Lim should have said PAS never killed a Mongolian

YOURSAY Malaysiakini
Feb 23, 2012

YOURSAY ‘By right, it’s Umno which should be upset over Guan Eng’s remark. But then again, MCA as always is doing Umno’s dirty job.’

Police report on Penang CM’s alleged racist remark

Boiling Mud: Selangor MCA’s public and services complaints bureau deputy chief Alan Liew said the Chinese community did not understand the true meaning of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s remark and was worried that the latter was playing on racial issue.

Liew, please do not play up racial discord when there was none to begin with regarding the said remark. And most importantly, kindly refrain from citing the Chinese community for whatever political agenda you may have.

Given the shift in the political landscape, I certainly doubt the Chinese community considers MCA as their representative. Can’t the MCA leaders get this simple fact right?

Changeagent: Perhaps, Lim Guan Eng should have said that ‘PAS never killed a Chinese, Indian or Malay’ instead. This way, the MCA leaders cannot misconstrue his statement as being racist.

Cala: If my memory serves me right, I think Lim Guan Eng was making a reference to MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek’s remark made earlier, when the latter was quizzing DAP for being submissive to PAS despite the threat of hudud law purportedly could be implemented under Pakatan Rakyat rule.

Lim was trying to allay the fear by saying (I guess) there has been no evidence that any Chinese has been killed by the Islamic party.

Anonymous123: Who said we don’t understand LGE’s statement? The statement was simple and there was no racial undertone at all.

Since CSL (Chua Soi Lek) tried to scare Chinese by stating PAS hudud law, LGE’s (Lim Guan Eng’s) statement implied ‘why the fear?’

Yeow: I think it is time everyone gave the MCA some recognition for their achievements and what they have done for Malaysians. So here is the roll call for the high achievers in MCA:

Tan Koon Swan, former party president: In 1986, he was sentenced to two years’ jail by the Singapore High Court for criminal breach of trust relating to the collapse of Pan Electric Industries. Subsequently, he was jailed in Malaysia for a similar offence.

Ling Liong Sik, former president and long-time minister: He has been charged with cheating and misleading the government in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

Chan Kong Choy, former deputy president and minister: He has charged with several counts of deceiving former PM Abdullah Badawi into approving deals linked to PKFZ.

Chua Soi Lek, current president: He resigned as health minister in 2008 after being featured in a sex video with a woman who was not his wife.

Bozo: Come on, MCA. This is only a debate. Don’t take it so seriously. Do you really understand what LGE meant by that statement? Please grow up and contribute more to the Malaysian community than to attack DAP only.

LGE has done a great job and give him credit where it’s due. Don’t harbour any ill-feelings just because MCA was beaten badly in the last GE. It’s time for MCA to re-strategise and transform itself.

Jacky@1Malaysia: Use your head and try to understand what LGE meant in the context of CSL’s rhetorical challenge to DAP about working with PAS.

CSL said PAS will likely introduce hudud which punishes criminals by cutting of their limbs when LGE replied that PAS never killed a Chinese, as opposed to the death of TBH (Teoh Beng Hock) and customs officer Ahmad Sarbaini.

Annon77: These MCA leaders are a joke. More of this and you’ll be extinct like Gerakan. This is the microcosm of all that is wrong with the party:

1) You’ve just reinforced the perception that your party offers nothing. You went to a debate and couldn’t hack it so you made a police report on something that is totally not racist.

2) How brave – only when a Chinese makes a comment that you dare to report. Where were you when Perkasa was attacking the Chinese community?

3) This is a great showcase of our national education system. You fail to comprehend the context nor the meaning of the remark so you made a police report and in the process undermine yourself and your lame-duck party.

Why: I wonder why MCA not make police report against Perkasa when Ibrahim Ali asked all the Chinese to stay at home and stock on food during the Bersih rally. Is MCA working with Perkasa to oppress the Chinese?

ACR: It was quite perceptive of LGE to comment in the manner that he did bearing in mind the role Harun Idris, then Selangor MB and Umno Youth leader, played in the 1969 incident.

But the logic of Liew is puzzling – if PAS never killed a Chinese in its entire history, why should he worry that PAS will do something to the Chinese if they do not support PAS?

I think a police report against Liew for making a false report is in order.

Unspin: It is hard to decide who won the debate last Saturday because both speakers were good albeit out of context.

But given that a police report was made regarding a minor aberration (Allan Liew, try debating in front of 300 people and you would know how difficult it is to keep a logical mind), shows that those in MCA thought that Lim Guan Eng has clearly won the debate.

Pemerhati: Quote: “Liew said the Chinese community did not understand the true meaning of this remark and felt worried and afraid as Lim was playing on racial issue.”

I wonder what Liew would say if Lim Guan Eng had instead said that PAS never killed a Mongolian.

Not Convinced: By right, it’s Umno which should be upset over Guan Eng’s remark, not MCA.

But then again, MCA – in lodging the police report – as always is doing big brother Umno’s dirty job.

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Police report on Penang CM’s alleged racist remark

Lee Long Hui | Feb 22, 2012

The MCA today lodged a police report over a racist remark it alleged DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng made during the debate with MCA president Chua Soi Lek last Saturday.

Selangor MCA deputy head of public and services complaints bureau, Allan Liew Sin Kim (right), lodged a police report against the Penang chief minister at the Kajang police station, accompanied by five other complainants.

Liew says in the police report that Lim had uttered, “PAS never killed a Chinese” during the wrap-up session of the head-to-head debate which was telecast live.

Liew said the Chinese community did not understand the true meaning of this remark and felt worried and afraid as Lim was playing on a racial issue.

