Election Commission gets rid of candidate objection period – a pre-emptive move to save PM Najib?

by Mat Zain bin Ibrahim
20 December 2011.

I refer to a report by Themalaysianinsider yesterday (19.12.2011) quoting YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, the EC Chairman, to have said, that there will be no more objection period for candidates in the next GE. The onus to check if a candidate is qualified, is now on the EC. Political parties that object to candidates they deem unqualified to contest which the EC has approved, must take the matter to court now,and not on the very morning of nomination day.

At a glance, the new ruling appears to be a sincere and generous handout from the EC in conjunction with the coming Christmas and New Year celebrations and for free, without the parties concerned having to ask or take to the streets to demand for it.

However at closer scrutiny, I am of the opinion that this is a preemptive move by the EC to thwart any objections against PM Najib’s nomination. For if there were, the Returning Officer (RO) concerned, based on the existing rules and procedures during objection period, would have no choice, but to reject PM Najib’s nomination form and disqualify him from contesting in this coming GE.

Firstly, the rakyat should be made aware that our PM has got himself embroiled in misquoting his own name either when affirming his affidavits on 21st and 23rd Sept 2011 or during the swearing-in ceremony as PM before YDP Agong on 3rd April 2009. Both have serious and far reaching legal implications, in as far as his full name is concerned.This includes but not limited to when he files his nomination papers to contest in the coming GE.

Upon discovery of this ‘embroilment’, I sent a written information to the IGP and extended a copy to the Minister of Home Affairs on 8.11.2011.A couple of case laws were cited to support my arguments.

Again on 8.12.2011, I penned an article specially focused on this matter and again sent copies to the IGP and the Minister.The full text of this article was published by Malaysiakini on 10.12.2011 and few other blogs.This article can still be found in Malaysiakini entitled: “Najib’s name game may cost him GE nomination” dated Dec 10,2011. Continue reading “Election Commission gets rid of candidate objection period – a pre-emptive move to save PM Najib?”