Putrajaya having a cow, but Shahrizat saved?

— Gomen Man
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 16, 2011

DEC 16 — Umno has decided to save Shahrizat Jalil and paint her husband as the main actor behind the scandal of the year, the National Feedlot Corporation aka the government’s transformation programme (cows to condo).

Leading her defence is the man who helmed the Agriculture Ministry when the NFC project was promoted, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, best known as a defendant in the Stamford Hills controversy (please Google and read up). His main argument is that why single out the minister when she had no role to play in the NFC.

I suppose that sounds fair except that we still don’t why Muhyiddin and his ministry officials approved this project to greenhorns. If the opposition does some digging, it will realise that as early as two years ago government officials felt that NFC was doomed.

Also, as the disclosures by the opposition show, Shahrizat’s expenses were paid by funds from NFC and that her husband and children were paid silly money every month. They also set up some restaurants and the beef from the NFC made its way there.

Muhyiddin and friends would like us to believe that Shahrizat was completely in the dark about the financial benefits which accrued to her family after their involvement in the NFC.

I am told that there are vouchers which would make quite a few politicians blush. Maybe this is why Umno is worried about leaving Shahrizat out to hang.

Already, you have Cheras Umno leader Syed Ali Habshee clarifying his comments and saying that he did not single out Shahrizat but her husband.

It is clear that the government will appoint some auditors to do some study on the NFC, buy some time and then lump all the blame on everyone, except the minister.

All’s well that ends well. Only one small problem, more than RM90 million will be lost for forever.


23 Replies to “Putrajaya having a cow, but Shahrizat saved?”

  1. The corrupted kingpins ones will always protect the corrupted influential ones……and choose few to be scapegoats…that they know will never reveal the truths for the love of their lives and their families.
    This is gangsterism mentalities and behaviors.
    All exposed….all will fall like domino bricks.

  2. ///Umno has decided to save Shahrizat Jalil and paint her husband as the main actor behind the scandal of the year….///

    Umno is too simple minded. Do you think the rakyat will believe it? Please don’t insult the rakyat’s intelligence.

  3. Oh my left hand is innocent. It was my right that was responsible for the masturbation. Huh me? What about me? Oh no. Nothing to do with me. It was my right hand alright. Not me. No. No. No. I am in the clear. Cant say that about my right hand though. Yeah.

    … cintanegara’s great attempt at dressing umno’s argument with the real world logic.

  4. It’s a clear case of CBT!
    This unelected backdoor minister and Wanita UMNO cowgirl chieftian has the cheek to say “I work hard too so I need a government project” !
    So it’s her right that she deserves some government project eh? Or is she a proxy for the bunch of corrupt UMNO leaders who wasted no time coming to her defense? I am really suspicious!

    Where is MACC, it’s RM250 million bucks of poor public hard earned funds and they don’t seem to be interested, still dragging their feet for instruction from above?

    MACC were never slow when it came to those on the other side of the political divide; they wasted no time on Teoh Beng Hock, Political Aide of Selangor State Executive Councillor Ean Yong!
    TBH was found dead after they aggressively pounced on him just to get his boss implicated for offense of “intending to deceive” …..involving RM2,000!. How amazing, they now drag their feet and stay dumb dumb when their UMNO masters invlved in $250millions bucks of poor rakyat money.

  5. ///Leading her defence is the man who helmed the Agriculture Ministry when the NFC project was promoted, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, best known as a defendant in the Stamford Hills controversy (please Google and read up). His main argument is that why single out the minister when she had no role to play in the NFC.///

    In terms of law, the matter would be decided by the court. But this is a matter concerning the action of a politician. Politicians are responsible to look after the welfare of the people which includes the responsibility to ensure public funds are not squandered. As a cabinet minister Shahrizat shares the responsibility of other ministers to safeguard the proper use of public funds. That she might have in fact contributed to misuse of public funds in supporting PM’s policies has not been raised publicly. But she should have been able to be seen to safeguard government funds given to a project run by her husband and sons. A failure in this regards shows that she cannot be trusted by the people to perform the basic function of a representative of the people. Legally whether Shahrizat is liable has to be left to the court. Morally, the party UMNO has to weed out representatives who are seen not to be able to protect public funds. But UMNO might have no regard for morality, and it is the sanctuary for people committing more heinous corrupt practices which by comparison makes Shahrizat’s quarter billion Ringgit fiasco a non-event.

