Rough politics in 1 Malaysia

— The Malaysian Insider
Nov 30, 2011

NOV 30 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak wants a high-income and united nation under his 1 Malaysia concept, which is a continuation of the Vision 2020 idea and going back as far as 1971, the Rukun Negara or National Principles.

The Rukun Negara has five principles, namely 1) Belief in God 2) Loyalty to King and Country 3) Upholding the Constitution 4) Sovereignty of the Law and 5) Good Behaviour and Morality.

Number 5 is the basis of what is expected of all Malaysians, more so politicians.

But not today.

Today, Umno state youth chiefs took turns attacking Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties with a specific focus on DAP, using foul language to accuse the party of systematically eroding the rights of Malays in states like Penang and Kedah. Continue reading “Rough politics in 1 Malaysia”

Muhyiddin! Kalau panik pun janganlah tunjuk sangat

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 30, 2011

30 NOV — Muhyiddin Yassin semasa meresmikan perhimpunan 3 sayap Umno, Wanita, Pemuda dan Putri semalam menggunakan isu sensitif yang tidak masuk akal semata-mata kerana desperate mendapat sokongan orang Melayu yang tidak mungkin mahu bersatu lagi di bawah payung Umno.

Ramai yang menghubungi saya bertanyakan kenapa Timbalan Presiden Umno itu menunjukkan sangat rasa desperado beliau dengan membidas parti-parti lawan dan individu yang tidak sealiran dengan Umno dengan tuduhan yang bukan-bukan.

Orang ramai tahu yang Umno sedang desperate tetapi sebagai pemimpin besar kepada parti yang buat sementara ini masih memerintah, elok jangan tunjukan rasa tertekan itu terang-terangan. Jika rakyat nampak serta membuat penilaian terhadap roh ucapan Muhyiddin itu ia tidak lari dari rasa desperate untuk terus berkuasa dan boleh di kira sebagai ucapan yang tidak setimpal dengan jawatan besar yang beliau pegang itu.

Apa yang di katakan oleh Muhyiddin itu boleh di baca dengan tepat. Kita boleh “menyelam air dalam tunggak” tentang apa sebenarnya dirasakan oleh Timbalan Presiden Umno itu. Agaknya sudah puas memendam rasa desperate itu, maka ianya terluah semasa ucapan perasmian pergerakan wanita, pemuda dan putri semalam. Continue reading “Muhyiddin! Kalau panik pun janganlah tunjuk sangat”

Umno sudah sampai ke tahap defensif dalam semua hal

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 29, 2011

29 NOV — Apabila negara sudah sampai ke tahap cerca marba seperti yang kita lihat dan alami sekarang ini, kita tahu pihak yang memimpin mempunyai masalah. Setakat kesalahan kecil-kecil orang Melayu dan rakyat amnya sentiasa terbuka untuk memaafkan kesalahan yang boleh diperbaiki dan terus sahaja memberikan mandat kepada mereka (BN).

Rakyat Malaysia amnya dan lebih khusus lagi orang Melayu sentiasa bersifat pemaaf. Rakyat bukan tidak tahu apa yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan yang tidak jujur selama ini. BN tetap mendapat sokongan di setiap kali pilihanraya.

Tetapi keadaan itu semua sudah tiada lagi. Rakyat sedar yang BN khususnya Umno telah mengambil sikap pemaaf orang Melayu itu sebagai kelemahan Melayu. Mereka terus melakukan perkara keji seperti rasuah dan berbagai-bagai lagi kerana mempercayai yang orang Melayu khususnya dan rakyat amnya akan terus memberikan sokongan dan tidak akan lari dari memberikan mandat terus menerus.

Mereka (pemimpin) terus terusan melakukan perkara yang selama ini dibenci rakyat dan mereka (pemimpin) merasakan yang kalau mereka membuat salah pun rakyat akan tetap mengundi mereka lagi. Tetapi sekarang kesabaran itu sudah habis hadnya. Rakyat termasuk orang Melayu sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan sikap angkuh dan sikap bermaharajalela mereka lagi. Continue reading “Umno sudah sampai ke tahap defensif dalam semua hal”

Muhyiddin’s speech at UMNO General Assembly “the mother of all lies, falsehoods and racism”

The speech by Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin at the UMNO General Assembly last night to UMNO Youth, Wanita and Putri wings is the “mother of all lies, falsehoods and racism”.

It qualifies as the worst and most irresponsible speech ever delivered by a Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy UMNO President and I challenge any UMNO leader to cite any speech made by any Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Deputy President at previous UMNO General Assemblies which is worse, more racist and tell more lies than Muhyiddin’s rants last night.

