New CBN head stirs up concern

by Stephanie Sta Maria
Free Malaysia Today
13th December 2011

Past pupils and the Catholic Archdiocese want the Education Ministry to explain why it appointed a principal whose name wasn’t on the candidate list.

PETALING JAYA: The appointment of SMK Convent Bukit Nanas (CBN’s) new principal has triggered concern among its Old Girl’s Association and the Kuala Lumpur Catholic Archdiocese.

According to representatives from both sides, Zavirah Mohd Shaari’s name was not on the list of candidates submitted by the mission school authority to the Education Ministry and was “plucked out of the blue” to take over from CBN’s former head, Ann Khoo.

In a press statement, the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur Murphy Pakiam expressed his disappointment over the matter which he said was in contradiction with the government’s policy of maximum consultation.

This policy was enunciated by the government in the report of the Royal Commision on the Teaching Services, West Malaysia, repeated in 1976 by the then education minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Continue reading “New CBN head stirs up concern”

PM, MACC, AG and IGP must respond to demands by environmental groups and activists from Malaysia, Europe and Australia for the arrest/criminal prosecution of Sarawak CM and 13 family members for massive graft/plundering of Sarawak’s rich natural resources

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC), the Attorney-General and the Inspector-General of Police must respond to the public demands by environmental groups and activisits from Malaysia, Europe and Australia for the arrest and criminal prosecution of Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and his 13 family members for massive graft and plundering of Sarawak’s rich natural resources.

Seventeen non-government organisations and activists, including Greenpeace, the Swiss-based Bruno Manser, Europe-based forest advocate group FERN, the Borneo Resources Institute and the Japan Tropical Forest Action Network, today released a letter to the MACC, the Attorney-General and the Inspector-General of Police urging the immediate arrest of Taib, alleging crimes including illegal appropriation of public funds and land, abuse of office, fraud, money-laundering “and conspiracy to form a criminal organisation”.

The 10-page letter includes 16 exhibits that document the accusations against the Taib and his immediate family members, alleging that they have a stake in 332 Malaysian and 85 foreign companies worth several billion US dollars.

The letter which alleged Taib family stakes in 14 large Malaysian companies alone exceed RM4.6 billion or US$1.46 b illion, said:

“We allege that only the systematic breach of the law and the use of illegal methods has enabled Taib and his family members to acquire such massive corporate assets.” Continue reading “PM, MACC, AG and IGP must respond to demands by environmental groups and activists from Malaysia, Europe and Australia for the arrest/criminal prosecution of Sarawak CM and 13 family members for massive graft/plundering of Sarawak’s rich natural resources”

The Call of Democracy

By Allan C. F. Goh

Patriots, stand up and be counted,
In the quest for real nationhood.
Let us not be fooled or courted
By glitz-mirages of falsehood.

Politics of chicanery
Must be objected with courage.
Exploitative machinery
Needs rejection with damning rage!

Unfounded incarceration
Of rightful civil liberty
Must be unshackled with gumption
With honourable decency.
Continue reading “The Call of Democracy”

Christians used as ‘pawns’ for votes, say church leaders

By Clara Chooi | December 13, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 13 — Many Christians feel victimised and are convinced they are being used as political pawns to win Muslim votes in the next general election, a number of church leaders have said.

The church leaders told the New York Times in a report published today that there was generally a feeling of Christian-bashing among the community which makes up less than 10 per cent of the population and consists of most major denominations.

“I think Christians are generally feeling that there is kind of a Christian-bashing going on,” Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) vice-president Rev Thomas Philips told the newspaper.

The report pointed out that recent events had worsened religious tension here, particularly after the controversial August 3 raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) in Petaling Jaya.
Continue reading “Christians used as ‘pawns’ for votes, say church leaders”

Pengucapan bebal disana sini

By Sakmongkol 47 | December 12, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

12 DIS — Dalam dua minggu ini, saya ingat saya sudah mendengar semua kenyataan tolol dan bebal dalam negara kita. Rupa2 nya saya salah. Tiba2 senator Ezam Mohd Nor mengeluarkan suatu kenyataan yang mengatasi kebebalan kenyataan2 yang sudah2.

Mula saya ingat Muhyiddin Yassin sudah tebiat bila menakutkan orang Melayu mengenai ancaman keatas Melayu oleh bangsa lain. Setelah itu, ketua penerangan Umno mengukuhkan lagi rasa cemas pemimpin parti yang kian tenat bila menyatakan pandangan bebal yang sama. Jika DAP dan orang Cina memerintah negara habis lah orang Melayu, habis lah Islam dan habislah Raja2 Melayu.

Sana sini orang bercakap. Adakah pemimpin Umno sudah jadi bingung? DAP yang bukan Kristian mahu mengkristiankan orang Melayu? Yang sepatutnya di soalkan orang Melayu ialah mengapa terjadi nya murtad di kalangan orang Melayu? Adakah kebajikan mereka tidak di jaga oleh pihak yang berwajib? Mengapa aqidah mereka teruk sedangkan masyarakat Melayu di lemaskan dengan 1,001 program keIslaman?
Continue reading “Pengucapan bebal disana sini”

Kalau Malaysia jadi seperti Singapura, apa yang Ezam takutkan?

By Aspan Alias | December 13, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

13 DIS — Senator Ezam Mohd Nor berkata kalau PR memerintah PR akan dipengaruhi DAP dan Malaysia akan menjadi seperti Singapura. Apa maksud beliau susah hendak difahami dan itu tidak menjadi hal, kerana Umno memangnya sebuah parti yang pemimpin-pemimpinnya selalu bercakap yang susah hendak difahami oleh orang ramai. Apa yang tidak eloknya di Singapura itu mungkin Ezam sahaja yang tahu.

Apa yang Ezam takut jika Malaysia menjadi seperti Singapura? Adakah Ezam takut Malaysia tidak lagi kaya rasuah seperti di Singapura? Adakah Ezam takut Malaysia akan menjadi negara maju jika negara ini menjadi seperti Singapura? Adakah Ezam takut jika Malaysia menjadi negara yang mempunyai kepimpinan yang beretika dan pemimpin-pemimpinnya tidak berlumba-lumba untuk menakluki segala harta kekayaan negara?

Atau mungkin kah Ezam takut jika Malaysia menjadi seperti Singapura pemimpin-pemimpinnya terpaksa menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin yang berdisiplin dan penuh dengan etika kerja yang tinggi? Elok bertanya kepada Ezam, adakah beliau akan merasa kerugian jika tidak ada lagi pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan yang menggunakan pengaruh dan kuasa untuk mendapatkan pinjaman kerajaan dalam jumlah ratusan juta ringgit?
Continue reading “Kalau Malaysia jadi seperti Singapura, apa yang Ezam takutkan?”

Parallels between Russia and M’sia

By Mariam Mokhtar | Dec 12, 2011

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received the brunt of the wrath of former KGB spy and ex-president Vladimir Putin, when he blamed her for encouraging Russian street protests.

When BN cranks up its dirty tricks, will Clinton risk the fragile relationship of trade and investment with the Malaysian government by telling its people to take to the streets, as she did in Russia?

Premier Putin’s desire to return to power as president next year, with the United Russia party ‘winning’ the elections, reminds us of Umno wanting to prolong its 54 years of power. The parallels between Malaysia and Russia are too many to ignore.

With reports of ballot box-stuffing and ‘carousel voting’ fueling their anger, Russians took to the streets to protest. Carousel voting is when people are driven from polling-station to polling-station to vote time and time again.
Continue reading “Parallels between Russia and M’sia”