by P Ramakrishnan
19 November 2011
Wild tales are being told and blatant lies are being spread with impunity. What is being done is to deliberately create uneasiness, anger and hatred against the Christians and their faith in order to undo our peace and unity.
Christian bashing has become a way of life for some unscrupulous people that their conduct seriously threatens to undermine our harmony. It would appear that these people are intent on causing chaos to promote their evil political agenda on behalf of the Barisan Nasional and Umno.
All kinds of absurd rumours have been spread to suggest that there is a conspiracy to turn Malaysia into a Christian state. Accusations have been levelled that rampant attempts are underway to convert Muslims to Christianity.
On 5 November 2006, the mufti of Perak, Harussani Zakaria, spread a malicious and vicious rumour that a church in Ipoh was conducting a baptism ceremony for Muslims. As a result, about 300 Muslims gathered at the Ipoh church in Jalan Silibin to protest against the ‘conversion’, forcing the police to be called in. This incident could have led to an ugly religious clash.
According to Sisters in Islam (SIS) programme manager Norhayati Kaprawi, “this is not the first time the mufti has made careless statements and allegations.” She cited a number of previous statements made by the mufti, including in February where Harussani claimed that between 100000 and 250000 Muslims had renounced Islam.
To date he has not been able to furnish any proof for his outlandish claim, which had the potential to outrage Muslim sensibilities. He did not even do the decent thing that is expected of a person who had genuinely committed an error. There was no remorse; there was no apology.
The latest claims by the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) – that it had found that eight ways by which Christian missionaries are spreading the Gospel, one of which is by means of a high-tech device called a ‘Solar-Powered Handheld Talking Bible’ – is ridiculous and appalling.
Selangor state exco member in charge of Islamic affairs Hassan Ali revealed that the other ways in which the ‘Good Word’ is being spread to convert Muslims include setting up welfare groups to extend financial and other forms of assistance to single mothers, the poor, the elderly and others.
He further stated that, in addition to cash, inducements by Christians to the target groups also come in the form of the provision of daily necessities, capital for business purposes and other aid.
If Hassan has so much irrefutable evidence, then he should make a police report. It is a moral responsibility that he should exercise immediately. Very likely, the police will spring into action. In matters of this nature, we can expect the police to be super efficient.
If indeed there was evidence, then the culprits attempting to convert the Muslims should be prosecuted. Aliran very strongly supports such prosecution for any violations of the law.
The very fact that no one has been charged so far would mean that Hassan and the others of his ilk should stop talking nonsense and behave in a reverential manner befitting their religious personage. They bring shame to their office and lose their dignity and they can never be looked upon as respected religious leaders.
This unverified wild claim of conversions to Christianity raises a very pertinent question. Is the faith of the Muslims so weak and superficial that Muslims can be so easily swayed, induced and bribed to renounce their faith in spite of the fact “the al-Quran is disseminated through loud speakers, television, radio and at government functions,” as pointed out by former Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin?
Doesn’t this situation call for some soul searching as to why – in spite of great efforts made and billions of ringgit spent on building mosques, suraus, madrasahs, religious instructions, al-Quran reading competitions – all this had failed to strengthen the faith of the Muslims? Does this suggest that the method of religious teachings undertaken to instil the Islamic faith among the Muslims is either totally wrong or utterly ineffective.
The Attorney-General should have instituted action against those for spreading false information. Their act was blatant, unscrupulous and demeaning to Islam. Wasn’t Lim Guan Eng made to serve 18 months of imprisonment for ‘spreading false information’? Why didn’t he deserve the tolerance that these people seem to be enjoying and benefiting from?
The Prime Minister should take to task these people who spread false information so that others will not be reckless in stating things that are far removed from truth. He has a moral responsibility to safeguard truth and justice in the national interest and preserve our peace and harmony.
///The Malays interviewed by Ilham Centre still looked to UMNO for Malay leadership although they did not like the way UMNO dominate politics in the state.///–Joceline Tan at, The Star
The true Malays realize it 50 years too late.
If these people are so worried that Christians are trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, why not they take the upper hand and convert Christians to Islam? After all, it is not against the constitution for Muslims to covert Christians to Islam.
The last part:
“to covert Christians to Islam” should be “to CONVERT Christians to Islam”.
These are all the tactics to divert attentions away from corruptions.
With so many exposed…what else can they do….except keep playing their famous race and religion dirty politics.
HA n UmnoB/BN – Between d devil n d deep blue sea or between a rock n a hard place
Besides being unscrupulous and..unethical ..Najib is unreliable…untrustworthy..unqualified…unquestionably an idiot.
Mahathir is unbelievable …an unashamed biggest crook of all PMs.
Take away their titles..undress them…change to prison uniforms…then you see what they are…ALL…fat fat.
Like it or not, regardless of religion, when you mix religion and politics, THIS crap and worst is what you will get.. Secularity is not a believe, its logic.
“Former Philippines’ president booked on poll fraud” – salute 2 d Philippines
When will we hv our current n former PMs booked on all sorts of frauds?
One day you won’t be surprised that hasan is going to say the birds are christians and singing Christian hymns to the Moslems in this country.
If god and religion are so important, I wonder why so much rubbish is in their heads?
If humanity and righteousness are important,i wonder why so much braggart is in his head.
If there is a religious ritual example baptism for the Christians, Shahada for the Muslims, head shaving for the Buddhists and for any other religions, who are the people who know if not the fellow believers ? Therefore the instigation is started from within. It is so easy to instigate these days. Just one SMS. For what purpose if not the consolidation of power. The so called eight ways of conversion is actually being practised by other religions and by other people. It would be real cool if there is a solar powered digital equipment so that there is no need to get a cable and plug it to the wall. You only need to expose your equipment to the sun and it works for 24 hours. It is being advertised about e-Quran. And thanks to the Barisan Nasional, we have the internet to tell us more about Islam and others. We can find out about the so many religions in the world through the internet but at the end of the day, only the truth will enable us to see the light. Why doesn’t JAIS or whoever mufti can call on the BN government to stop all internet service ? Let the people remain ignorant.
If one is so clever…why cannot get employment and go overseas wash dishes?
When I appeared to speak at the PSC on electoral reforms, I got a glimpse at how parliamentarians think. When they asked questions and try to grandstand the audience, I saw that we have a group of Parliamentarians who have no class. They are crude, slow to understand the situation. They may be literate, but surely not educated. I suppose, I should not generalise, but that is what I saw and heard, when I was there for 2 hours, of the representatives on display. I have no faith in this bunch leading us.
We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya. GE 13 is our best chance. Failure is not an option. Let us all work very very hard.
Christians are only making up less than 10% of population. Malaysia parliment would have to vote to change constitution to change Malaysia to be Christian state.
These mufti is so worry, he must have thought Malaysia Members of Parliment make up of at least 51% of Christians.
These mufti must also think most of the muslim in this country are easily swayed away by a small electronic device.
These mufti must be thinking the electronic media like Malaysian government’s TVs, Internet and their newspaper are useless.
Only if Umnoputrasputris practise this Sloogan ” Freedom of expression has nothing to do with nationality or religion,Its basis of Human rights,values equal opportunity,Fairness “”….it will become the most powerful natio in Asia.
Unfortunately, its the other way round instead ,Malaysai Umno practise their Religious power and breed political extremists barbarians,Bigots ,corruption money coffers which are the same against free expression for 53yrs ,consequently Malaysia economy growth forever remain in danger of fiddling as Rome burns even with Johor Iskandar development will not strenghten its economy,currency rate ,Mas railway link to Spore etc
They only interested to deposit corruption money to their bank account overseas….B ends