Christians urged to rejoice in hope amid adversity

Terence Netto | Dec 25, 2011

Catholic Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Eng called on Christians “to put two years of foreboding caused by corrosive doubt over their fidelity to constitution and country behind them and embrace the hope of change and national renewal.”

In a year-end message to Christians celebrating Christmas and New Year, the head of the Catholic Church in the Melaka-Johor diocese, said:

“Christmas is the season of hope which is why though Christians feel that their loyalty to the constitution and country has been unfairly questioned over the last two years, I pray their predisposition to hope will overcome the challenges posed by political demagogues and religious charlatans.”

The Jesuit-trained prelate has been vocal on issues affecting Christians in the year drawing to an end after his assumption of the presidency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia on Jan 1, 2011.

Catholics number 927,000 in a Christian population that is slightly over 9% of Malaysia’s total of 27.5 million people.

Bishop Paul observed that the last two years have been particularly trying for Christians as, first, the Catholic Church was at odds with the authorities over the right to use the term ‘Allah’ in their Bahasa Malaysia publications; and, later, Christian groups were accused, on dubious grounds, of proselytising among Muslims and of working to dethrone Islam as the country’s official religion.

“The combined effect of the two issues has left Christians with the feeling that they are a sinister and alien presence in this country when the truth is more nearly that in the education, health, and welfare fields, their contributions have been and continue to be of great benefit to the nation,” said Bishop Paul Tan. Continue reading “Christians urged to rejoice in hope amid adversity”

FGV listing: Corporate vs. peasant settler

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 26, 2011

DEC 26 — Two upcoming events are being awaited with great anticipation:

(1) The outcome of an injunction application by a few settlers to stop the Felda Global Ventures listing, and;

(2) the January 5 extraordinary general meeting of Koperasi Permodalan Felda (KPF).

The outcome of the second event is a foregone conclusion. Chairman Isa Samad will get elected as the KPF chairman despite not having the qualifications to become an office bearer. He is not a settler nor is he a Felda employee. But the minister in charge of Felda has given his approval; what can people do? The minister is also the prime minister. He is lord over whoever lives in this land.

We must not be sidetracked by this sideshow involving the two-bit actor Isa Samad. The more pressing matter concerns the listing exercise.

Why the injunction? Why should four people extend energy and time and assume the risks of being called traitors and all that, to apply for an injunction? Greed can’t be the overriding objective. If it is, it’s more profitable for the four people to side with chairman Isa, who can be generous if he is pleased.

The object of the injunction is to stop FGV from taking over assets and shares belonging to KPF in Felda Holdings. These people believe that the 350,000 hectares of land that Felda took was actually meant for settlers.

All the assets owned by KPF in Felda Holdings will be leased to FGV for the next 99 years. They will no longer exercise control over the assets as their interests are all converted into shares. Felda Holdings is 51 per cent owned by settlers and 49 per cent owned by Felda Global.

They are willing to risk it all, because they believe settlers are being sold out. Continue reading “FGV listing: Corporate vs. peasant settler”

Is the Dewan Negara another government department churning out bills?

Dewan Negara speaker ticked off the 8 Pakatan Rakyat Senators for calling for a division in voting for the employment act 1955 after the debate on the bill on 22/12/2011 afternoon.

Earlier during the sitting two others bills, Kampong Baru Development Bill and Peaceful Assembly Bill out of 14 bills tabled so far, were also called for division in voting.

The speaker reprimanded the 8 PR senators for wasting time and that it becoming very frequent. He added that he knows what to do the next time a bloc vote is asked for and that he will not allow it.

He forewarned that hereafter anybody wanting to speak, need not give your names but just stand up and I know whom to call to speak. It seems a veiled warning that unless you guys are subservient and follow my dictates, you will not be allowed to speak. It is very sad that the speaker who is supposed to uphold the dignity and legislative role of the Dewan is instead stifling and strangling the legislation process of the upper house. Continue reading “Is the Dewan Negara another government department churning out bills?”

Numb and dumb no more

Dean Johns | 12:15PM Dec 21, 2011

When I asked a young and beautiful pro-democracy activist at dinner in Bangsar the other night how she felt about the latest antics of Malaysia’s ruling regime, she shocked me with her initial single-word response: “Numb”.

But, as she quickly went on to explain, she is vividly aware that numb and dumb is precisely how Umno/BN want Malaysians to feel, and keep on feeling, so they’ll keep tolerating the ruling regime’s regimen of repression and robbery.

And that she knows, as I do, that her momentarily depleted emotions and energies will soon be re-charged by her passion for participating in the massive awakening and spirit of change that is sweeping Malaysia.

Unhappily, however, there are still far too many Malaysians who remain politically naive or napping, having been lulled into slumber by Umno/BN’s endless litany of lies. Continue reading “Numb and dumb no more”