It’s raining goodies in Johor

By S Rutra | November 8, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

MUAR: After Pakatan Rakyat declared its intention of making inroads into Barisan Nasional’s stronghold of Johor, the ruling coalition is leaving nothing to chance, especially when it concerns Indian voters.

These voters are being showered with cash and hampers, and leading the goodie train is none other than Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Menteri Besar Abdul Ghani Othman.

An ex-MIC state leader told FMT that while the Indians here have been traditional supporters of BN, the party leaders however are not taking this granted.

“Even though in some of the constituencies, Indian voters are as low as three or five percent, they still may be the deciding factor in ensuring that Johor remains a BN fortress,” he said.

Among others, the menteri besar announced that the state government has allocted RM500,000 for the construction of a Sri Murugan Centre (SMC) Ashramam in Muar town.

This is in addition to the education grant of RM100,000 a year allocated for the centre since 2007. The centre provides tuition for children from the lower income bracket.

Speaking to FMT, state SMC co-ordinator P Subramaniam said the RM500,000 was promised by the state government prior to the 2008 general election to support the centre’s effort in securing a plot of land for the construction of the ashramam.

“We are happy to get the money, but we will seek further funds from the state to complete the RM2.5 million ashramam,” he added.

Meanwhile, Muhyiddin, who is also the MP for Pagoh, recently handed cash to single mothers and the elderly to offset their medical bills. They received between RM300 and RM1,000 each.

Apart from this, Tamil school pupils effected by the floods here in January received RM200 each.

For the record, the state government paid RM500 to each household affected by the floods in February and the federal government also compensated those who suffered loss of crops and livestock.

“This has nothing to do with the general election,” said an aide to Muhyiddin. “We always provide assistance to the people. Our help is not seasonal nor confined to a particular race.”

‘Whisky bottles for teachers’

In Batu Pahat, several Tamil school headmasters and their assistants were suprised to see hampers on their tables when they returned to work after the Deepavali break.

What stunned them the most was that the hampers contained a bottle of Famous Grouse whisky.

The hampers were from the Batu Pahat MP Mohd Puad Zarkashi, who is also the deputy education minister.

“Most of us were suprised and felt uncomfortable. Firstly, the hamper contained a liqour bottle and secondly, we as civil servants should not receive such gifts

“Perhaps it is the deputy minister’s way of thanking us for our contribution,” said a teacher, who declined to be named.

However, he said that sending flowers would suffice and there was no need for liquor bottles.


12 Replies to “It’s raining goodies in Johor”

  1. Suddenly working extremely hard to woo Indian votes that were not important in the past to them.
    Now every vote counts.
    It sounds like they are fighting for their lives..against invaders or like Najib said..traitors.
    They must win this important State or else their calculated loss to become the Opposition is so weak…where Pakatan holds a strong 2/3 majority…habis wayang for many corrupted crooks.

  2. Najib is back from Mecca…saying he has completed his pilgrimage duty which is extremely fast.
    Blind leading the blind and old man need more sleep than usual.
    Law and Home extremely quiet.
    Why like that?

  3. Johoreans are beginning to put aside race sediments and vote for country and people…as Malaysians,
    When UMNO b race and religion politics are treated as out-dated and dividing the people…and Malaysians getting smarter…UMNO b can close shop with their 55 years show.
    We want to move forward and change.

  4. If you know well Johoreans..the are not racists at all.
    It is decades of encouraging corruptions that the devilish UMNO b party..makes them live with comfort and buy up their loyalties.
    Now…corruptions not so easy…Johoreans become level headed again and Najib has more headaches..this strongest State…not sure to be strong anymore.
    No corruptions…no votes for UMNO b …all over Malaysia.

  5. Like I have been telling everyone who cares to listen, just take the goodies with a smile, say terima kasih, and then vote Pakatan.

    It’s your right to take the goodies because these are paid for with public funds.

  6. It’ll rain goodies in every state as they try to outdo each other and each bag of goodies also contain a toll. Each bag is overpriced as usual, so if they offer you a choice of goodies or cash, take the cash. Leave the rambutans alone.

  7. After election, they would be ignored and marginalised again. This story about giving money, just like Sarawak.

    Our Indians Malaysians friends should show they are not easily attracted by this moeny.

    We must destroy corruption and bias policies and wastage of the BN government machines.

  8. Hard to bribe now with limited funds available.
    Coming is not a by-election like before.
    It is 13th GE…and billions needed.
    Where are they going to get that with no 2/3 majority?
    There are still stealing Malaysian’s money…feeding themselves.
    Now they are clowns performing.
    Not like before…where Mahathir can take 1,2 billion EPF money to bail out his son.
    Try that now….BERSIH will walk again and they are afraid of BERSIH…where young Malaysians form the vast majority walkers.

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