Muhyhiddin accusations against the DAP as anti-Islam and anti-Malay are false, baseless and pure unadulterated lies.

DAP is a fully patriotic Malaysian party wholly committed to the betterment of all races, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans and all religious, whether Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikkhism or Taoism.

What is most despicable are Muhyiddin’s irresponsible, incendiary and seditious allegations, as for instance, that the DAP’s agenda is to form a republic, with the rhetorical question founded on the lie: Continue reading “Muhyiddin’s speech at UMNO General Assembly “the mother of all lies, falsehoods and racism””

Ahmad Maslan dan kedangkalannya

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 29, 2011

29 NOV — Anggota Umno diminta tidak mendabik dada dengan kejayaan parti mendaftarkan 3.4 juta anggota setakat ini, kata Ketua Penerangan Umno Datuk Ahmad Maslan. Beliau berkata, jumlah sebesar itu belum menjamin kemenangan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada pilihan raya umum akan datang. “(Ini kerana) ahli Umno hanya satu per empat daripada 12 juta pengundi,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Seminar Agenda Melayu ke-7 anjuran Alumni Kelab-kelab Umno Luar Negara, di sini hari ini. Beliau berkata setakat ini kira-kira tiga juta anggota Umno adalah pengundi berdaftar. Justeru katanya, semua anggota Umno perlu berusaha keras meraih sokongan pemilih lain, terutama yang ‘di atas pagar’. “…..kita kena dekati dan tarik pengundi selebihnya untuk menyokong Umno dan BN,” katanya.

Inilah kenyataan yang paling dangkal yang saya dengar dari Ahmad Maslan, ketua penerangan Umno. Nampak sangat dia malas membaca kerana kalau dia membaca dan faham apa yang dibaca, dia tidak mengeluarkan kenyataan yang bingung macam ini. Helo brader, semua orang dah tahu hal ini.

Lihat sahaja keputusan pemilu 2008. Jumlah pengundi Melayu semuanya 5.7 juta. Calun Umno mendapat 2.38 juta undi. Katakan lah 380,000 pengundi tersebut adalah pengundi bukan Melayu. Itu bermakna, dari 5.7 juta pengundi Melayu, calun Umno hanya mendapat 2 juta undi. Jika ahli Umno sahaja sudah ada 3 juta lebih, maka itu bermakna 1 juta lebih ahli Umno tidak mengundi calun Umno sama ada kerana mereka tidak mendaftar diri atau enggan mengundi calun Umno.

Umno tidak lagi boleh mendakwa mereka mewakili suara dan aspirasi bangsa Melayu. Umno dah hilang monopoli.Bolehkah orang Melayu yang merupakan 65 peratus penduduk Malaysia, hilang dominance mereka? Matematik mana Ahmad Maslan pelajari? Continue reading “Ahmad Maslan dan kedangkalannya”

Limit the parliamentary majority

— Lucius Goon
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 29, 2011

NOV 29 — In a democracy it comes down to numbers. Barisan Nasional has more numbers in Parliament and is able to push through legislation, even when it is self-serving and meant for regime preservation.

This afternoon the Peaceful Assembly Bill was passed in Parliament by BN members and the frogs (calling them independent would be a disservice to independents the world over). Pakatan Rakyat MPs walked out because they wanted the Bill to be withdrawn and redrawn.

But that was never going to happen. As it is the Najib government was forced to eat humble pie and amend the Bill after it was pointed out that the legislation was even more regressive than Myanmar’s new laws on protests.

There is no use wailing or crying foul. BN has the numbers and we gave them the numbers in 2008. So it is perfectly legitimate for them to rubber stamp any legislation they want, except any change in law which requires two-thirds of Parliament’s support.

It is not the end of the world. We can always take back the numbers we gave them in 2008 and make sure that the next government repeals the Peaceful Assembly Act. Continue reading “Limit the parliamentary majority”

My invitation list to Umno’s assembly

— Spencer Gan
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 30, 2011

NOV 30 — I can predict how this week’s Umno assembly will go: Some bit players will play the Malay card (this includes Ahmad Maslan and Muhyiddin Yassin) but then the man of the hour — Najib Razak — will saunter in and make this grand speech of how Umno cares for everyone, etc.

He will talk about how Umno needs to unite and win the coming general election because only Umno can guarantee the future of Malaysians. It will be one big party over the next few days.

