Najib’s Transformation Programme in fighting corruption a major wash-out when TI CPI 2011 shows Malaysia in 2½ years under the new PM is more corrupt than 5 years under Abdullah and 22 years under Mahathir

When Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2011 was released Thursday, Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) said Malaysia’s latest ranking is the worst in 10 years – falling from 56th place last year to 60th place out of 183 countries while its CPI score fell to the lowest-ever of 4.3.

The TI-M statement is incorrect. In fact, Malaysia’s 2011 TI CPI ranking is the worst in 17 years since the introduction of TI’s annual CPI in 1995.

In the nine years from 1995 to 2003, Tun Dr. Mahathir as Prime Minister saw Malaysia’s TI CPI score stuck in the narrow groove between 4.8 in 2000 to 5.32 in 1996 while the CPI ranking fell 14 places from No. 23 in 1995 to No. 37 in 2003. (10 is highly clean while 0 is highly corrupt)

In the five-year premiership of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Malaysia’s TI CPI ranking fell 10 places from 37 in 2003 to 47 placing in 2008, while the CPI score stuck between 5.0 to 5.1.

In his 2 ½ years as Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak presided over the worst TI CPI ranking and score for Malaysia on many fronts, viz:

* worst single-year plunge in TI CPI ranking of nine placings. i.e. fall from No. 47 in 2008 to No. 56 in 2009.

* most precipitous fall in TI CPI ranking in 2 ½ years under Najib’s premiership, falling 13 placings from No. 47 in 2008 to No. 60 in 2011; when in five years under Abdullah, Malaysia fell 10 places from No. 37 in 2003 to No. 47 in 2008 and in nine years under Mahathir, Malaysia fell 14 places from No. 23 in 1995 to No. 37 in 2003.

* In the past three years 2009 – 2011, the CPI score consistently falling below the score 5, when in first 14 years from 1995 to 2008, Malaysia had only twice fallen below the score of 5, viz: 4.8 in 2000 and 4.9 in 2002.

* Consecutively in the past three years 2009 – 2011, Malaysia’s CPI score falling to ever new lows, i.e. 4.5 for 2009, 4.4 for 2010 and 4.3 for 2011.

There was no mention or reference to the worsening TI CPI ranking and worst TI CPI 2011 score for Malaysia by anyone, whether leader or delegate, in the UMNO General Assembly, although the results were announced on the same day as the UMNO Presidential Speech by Najib Razak last Thursday.

Najib’s Transformation Programme in fighting corruption is a major wash-out when we have TI CPI 2011 showing Malaysia as perceived as more corrupt in 2 ½ years under the new Prime Minister than five years under Abdullah and 22 years under Mahathir!

What is worse, the country was given the impression that the entire UMNO leadership and membership had rallied in support of the UMNO Wanita Leader and Minister for Women, Family and Community Development, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil despite the RM300 million Cattle Gate “cow condo” scandal.

The message from the UMNO General Assembly cannot be clearer. The war against corruption, cronyism, abuse of power and the urgent need for national reforms to ensure accountability, transparency and integrity are just not in the UMNO DNA and are totally beyond the political will and capacity of UMNO and Barisan Nasional.

Malaysia can only be saved from corruption to begin a new era of national prosperity, international competitiveness, government efficiency, accountability, transparency, integrity, justice and democracy if the country is saved from UMNO and Barisan Nasional in the 13th general elections.
(Speech at the Pakatan Rakyat national rally at Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam on Sunday, 4th December 2011 at 10.30 pm)


18 Replies to “Najib’s Transformation Programme in fighting corruption a major wash-out when TI CPI 2011 shows Malaysia in 2½ years under the new PM is more corrupt than 5 years under Abdullah and 22 years under Mahathir”

  1. PR election banner for 13GE should feature 2 figures side by side–
    the first of TBH lying in a pool of blood under the caption RM2,000
    the second of Shahrizz grinning and riding on a gold-coloured cow under the RM250,000,000.

    Guarantee this will enable PR to capture two-thirds of the seats in Parliament

  2. Lets end the debate on whether corruption is worst than it was. IT IS and its a lot simpler to argue than imagined.

    1) Corruption is what TI does, their focus. Its just a sideline for the World Bank Group. TI index is obviously much more reliable.

