Feeding on people’s fear

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | December 18, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

The recent Umno general assembly proved one fact, which is that the party survives ‘by fabricating lies and manufacturing stories’.
Let me ask you this question. How does Umno sustain itself? You get the answer if you analyzed what just went on in the recent Umno general assembly.

Umno gets on by making Malays believe that they are being besieged, attacked, assaulted and victimized. That’s how Umno can survive. How does it do that?

By fabricating lies and manufacturing stories. The Chinese are going to eat you up. The Chinese are going to Christianize you. They are going to wipe out the sultans, ban use of Bahasa Malaysia, and abolish Jawi and so forth.

You feed on people’s irrational fear. You want to maintain stupid and mute people.

Can you sustain whole people like that – turning people into xenophobes? I say this is a recipe for destroying Malays, not cultivating them to become self-confident people.

What kind of political party and government by extension, that keeps its people on a leash and drumming into them a debilitating dependent mindset?

I say this is a party not interested in cultivating people. Let me ask you why the real big issues were not and never discussed?

That’s because Umno fears for its future.

As far as the Malay agenda is concerned, the 62nd Umno meeting was a non-event.

It was not about Malay agenda. It wasn’t a congregation of minds meeting to discuss how the real Malay agenda of uplifting them, their economics, and their future.

It was a congregation fearful of Umno’s future. It was speaking about the Umno agenda.

For those reasons alone we must deny these so called Malay leaders a chance to concentrate power.

If given such power, they shall apply it to the misfortune of the majority of Malays and to the misfortune of this country.

Give us power bellowed, (Umno president) Najib Tun Razak. Why? Because we want to continue with the agenda?

Why wasn’t the agenda, whatever it is, debated in that assembly?

‘Love fest and blood fest’

Give us power, intoned KJ (Khairy Jamaluddin), so that the ‘nikmat’ or tidings we enjoy with having power is kept.

But ‘nikmat’ to do what? To pillage and plunder?

The Umno GA 2011 was an ‘love fest and blood fest’.

This delegate loves Najib. That delegate said more about how Najib is the savior and all that.

The agenda of the meeting was actually to whip delegates into frenzy about how to defend Umno and defend the life as the leaders and Umno warlords have always known.

It’s the life of the leeching aristocrats feeding off the fears and hopes of the silent Malay majority.

It’s a life of living a lie pretending to fight for the interests of the majority and the interests of the nation.

The writer is a former Umno state assemblyman and a FMT columnist


12 Replies to “Feeding on people’s fear”

  1. You need to free the Ordinary Malays to protect their future in the globalized and competitive world.

    Creating imaginary enemies/threats to control them will destroy them….we all need to grow up with a wide and balanced view of the world.

  2. The writer proves that there are conscientious and capable Malays who practices the religion they profess in UMNO. They would have been a resource base for filling the position of governance had the objective of UMNO been divorced from fighting for the race and changed into fighting for the nation. Thus the greatest failing of UMNO is the manifesto of the party fighting for race. When the party was successful in getting support from the people to stay in power, some opportunists exploited the position to make themselves filthily wealthy. The last straw was the ability of the person in power to have wealth triumphed over religious teachings and moral standard. That started UMNO leaders on the way of moral decay. AAB was seen to be clean until he had to declare that his children was also Malay and thus entitled to take advantage of NEP.

    Until UMNO moves away from racial politics, it will rot. With talents in the party who care only for money, they created ingenious ways to rot, and they care less about the consequence to the society so long as they could satisfy their individual agenda.

  3. The following passage by the writer is definitely the truth and the whole truth of UMNO’s agenda:-

    (Umno gets on by making Malays believe that they are being besieged, attacked, assaulted and victimized. That’s how Umno can survive. How does it do that?

    By fabricating lies and manufacturing stories. The Chinese are going to eat you up. The Chinese are going to Christianize you. They are going to wipe out the sultans, ban use of Bahasa Malaysia, and abolish Jawi and so forth.)