All this is boring. To spice things up a bit, and since this will be the party of the year, I think we should also invite:

1) The MACC. This organisation has been talking tough about tackling corruption and how it needs more manpower. But here is the deal of the year: The biggest collection of miscreants is in town and all of them are situated in one hall. There are big fish (ministers, division chiefs) and ikan bilis (branch officials). All the MACC officials have to do is check out the cars many of these “unemployed” officials arrive in. Continue reading “My invitation list to Umno’s assembly”

Standing up to bullies

— Jacob Sinnathamby
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 29, 2011

NOV 29 — It may sound simplistic but the choice before Malaysians in the coming general election boils down to either good or evil.

And we don’t have to fear evil because evil can never prevail against goodness. You do not have to take my word for this. Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein believed that they could rule forever with an iron fist. They subjugated their own people, threatened them, killed them and struck fear into their hearts with secret police.

But when their time came, they were hunted down like animals and treated with utter contempt, treated nothing more than common criminals. They will be remembered with contempt in history. Contrast that with meek and humble people like Gandhi, Mother Theresa and others who are remembered fondly because of the good works they did and because they carved goodness in the hearts of everyone they met.

These people may not have been rich, backed by the state apparatus or holding senior positions in government but they were men and women of virtue and had goodness in their hearts.

Contrast that with people like Ahmad Maslan, the Umno information chief who today sought to create more division in a country polarised along racial and religious lines. Contrast that also with the state-sponsored demonstrators who were allowed to disturb a peaceful march by lawyers who disagreed with the Peaceful Assembly Bill. Continue reading “Standing up to bullies”

Pakatan walks out, will not vote on Assembly Bill

Nov 29, 2011

Pakatan Rakyat MPs walked out of the Dewan Rakyat during the debate on the Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 and will not participate in voting on the Bill.

The MPs said that they were disgusted that the speaker had only allowed three Pakatan Rakyat MPs – one from each party – to debate what they consider to be a very important piece of legislation.

The three who were allowed to speak were Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim (Permatang Pauh-PKR), Lim Guan Eng (Bagan-DAP) and Abdul Hadi Awang (Marang-PAS). Continue reading “Pakatan walks out, will not vote on Assembly Bill”

Najib’s “clarification” is proof that PAB is the worst and most slipshod bill in 54-year parliamentary history

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s last-minute clarification today of the Peaceful Assembly Bill (PAB) is testimony that the PAB is the worst and most slipshod bill ever drafted in the 54-year history of Malaysian Parliament as well as raising questions about Najib’s bona fides in political reforms and transformation.

Najib blamed Pakatan Rakyat (PR) for “confusing” the public with regard to the 30-day notification requirement.

He said:

“Actually the wording is within 30 days, it can be within five or 10 days but that word led to so much confusion so we decided that 10 days to be specific, so that there will be no doubts.” (The Malaysian Insider)

Najib said the previous 30 days’ notification did not mean a month’s notice was needed.

Najib’s ”clarification” is utterly ridiculous. In fact, Najib is presenting a sorry public spectacle of a Prime Minister who does not know what he is talking about, and even worse does not understand the content of the Bill he introduced in Parliament on Thursday though he described it as “revolutionary”. Continue reading “Najib’s “clarification” is proof that PAB is the worst and most slipshod bill in 54-year parliamentary history”

Najib forewarned he is heading for another political disaster if rejects proposal for a PSC and forces PAB through all readings in Dewan Rakyat tomorrow

The Police Royal Commission Report 2005 listed the complaints against bias, unreasonableness and discrimination in the exercise of police powers under Section 27 of the Police Act 1967 which vests police with the power to regulate assemblies, meetings and processions through the granting of a permit, including the following:

*Permits granted to opposition political parties or NGOs perceived to be critical of the government or aligned with opposition parties always have a number of conditions which are considered ridiculous and difficult to implement and tantamount to an indirect refusal of permission.

*There are complaints that the police do not seem to be neutral and impartial in the granting of permits, as would appear to be the case from their alleged numerous refusals of permits to opposition political parties and organisations perceived to be linked to them. There were also allegations that those attending the events were arrested and questioned as to why they did so and why they expressed opposition towards the government.

*According to some complaints, a peaceful demonstration that turned into rioting was not caused by the action of demonstrators but on the provocation of the police.