  6. Peter :
    It’s a clear case of CBT!

    TBH was found dead after they aggressively pounced on him just to get his boss implicated for offense of “intending to deceive” …..involving RM2,000!. How amazing, they now drag their feet and stay dumb dumb when their UMNO masters invlved in $250millions bucks of poor rakyat money.

    MACC has simple mind and so they are capable of investing small sum of money. They admit 250 million Ringgit matter is beyond MACC. MACC should be renamed Pejabat Dua Ribu Ringgit.

    The fact is AAB considered that UMNO did not have sufficient agency to help them win election through weeding out opposition politicians using rule by law. He created MACC to harass opposition party supporters. That was why even the Royal Commission of Inquiry was not able to make MACC investigate its own staff.

  7. Actually its very interesting. The truth is Shahrizat pales as a politician compared to predecessor Rafidah or many personality. But she is a hard working loyalist and do not antagonise many people within her party. Her power comes from the office she gets and the backing she gets from the higher ups.

    In other words, what leadership chose was order rather than strength. In other words, its clear UMNO do not have much to withstand even some disorder. It can’t take a pounding from the best and brightest. It shows a very very fragile UMNO that should be pounded relentless and furiously all the way from the next GE to topple it..

  8. Najib must have instructed MACC to lay off Shahrizat.
    He needs her for 13th GE….or something else damaging to the party that he cannot afford make her unhappy.
    MACC does not catch crooks….unless approved by UMNO b kingpins.

  9. Why are we even talking about this? If the case does not involve the embezzlement of at least RM1 billion, it is not worth our time. At most this scandal is a mere RM300 million. Chicken feed.

    Malaysia is hemorrhaging RM218 billion in corruption per year! Whose pockets is all that money going into and I do hope those F%^kers enjoy all their cash. Malaysians are a very generous people. We like to give and give some more until we are white from blood lost.

    Yes, I do realise this case will probably balloon up by a factor of 10 once all the dirt has been found. So there is still hope that the nation has been robbed of at least RM1 billion.

    But aside from talking, nothing will really happen. K toyo is still living on his RM8000 salary as a dentist in his RM23 million house behind his RM1million black marble wall, enjoying his balinese teak hard wood furniture (cost unknown).

    And yes, somehow all this will be blamed on the chinese, christians, indians and DAP.

  10. “..It is clear that the government will appoint some auditors to do some study on the NFC, buy some time and then lump all the blame on everyone, except the minister.”

    Yep, just like what they did in the PKFZ case. Despite overwhelming inciminating evidence in the independent PWC report, the Govt deemed it fit to appoint a “high powered committee” to investigate (ahem “whitewash”) the scandal. Until today, there is not even a squeak from the committee.

    This is the same modus operandi they will employ for this transformation programme from cows to condos.

    “lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu.” UMNO’s battle cry

  11. macc rotweiras are there to safeguard those ministers, so that they can dig their hands in our national wealth, and at the same crusified out poor teo to death for phantom accusation.
    umno know that their time is up, so help themself to load of monnies, and run before this country gone bankcrupt. I WONDER AS TO WHY MALAYSIA HAS BECOME WORLD 4TH HIGHTEST MONEY LAUNDERING COUNTRY?
    indenesia has overtaken us on world ranking interm of stability of goverment and investment friendly country.
    coruption in our country is like a tree infested with termites within, sooner this tree will collapse!

  12. Rumors has it…Shahrizat has resigned…but Najib denies it….and we all know Najib is a great liar.
    If she did resign….MACC should act fast and seized all the properties and freeze hers and husband bank accounts…and demand all the 250 million be accounted for…in full details…open to public to read.
    After all…it is public funds..and Malaysians must know where all the money gone to…every sen.

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