Will Mahathir propose Chua Soi Lek as UMNO President?

It has been suggested that the response to Tun Dr. Mahathir’s “tongue-in-cheek” proposal that I be made PAS President is to ask whether Mahathir would propose Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek as UMNO President!

However, I think it is more productive to focus on Mahathir’s other “tongue-in-cheek” statement that all the Tuns and “their sons and grandsons too” should all be investigated in response to my call for a full audit and accounting into the RM100 billion losses from the financial scandals during Mahathir’s 22-year premiership.

Another bad news about Malaysian Airlines recording a whopping net loss of RM2.52 billion for 2011 despite round-after-round of billion-ringgit bailouts in the past two decades is salutary reminder that the root cause why the once national premier airline is reduced to such a parlous crisis stage today must be traced to Mahathir’s 1994 decision to use Bank Negara’s MAS shares to bail out Bank Negara from its RM30 billion foreign exchange losses.

Malaysians today are still paying for those financial scandals, none of which have ever been fully accounted for, as for instance in the recent RM580 million write-off by the Malaysian government with the “out-of-court” settlement between Danaharta and other GLCs with Tajudin Ramli on Feb. 14 with regard to all suits pending between them.

When Mahathir said he is prepared to be investigated for the RM100 billion losses from financial scandals during his premiership provided “all the Tuns and their sons and grandsons too” are also investigated, is he just doing a Shahrizat?

Isn’t he just rephrasing what the Women, Family and Community Development Minister had said: “Tell me, which UMNO leader does not have problem?” when confronted about the RM250 million National Feedlot Centre “cow condo” scandal?

Is Mahathir so confident that he will enjoy both immunity and impunity for the RM100 billion losses suffered by the country as a result of the financial scandals during his 22-year premiership as the other “Tuns and their sons and grandsons” would never agree to any full investigation, even to clear their names?

Let the Tuns from the Mahathir era, whether Tun Abdullah, Tun Musa Hitam, Tun Daim Zainuddin, Tun Ling Liong Sik or Tun Lim Keng Yaik speak up whether they are prepared to support a full audit and investigation into the RM100 billion losses suffered by the country as a result of the financial scandals in the 22-year Mahathir premiership.

It would appear that Mahathir was also referring to past Tuns and Prime Ministers when he said: “But all Tuns must be audited. The sons and grandsons of Tuns as well.”

Is Mahathir also supremely confident that the “sons and grandsons” of previous Prime Ministers, i.e. Tun Razak and Tun Hussein, would not agree to a full audit and investigation into the RM100 billion financial “blackhole” in the Mahathir era?

Let the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, the leading scions of the second and third Prime Minister respectively, speak up.

Let us also hear from the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin, every Cabinet Minister and all the Barisan Nasional component parties their respective position whether they would support a full audit and investigation into the RM100 billion “blackhole” caused by the losses of the financial scandals during the 22-year Mahathir premiership.


21 Replies to “Will Mahathir propose Chua Soi Lek as UMNO President?”

  1. Mahathir dared take on such challenge that all the Tuns and “their sons and grandsons too” should all be investigated (for corruption) because BN is still holding federal power. I believe Mahathir will be one among the first to flee the country once PR is voted into power.

  2. Let us investigate them all – the Tuns, the Tan Sris, the Lims, the Tings, the Lings, the Anandacondas, the Samys, the Nohs, the Taibs, the Ramlys, the Wans…… the list is endless. Don’t let them all get away.

    RM 100+ billion is a big sum which could be much, much more especially when the bulk is now overseas.

    Dr M is again being frivolous and mischievous but it could be signs of senility.

  3. LKS, there are two very clear signs that the chances of BN losing
    the next GE are very, very real!!
    First, many, if not most of their top leaders have lost their sanity.
    Secondly, the recent spate of violence perpetrated on the
    These indications are as clear as the squiggly lines on a
    seismograph that predicts a volcanic eruption!!!

  4. When the coffers have dried up, when there is no that much to share – that’s when the thieves will turn on each other. Looks like that is starting to happen. You complain about the bailouts of my sons, I complain about the bailouts of your children and grandchildren.

  5. If Ghaffar Baba can be temporary President of the MCA during their party crisis in the 80’s, why can’t Soi Lek be the President of UMNO, temporary or otherwise?

    It has happened before in the late 80s during the UMNO de-registration crisis when MCA led for a short while.

    So if Teams A, B, C, D in UMNO Baru now come out fighting each other, maybe Soi Lek, warts, tongue and all, might be appointed temporary President of UMNO.

  6. What’s ought to be done shall be treated as done, shall we? Alright, chua soilek shall henceforth be described by his proper position as president umno! OMG! That makes him perdana menteri as well. Woooow!.

    Hoi cintanegara, sekalang u punya helo sulah tukar. U punya helo balu itu chuasoilek, plesiden umno.

  7. Chua soilek kena sunat dulu,tukar nama jadi Abdullah Chua bin soleh.Sound familiar macam Ajib Kor,kan?Then cintanegara boleh belajar kung fu beraksi hebat di atas katil dari president umno baru ini.Yeah…Yeah…

  8. ///When Mahathir said he is prepared to be investigated for the RM100 billion losses from financial scandals during his premiership provided “all the Tuns and their sons and grandsons too” are also investigated, is he just doing a Shahrizat? ///

    A wrong is a wrong and it must be investigated on. No question about that. And no possibility of setting pre-conditions.

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