There is nothing to demonstrate that in the six years after the publication of the Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission Report and its 125 recommendations, the Malaysian Police has won public confidence as it has transformed itself into an independent, incorruptible and professional police force, discarding the outmoded colonial police concept of “regime protection” and replacing it with the modern principles and concept of “democratic policing”. Continue reading “Najib forewarned he is heading for another political disaster if rejects proposal for a PSC and forces PAB through all readings in Dewan Rakyat tomorrow”

Time Runs Short for Europe to Resolve Debt Crisis

November 27, 2011 | The New York Times

LONDON — Eighteen months into a sovereign debt crisis — and after many futile efforts to resolve it — the endgame appears to be fast approaching for Europe.

While its leaders may well hold to the current path of offering piecemeal solutions, nervous investors are fleeing European countries and banks.

Two main options exist: either the euro zone splits apart or it binds closer together.

Each of these paths — Greece, and possibly others, dropping the euro or the emergence of a deeper political union in which a federal Europe takes control of national budgets — would lead to serious political, legal and financial consequences.

But with financial panic now threatening to move beyond Italy and Spain to Belgium, France and Germany, the euro zone’s paymaster, the pressure to arrive at a solution is at a new level of intensity. Continue reading “Time Runs Short for Europe to Resolve Debt Crisis”

The imperative march against the Peaceful Assembly Bill

By Low Teck Kuan
November 26, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

NOV 26 — Have you ever felt a sense of discomfort sitting on your chair whenever you read the news?

Or sometimes (most of the time for me) a sense of disbelief and appal at how politics has screwed our rights, liberties and monies over and over again?!

Just when we had to digest all the poor spending and misappropriation (for example, the Auditor-General’s Report, the National Feedlot Corporation scandal and Kedai 1 Rakyat Malaysia fiasco), now we are told that a Bill will be passed to restrict our natural right to assemble!

The government tells us that we can assemble, and it says it is “revolutionary”. However, they seek to implement various criteria and obstacles before we “can”, or rather more accurately, be allowed to assemble (one fine example would be the requirement of a 30 days’ notice). This clearly illustrated the government’s pure hypocrisy in singing the tune of “best democracy”, “revolutionary” or even “upholding democratic principles” when it in fact it seeks to restrict the rakyat’s natural right to assemble! Continue reading “The imperative march against the Peaceful Assembly Bill”

Najib has taken the rakyat for a ride!

By Aliran
November 28, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

NOV 28 — The much-heralded reforms promised by Najib to bring us into a new era of liberalism has exploded in the face of the rakyat as a sham, a shameful promise.

We were promised that the ISA would be revoked — and the rakyat rejoiced prematurely. The joy was shortlived when it was revealed that two other laws would replace the ISA, retaining the obnoxious detention without trial. The same undemocratic features of the ISA will now come under a new name, gravely disappointing the rakyat.

We were promised easier democratic freedom of assembly without the need for police permit. The rakyat applauded this sensible approach, which seemed to guarantee the right of assembly as enshrined in the Federal Constitution. With the presentation of the Peaceful Assembly Bill, now they realise that they have been deluded once again.

The Barisan Nasional is not capable of respecting the people’s human rights or honouring its solemn word. The BN is only used to restricting our rights, denying our freedom, controlling our space, destroying our faith in the electoral process, trampling upon our judiciary and completing ignoring what is fair and just. Continue reading “Najib has taken the rakyat for a ride!”

Free Enterprise As An Islamic Tradition

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #90
Chapter11: Embracing Free Enterprise

Free Enterprise As An Islamic Tradition
By Bakri Musa

There are those who believe that capitalism implies greed, the very antithesis of our core religious value. Nothing can be further from the truth. This misguided notion led many nations to adopt socialism, with its promised egalitarianism.

The Koran explicitly encourages free market. It commands the faithful to venture into the marketplace and earn a livelihood: “When the prayer is finished, then disperse ye through the land and seek the bounty of Allah.” (Surah Al-Jumu’a, 62:10). Earning a lawful livelihood is a duty second only in importance to that of prayer, preached our prophet (pbuh).

In Islam it is better to give than to receive a wage; that is, better be an employer than employee. A businessperson enjoys an exalted position in Islam. Contemplate this hadith: “In the Day of Judgment, the honest, truthful Muslim merchant will rank with the martyrs of the faith; the trustworthy merchant will sit in the shadow of the throne of God on Judgment Day.”

Ibn Khaldun wrote in his Muqadimmah, “Commerce means the attempt to make a profit by increasing capital, through buying goods at a lower price and selling them at a higher price…This may be realized by storing goods and holding them until the market has fluctuated from low to high price…or by transporting goods to another country where they are more in demand.” Continue reading “Free Enterprise As An Islamic Tradition”

Peaceful Assembly Bill – Najib has probably created world history in the speed with which a “revolutionary” bill becomes reactionary within 24 hrs as to require at least eight amendments

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has probably created world history in the speed with which a Bill which he described as “revolutionary” became reactionary within 24 hours as to require at least eight amendments.