He therefore wants the police to investigate whether Lim had violated “any racial issue laws”.

More than 10 complaints within three days

Speaking to the press after lodging the report, Liew said he wanted the police to investigate whether Lim had incited racial sentiments through his remark.

Liew claimed that he had received more than 10 complaints from the Chinese community over the last three days, all against Lim’s remark.

“I don’t understand the meaning, but let us imagine, if the Chinese community doesn’t support PAS, what will happen?”

Liew asked Lim to apologise to all Malaysians and withdraw his remark before the police started the investigation.

“As the chief minister of Penang, Lim should not have come up with this ‘irresponsible and vulgar’ remark.

“Only a gangster or street fighter will come out such a vulgar remark,” Liew added.


13 Replies to “Lim should have said PAS never killed a Mongolian”

  1. Kindergarten quiz:
    To which political party do these great swindlers belong to?

    Tan Koon Swan: In 1986, he was sentenced to two years’ jail by the Singapore High Court for criminal breach of trust relating to the collapse of Pan Electric Industries. Subsequently, he was jailed in Malaysia for a similar offence.

    Ling Liong Sik: He has been charged with cheating and misleading the government in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

    Chan Kong Choy: He has charged with several counts of deceiving former PM Abdullah Badawi into approving deals linked to PKFZ.

    Chua Soi Lek: He resigned as health minister in 2008 after being featured in a sex video with a woman who was not his wife.

  2. When PR forms the federal govt after winning the 13GE, the ‘mca Gang of Four’ above should be made compulsory study in the history syllabi of schools and universities. This is to ensure that future generations of Malaysians do not go down the same rotten path as those 4 swindlers. And unlike Hang Tuah, they are not myths

  3. //“I don’t understand the meaning, but let us imagine, if the Chinese community doesn’t support PAS, what will happen?”//- MCA

    This is MCA, M’sia Car-Towing Association. What we did is we talk fiction and imaginary. We have lost the ability to talk fact b’coz, it is our foresight of our past president to buy up some press so that we can spin and white-wash anything that gone thru them. It is out habit, not skill. We normally talk a lot b’coz, talking fiction is more difficult, we need a lot of excuses and reasoning to make sense out of it. Not like DAP, they need not speak, the fact talks not them.

  4. ///Liew said he wanted the police to investigate whether Lim had incited racial sentiments through his remark. Liew claimed that he had received more than 10 complaints from the Chinese community over the last three days, all against Lim’s remark. Liew asked Lim to apologise to all Malaysians and withdraw his remark before the police started the investigation./// That’s why I ask in earlier blog thread on this subject, what’s the point of you being enthusiastic to engage in televised public debates with BN’s politicians? Our milieu for such debates is not the same as in matured democracies in which the playing field is level and televised debates is part of the democratic process. Here the mainstream media will skew what the opposition debater says; the BN’s supporters will just cherry pick on what the opposition debater says and lodge police reports; the authorities will just proceed with alacrity to investigate and bog the opposition polticians down in investigations so that they cannot concentrate on campaigning the GE. Whatever advantages of such debates here to give opposition the national access to national audience must be evaluated against the disadvantages earlier mentioned.

  5. Jibby says, “Good boy Alan Liew itu. Has potential to become future mca president. Here, Soilek, I want you to promote him from Selangor MCA’s public and services complaints bureau deputy to Selangor state chief. ”

    CSL(kneeling): “Ya, tuan, perentah tuan dijunjungi. Patik akan telefonnya sekarang juga!”

  6. So easy. The Chinese community did not understand bla bla bla…Understand is a subjective word. This word cannot be measured unless you can come up with a scale. If a stupid person is to listen to the debate, he she will come up with his her interpretation which would of course, sound silly and stupid to a clever person who also listen to the debate. But whether stupid or clever, thing is it has gone into his her head and he she is thinking.

  7. Jeffrey is right – there is no level playing field. They can go off-topic and there is nothing you can do in the time and space allocated. However, clowns like Jessie Ooi were a godsend in the blogsphere. The image of her snarling and foaming at the mouth is simply priceless !

  8. When umno and its cohorts called the Chinese and Indians pendatangs, prostitutes and beggars, what did MCA do? They had their tails tuck between their balls like a good, obedient dogs and smile in agreement. That’s MCA. Macam Coward Anjing.

    No police report, porno guy?

  9. They misunderstood Karpal’s remarks and he is charged for sedition.

    Now they claimed they cannot understand LGE’s comments and wants the police to investigate LGE.

    If you are such an idiot and cannot understand what the person is saying then you should just shut up instead of coming out in public and showing to all and sundry what a clown you are. As my old man used to say…” if you don’t know what to say, keep your mouth shut and no one will accuse you of being dumb” when I make a dumb comment.

  10. Cinapek,Boh ua hoh kong mai kong,right?When these so-called Mad Cow Ars@@les are supposed to talk about BN’s corruptions and shenanigans-all the while-they play dumb.Same as when ordinary person can understand that LGE’s remark is not seditious or suspicious of any disastrous at all to the community,they also play dumb and worst still lodged police report against LGE for who knows what is their logical reasons!!MCA,chinese representative,my foot!!

  11. The whole purpose of lodging police reports against LGE is to
    tie him down with frivolous court cases.
    The same also applies to other leaders of the PR.
    So, wise up and take preventive measures.
    Also, concentrate on the coming GE instead of frittering away
    your time with these nonentities!!!
    BN is waiting for the right moment to spring the GE when PR’s
    leaders are tied down with all sorts of frivolous court cases!!!

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