Happy ending for NFC saga

— Whistleblower 57
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 13, 2012

FEB 13 — Nazri Aziz is the Prime Minister’s troubleshooter and his statement in Sinar Harian about the case must be seen in this light. His suggestion that everything will be fine after Shahrizat Jalil’s family/her repay the RM250 million loan is not his idea but a compromise put together by Putrajaya.

As part of this drama script, the police will recommend that some form of charge be brought against NFC directors but the MACC aka the protectors of corrupt practices in government will clear Shahrizat.

Shahrizat’s family will be given a slap on their wrist and she will not have to resign. The audit firm hired by the government will come out with a report to talk about weaknesses in the NFC process and make a suggestion for the government to either shut it down or take over.

The audit firm will make some recommendations which the government will promise to implement.

The family behind Cowgate will have to relinquish their properties, etc and will be expected to fade away. But Shahrizat will not be forced to resign from Wanita Umno or the government.

This is the brilliant ending to the NFC saga but there is only one spanner in the works and that is the fact that more than RM150 million of the RM250 million was used without proper authorisation. Continue reading “Happy ending for NFC saga”

Pakatan vows to fix judiciary if voted into power

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 13, 2012

PR lawmakers said it was essential to return to the courts the independence that was removed from it during the 1988 judicial crisis.

PETALING JAYA, Feb 13 — Pakatan Rakyat leaders today pledged to remove legislative amendments to restore the independence of the judiciary if the opposition pact wins the next general election.

Their remarks came as a response to former chief justice Tun Mohd Dzaiddin Abdullah’s claims that the judiciary has become subservient after former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed clipped its wings in the 1980s when he amended Article 121 of the Constitution.

“Pakatan Rakyat’s stand is that we want a free, independent judiciary,” Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told reporters here.

“It is essential for the restoration (of the judiciary) to pre-1988 (conditions)… restoration of judicial powers means a removal of amendments to Article 121,” added DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang. Continue reading “Pakatan vows to fix judiciary if voted into power”

It’s our money

R. Nadeswaran
The Sun
12 February 2012

HAVING followed the issue of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) from afar and having had access to both sides of the divide in the past, it makes an interesting change to look at it up close from a local perspective and feel the pulse of the ordinary citizen.

Even if resolved, this issue is not going to go away and die a natural death as it involves people’s money. It has been argued that it is a misuse of public funds and that every sen must be accounted for and spent prudently. But NFCorp CEO Wan Shahinur Izmir Salleh does not think so and came out with guns blazing last week claiming otherwise.

Short of saying that “it is our money, we can do what we want with it”, he declared: “On the note of investing in short-term investments, NFC retains the prerogative to invest the funds in the best interests of the company.”

Wan Shahinur charged: “The idea of NFCorp’s loan money being equated to public funds by hardline critics is a political play intended to deceive the public.”

This writer is not a politician and believes in honesty and integrity. Neither am I a hardline critic but an ardent campaigner for transparency and accountability and practise them to the hilt. However one looks at it, ultimately, it is the people’s money – hard-earned money from taxpayers who keep the administration and business machinery ticking, working hard, sometimes at odd hours and under adverse conditions. Continue reading “It’s our money”