes at the Federal Court judges

For the past few days, Malaysian sense of decency and propriety had been pulverised by a battery of blows which collectively signal that something is very rotten with the Najib administration which is marking its third anniversary next month, viz:

These are only a partial list of the host of abuses of power, corruption, cronyism, lack of accountability, blatant injustices and sheer absence of good governance despite all the high-falutin talk and sloganeering by Najib since becoming Prime Minister three years ago of “1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now” and all the transformation programmes whether Government Transformation Programme (GTP), Economic Transformation Programme (ETP:), Political Transformation Programme (PTP), etc.

Will the voices of concern and outrage on all these issues felt and expressed by Malaysians be heard and heeded by the Prime Minister and the powers-that-be?

For a start, will the Chief Justice of Malaysia Tan Sri Arifin Zakaria intervene against the harsh and excessive penalty of one-year jail sentence handed down by the Federal Court yesterday against imam Hoslan Hussein for his shoe-throwing, tempering justice with mercy especially as:

Furthermore, will Najib intervene both as Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional Chairman to end the political victimisation and discrimination against disabled Sarawak farmer Frusis Lebi by restoring to him all welfare aid and farming subsidies?

If not, the issue will be highlighted in Parliament which reconvenes next week.