Target: Lim Guan Eng

— Whistleblower 57
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 14, 2012

FEB 14 — This is some friendly advice to Lim Guan Eng. Watch your back. Team Najib have identified you as a main target, a real problem for them in the coming general elections.

In the power circles in Putrajaya, Lim Guan Eng is a problem, not only in Penang but in urban areas and even in East Malaysia where the feedback is that the Penang CM is popular.

So the strategists in Umno have decided that Lim must be kept busy fending off attacks. He must be kept off balance and so worried that he will not leave Penang to campaign for Pakatan Rakyat.

Aiding and abetting Umno in this task are some turncoats in DAP and PKR and Chinese businessmen. They have been promised a big payoff.

Guan Eng, you can expect your name to be dragged in the mud just like Anwar Ibrahim’s. Continue reading “Target: Lim Guan Eng”

Restructuring the Malaysian health system: Is there a need?

— Academy of Medicine of Malaysia
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 14, 2012

FEB 14 — We observe with concern and interest the recent discussions by the ‘rakyat’ and explanations by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) in the print and electronic media regarding the planned National Health System Transformation. We agree that there are deficiencies in the present system that need to be addressed and applaud the Director-General of Health’s pledge to engage the ‘rakyat’ and stakeholders in its planning.

There is no denying that the Malaysia’s Health System is acknowledged internationally as being successful in providing health services to the ‘rakyat’. Notable successes include:

1. Reduction in mortality and morbidity and increased life expectancy, rising from 56 yrs for male in 1957 to 72 years in 2006; and 58 yrs for females to 76 years correspondingly. Infant mortality rate is comparable to developed countries.

2. An equitable public sector and universal access to comprehensive treatment; where everyone has access to medical treatment up to tertiary level at a nominal fee; and for the poor for free. Continue reading “Restructuring the Malaysian health system: Is there a need?”

Stop slandering land tender, Lim tells Umno leaders

Feb 14, 2012

Umno leaders have been warned to stop claims that the tender of state land in Bayan Mutiara by the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) was done through a negotiated tender.

The tender was carried out via an open tender system, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said, and therefore enemies of the state should stop their claims that the developer, Ivory Properties Group Bhd, only needs to build affordable houses in Batu Kawan as part of the deal.

Lim, who is DAP secretary general, described the remarks by Umno leaders as “slanderous”.

He said the 102 acres of land south of the Penang bridge was sold via an open tender in 2010 and the developer was bound by the terms of the sale) to build affordable houses, schools and places of worship.

“The sale was conducted via a request for proposals and the open tender was advertised in the newspapers in 2010. The highest bidder was chosen, it was not negotiated,” Lim said in a statement. Continue reading “Stop slandering land tender, Lim tells Umno leaders”

Whole reward-punishment system becomes topsy-turvy if a deal can be struck with Shahrizat’s family

What is the response of the Minister for Women, Family and Community Development and Wanita UMNO leader Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil to the advice of her Cabinet colleague, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz that her family repay the RM250 million government loan obtained for the scandal-ridden National Feedlot Centre (NFC) project?

Would she be telling the Cabinet meeting tomorrow her response to Nazri’s advice who had claimed that this was the best solution to put an end to the ongoing controversy without forcing her resignation as Minister?

Equally important, does the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak as well as the other Cabinet Ministers agree with Nazri?

Nazri’s shocking suggestion has raised many questions as well as evoked various scenarios.

Firstly, can a deal be struck with anyone facing or likely to face criminal charges for being caught in a sticky political situation? Continue reading “Whole reward-punishment system becomes topsy-turvy if a deal can be struck with Shahrizat’s family”

Unity among Chinese nothing to do with MCA

By Stanley Koh | February 14, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

The Chinese community in rejecting MCA at the 2008 general election is indicative that the community has not only awaken to the fact the party is no longer relevant and effective in representing its interests, but that it has expanded its political horizon towards a two-party system.

Moreover, new perceptions are emerging that the unity of the Chinese community is no longer dependable or factored by the prevailing leadership status of MCA.

Today’s scenario remain status quo even as in 1988, the Chinese Guilds and Associations blamed MCA leadership under Dr Ling Liong Sik as weak and did not truly live up to the aspirations of the community.

MCA in short has failed to feel the pulse of the community as many younger generations are colour blind and have no confidence in a race-based policy-making nation.
Continue reading “Unity among Chinese nothing to do with MCA”

Islam Wasatiyyah should lead defence of Kashgari’s rights

By CPI | 14 February 2012

The BBC, reporting on Hamza Kashgari’s deportation from Kuala Lumpur back to his native Saudi Arabia, said the charge hanging over the young man’s head of insulting the Prophet Muhammad is considered blasphemous in Islam and punishable by death.

Kashgari, 23, fled his country was detained upon his arrival here on Thursday en route to New Zealand where he was planning to seek political asylum. A journalist, Kashgari was recently sacked by Saudi daily al-Bilad where he had a column.

Three allegedly blasphemous tweets were made about Muhammad on the prophet’s birthday (Maulidur Rasul) last week and sparked vociferous calls for the death penalty to be imposed on him.

The climate of fear and caution has been such that – even merely for the purpose of reference – it’s difficult to find Kashgari’s tweets reproduced in reputable websites (although some independent blogs have carried them). One website which initially reproduced them has withdrawn the tweets.
Continue reading “Islam Wasatiyyah should lead defence of Kashgari’s rights”

What every Malaysian needs to know about ‘race’, Part 1: Words and the world, or ‘bangsa’ in question

By Clive Kessler | February 14, 2012
The Malaysian Insider

FEB 14 — Do people still remember — many older folk do — that best-seller of the early 1970s (later a Woody Allen movie), David J. Reuben’s “Everything you always wanted to know about sex … but were afraid to ask?”

The following discussion might be entitled (and, alas, there is no hope here of any Woody Allen movie “tie-in”) “What every Malaysian needs to know about ‘race’ … and probably needs, like it or not, to be told.”

So this now tells you.

This comment is offered as a straightforward and, it is hoped, clear and accessible discussion of what every Malaysian needs to know about “race”, and all else that swirls around it in everyday Malaysian linguistic usage and popular understanding.
Continue reading “What every Malaysian needs to know about ‘race’, Part 1: Words and the world, or ‘bangsa’ in question”

A sad day to be Malaysians and Muslims

— Islamic Renaissance Front
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 12, 2012

FEB 12 — The Islamic Renaissance Front strongly condemns the deportation of Hamza Kashgari over his allegedly offensive tweets.

Due to the irresponsible and cowardly actions of the Malaysian government in enabling the deportation, Mr Kashragi now faces the possibility of the death penalty in his home country of Saudi Arabia for the simple act of demanding his right to practice the most basic human rights – freedom of expression and thought.

Since the Syri’ah Law that is practised in Saudi – just like any other Muslim countries that implement Syari’ah – is subject to individual interpretation by the clerics, and Saudi is known to have a very poor record in ensuring fair trials compounded by a history of denial of rights to lawyers and clients; we do not feel that Hamza Kashgari will stand a fair trial.

More importantly, Mr Kashgari has already removed the tweets and apologized for his statements. We believe no further punishment is necessary upon the trauma he had already endured being on the run for such an innocuous act what more while facing the risk of punishment by death.

In this, we wish to remind Muslims of the importance of forgiveness in Islam. Continue reading “A sad day to be Malaysians and Muslims”