On Thursday, Najib told Parliament that the Peaceful Assembly Bill was “revolutionary” and “a giant leap” in the political transformation of Malaysia. But in less than 24 hours, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was directed by the Prime Minister at Friday’s Cabinet meeting to review and amend the “revolutionary” Bill!

This is the latest proof of the haphazard, insincere and irresponsible manner in which Najib is trying to implement his “political transformation” programme – totally at variance with his pledge that under his premiership, the era of “government knows best” is over and that he would fully consult with all relevant stakeholders and the civil society on major reform measures for the country.

The amendments to the Peaceful Assembly Bill, primarily on and consequential to the reduction of the requirement of 30 days to 10 days for notification to the police for any assembly, are not acceptable to give approval to the Bill as they are not wide-ranging enough as there are also other provisions in the bill which strike at the constitutional rights to freedom of assembly. Continue reading “Peaceful Assembly Bill – Najib has probably created world history in the speed with which a “revolutionary” bill becomes reactionary within 24 hrs as to require at least eight amendments”

Banks brace for eurozone defection
Nov. 26, 2011

BRUSSELS, Nov. 26 (UPI) — Banks in Europe say they are bracing themselves against the eurozone possibly losing one more member because of the ongoing sovereign debt crisis.

“We cannot be, and are not, complacent on this front. We must not ignore the prospect of a disorderly departure of some countries from the eurozone,” said Andrew Bailey, a regulator at Britain’s Financial Services Authority, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Analysts in a research note at Nomura bank said, “The eurozone financial crisis has entered a far more dangerous phase — a euro(zone) breakup now appears probable, rather than possible.” Continue reading “Banks brace for eurozone defection”

Rise of unelected ministers

By Mariam Mokhtar | Nov 21, 2011

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s impressive performance in a “popularity poll” conducted by the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), has nothing to do with his leadership qualities or his ability to charm the voters.

His apparent rise in popularity is in proportion to his absence from the country. In short, the electorate is glad he is absent from Malaysia.

The IIUM lecturer who devised the poll may have his own reasons for attributing Najib’s enhanced popularity to “his relentless efforts to touch base with the people and steer the country to a promising future”.

The PM is besotted with his image as an international statesman and swells with pride when he shakes the hands of the big players like Hu Jintao and Barack Obama. But pride comes before a fall.
Continue reading “Rise of unelected ministers”

Peaceful Assembly flip-flop

— Othman Wahab
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 26, 2011

NOV 26 — Saifuddin Abdullah, the deputy minister, I am sure is a nice enough man and by his public statements, seems to have a level head.

But he is clearly mistaken if he thinks we are going to swallow his ridiculous defence of the Najib government inept attempt to pull wool over our eyes with its Peaceful Assembly Act.

Even more disappointing is his defence of the prime minister, saying that the man’s thoughts were not manifested in the Act which was tabled with much fanfare by no one else than the PM himself. Continue reading “Peaceful Assembly flip-flop”

Peaceful Assembly Bill a test case whether Najib’s pledge on becoming Prime Minister that “the era of government knows best is over” is serious commitment or just hocus pocus, bunkum and baloney

The Peaceful Assembly Bill is a test case whether the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s pledge on becoming Prime Minister in April 2009 that “the era of government knows best is over”, setting the stage for a government that responds to the people’s views and concerns, or it was just hocus pocus, bunkum and baloney with the Prime Minister not meaning what he said and not prepared to “walk the talk” right from the start of his premiership.

If Najib is serious that under his administration, the era of “government knows best” is over, then he should not find any difficultly in postponing further second reading of the Peaceful Assembly Bill and refer it to a Parliamentary Select Committee to have fullest and meaningful public consultation to ensure that the new Peaceful Assembly Act is not more repressive than the regime created by Section 27 of the Police Act by bringing about an environment where all Malaysians, particularly the civil society, human right activists and the political opposition, feel more liberated instead of being more suppressed under the new legislative proposals.

The only people who are happy with the Peaceful Assembly Bill are the Police and the Home Minister, who have been armed with arbitrary powers to impose restrictive and onerous conditions reducing the constitutional rights of Malaysians to freedom of assembly an empty one.
Continue reading “Peaceful Assembly Bill a test case whether Najib’s pledge on becoming Prime Minister that “the era of government knows best is over” is serious commitment or just hocus pocus, bunkum and baloney”