  4. Every kind of dirty politics have been applied by UMNO b dirty hypocritical…thick skin crooks.
    Feeding fear is one of the many.
    All are tested to win votes.
    All have failed miserably as people are tired of crooks behaving good….when there is nothing good about them at all.
    But when they smell failures with their dirty tricks…it is again.promising.. good news to People…which they will never keep.

  5. //By fabricating lies and manufacturing stories. The Chinese are going to eat you up. The Chinese are going to Christianize you. They are going to wipe out the sultans, ban use of Bahasa Malaysia, and abolish Jawi and so forth.//

    This was exactly how hitler demonized the jews in his holy bible, “Mein Kampf”. So jibbi the hutt has been reading that bible

  6. Mohd Ariff, you are a rare breed who Malaysia sorely needs inorder to progress. Yes. UMNO is feeding fear to the Malays whom they hopefully will keep them living in a world of ignorance. Only then, the poor Malays will deliver them the votes and thereby power, power to plunder the country wealth. UMNO has no ideas of runing the county anymore. They have played almost every card to arouse the Malays’ sentiment but to no avail. They tried sex, race, religion and monarchy and failed miserably. Malays nowadays are thinking lots. No longer can UMNO take them for a ride. Just imagine how UMNO tried to bluff them that Christians are going to turn the country into a Christian country. Can you imagine hardly a population of 10% who are Christians trying to outdo more than 50% of popu;ation who are Muslims. Not only that, will the remaining 40% who are Hindus or Buddhist accept Christianity ? In this modern age, no country has been turned into a christian state. On the contrary there are countries with Christian Majority becoming Islamic, namely Lebanon. Lebanon formerly with Christian majority, is now overwhelmed by Muslims and more or less Islamic now.

  7. Everyone loves money even for racists like united MALAY national organization. Yes, CHINESES are strong because they have to beat all odds in MALAYsia. If CHINESES can beat MALAYS in MALAYsia, then it is high time for MALAYS to be afraid. In addition, China is a roaring economy tiger of the east. If MALAYS are not afraid, then they should go back to their kampungs, pull up their fishing lines and wait for their next meals.

  8. Please do not pretend that the majority of the Chinese is of the Christain faith. They are not! And generally the MAJORITY of the Chinese is NOT concerned with what you believe in because they believe that it is your own doing should you go against the Will of Heaven! with karmic consequences! Of course UMNO is unduly concerned witn the evolving Malay mind when that mind begins to ask questions which bankrupt politicians who are bent on cleaning up Khazanah will not have any answer to offer! The easiset is to paint the picture that the Chinese is at the game of cheating away their rights! What rights are they talking about when all the power to decide is in the hand of UMNO! Of course MCA LLS and CKC and CSL through their personal greed giave UMNO a hand by getting involved in PKFZ! Well done MCA but you have to pay the price for it! We all believe your shares ate pittance of the total siphoned out but YOU ARE INVOLVED! That is karma!

  9. “The Chinese are going to Christianize you. They are going to wipe out the sultans, ban use of Bahasa Malaysia, and abolish Jawi and so forth.”

    So UMNO is so useless that they could not do anything to stop the Chinese?

    No, the fact is that it is not the Chinese UMNO is afraid of. Judging from the percentage of Chinese in this country, UMNO knows too well that it is impossible for the Chinese to do that UMNO claimed the Chinese will do.

    It is the losing of the Malay votes that UMNO is afraid of, a fact that they choose not to mention or talk about.

    The combination of Malay, Chinese and Indian votes can certainly send UMNO to Holland foreover and all the fat UMNO leeches will be
    drop dead one by one.

  10. A white only National Front Party is consider as a racist party in the EU zones, even without shouting for their members to have outright of 30% national wealth.
    How did Umno MIC & MCA racist parties existing since the 1950 without been checked by the UN ????
    The policies that BN carried out in this country would have created a revolution if in eu zones.

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