    2) It simple logic that when the size of the economy get bigger and there is no system fix, the corruption only gets bigger – more and more people get into it and the size of the deals get bigger and more sophisticated. You can’t reduce corruption by micro-managing it i.e. catch the small fish but not the big fish. All it does is make the big fish get better at it (i.e., corrupting).

  3. Malaysians cannot believe Najib UMNO b Assembly speech.
    It is not a speech for Malaysians.
    He actually has nothing good to report to Malaysians… and so he blare out all sorts of nonsense against Opposition parties.
    That speech will chase more voters away from BN.

  4. The latest argument has come out that its not Najib’s fault that the most of UMNO are trapped in old mindset. Let me state that it clearly its hogwash.

    More accurate is that Najib was NEVER suitable for real transformation. He never had it in him because he is trapped in the old order. The truth is any transformation plan would have required revamped of the enforcement agencies. He could never had done any real political transformation without enforcement agencies doing a proper job. The problem is he and his own allies also would be brought down if there was real transformation.

    People say there is substance in his transformation program. Hell there is substance in Mahathir’s corruption and abuse. Does not mean it is has the necessary.

    Corruption and NEP is the same thing. You can’t seperate the two – Mahathir made it that way – HE thought it was OK. He was wrong – we always knew it but the substance is finally proven now. If you are going to take it on, you have to take it all on – and Najib was never built for it. No one in UMNO/BN is.

  5. “There was no mention or reference to the worsening TI CPI ranking and worst TI CPI 2011 score for Malaysia by anyone, whether leader or delegate, in the UMNO General Assembly, ..” kit

    Why should they, when corruption in UMNO’s life blood. Without corruption the party would have collapsed like a house of cards.
    Every member, from branch level to president survive on corruption.

  6. Huh!!?? Phark! Cintanegara, you mean … well how can it be? No rambutans were served to delegates during umno’s recent GA? That mamak melayu celup woman got 250 million and you did not even get a chance to supply some rambutans? Hey, dek you ni tulen ke celup atau jenis yg dicelup dari celup ke?

  7. Seriously, umno can no longer transform or reform. No hope. When we complain about corruption they answered with umnoputra rights and islam jenis umno. They may even drag the agung in. They will do and say all sorts of things except answer whether the corruption is indeed true and if so whether the wrongdoer would be prosecuted. During past general assemblies at least we hear some rhetorical statements about fighting corruption and money politics. This time round umno behaved as if corruption does not exist at all.

  8. It was amazing what the UMNO members will support will come to their common course is, rasuah bersama-sama sendiri.

    As to the public Cow gate, cow condo, is very simple and straight case that the money has been abused and use for the wrong reason. If this was not enough to take action then it is hopeless to champion a transformation to a clean and responsible government.

  9. If Najib doesn’t arrest the super-corrupt Taib – CM of Sarawak soon, his integrity, moral & credibility go to the dogs. It’s as simple as that and the whole world sees too clearly. He is thus supporting Sarawak 45 year regime (Yakub & Taib) that has plundered billions of $ and couldn’t care less for the people who elected them! Umno/BN is just as corrupt. This is all a big disgrace for Malaysia

  10. If Najib doesn’t arrest the super-corrupt Taib – CM of Sarawak soon, his integrity, moral & credibility go to the dogs. It’s as simple as that and the whole world sees too clearly. He is thus supporting Sarawak 45 year regime (Yakub & Taib) that has plundered billions of $ and couldn’t care less for the people who elected them! Umno/BN is just as corrupt. This is all a big disgrace for Malaysia

  11. If Najib doesn’t arrest the super-corrupt Taib – CM of Sarawak soon, his integrity, moral & credibility go to the dogs. It’s as simple as that and the whole world sees too clearly. He is thus supporting Sarawak 45 year regime (Yakub & Taib) that has plundered billions of $ and couldn’t care less for the people who elected them! Umno/BN is just as corrupt. This is all a big disgrace for Malaysia

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