AIPMC statement on detainees’ “swap” between Malaysia and Myanmar

20 October 2011

AIPMC notes with serious concern recent developments of the Malaysian government’s plan to implement the ‘detainees exchange program’ with Myanmar. This plan will result around 1,000 people from Myanmar, detained in Malaysia, deported from the country.

There will be a possibility of persecution for those who are sent back to Myanmar.

Those who flee Myanmar, namely ethnic and other persecuted minorities, remain at risk from persecution of all forms – forced labour, land confiscation, rape, and torture among them – should they continue to live under the military regime. Thus, they risk their lives to find asylum in neighboring states, in pursuit of a dignified, secure and peaceful life elsewhere.

We wish to reiterate that such a ‘swap deal’, which would see Burmese nationals returned to persecution in their homeland, serves political interests well ahead of these exceedingly serious human rights concerns. Continue reading “AIPMC statement on detainees’ “swap” between Malaysia and Myanmar”

MCA and hudud: Part 1

Stanley Koh | October 18, 2011 Free Malaysia Today

The party can’t hold a candle to DAP when it comes to principled opposition to Islamic state ambitions.


Two questions arise from MCA’s recent call on DAP to abandon the Pakatan Rakyat coalition because PAS is pushing for hudud punishments and, ultimately, an Islamic state.

First: Why did former MCA president Dr Ling Liong Sik fail to protest when former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad declared Malaysia an Islamic state in 2001?

MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong’s recent defence of Ling’s silence does not hold water. He said Mahathir’s declaration did not include a threat to change the Federal Constitution. Neither has Pakatan said it would change the constitution to suit PAS’s ambition.

Second: Since MCA is questioning DAP’s commitment to principles, what has happened to its own principles in the face of Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s recent remark that Malaysia was merely “not ready” for hudud?

Muhyiddin’s statement seemed to suggest that Umno, like PAS, longs to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state. Continue reading “MCA and hudud: Part 1”

Kit Siang: Stop detainee-swap deal

Tarani Palani | October 20, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Put in an effective system in place first to protect Myanmar refugees and asylum seekers from persecution in their homeland, says the AIPMC chair.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Asean Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC) has voiced concern over the planned exchange of detainees between Malaysia and Myanmar.

Its Malaysian caucus chair, Lim Kit Siang, today said that the planned exchange raised concerns as there may be a possibility of persecution of those sent back to Myanmar.

“Those who flee Myanmar, namely ethnic and other persecuted minorities remain at risk of persecution of all forms should they continue to live under the military regime.

“We wish to reiterate that such a ‘swap deal’ serves political interests well ahead of these exceedingly serious human rights concerns,” said the Ipoh Timur MP.

Lim called for the planned swap to be halted before an effective system is put in place to protect the Myanmar refugees and asylum seekers from persecution in their homeland.

He also questioned if such a swap deal was in accordance with international law. Continue reading “Kit Siang: Stop detainee-swap deal”

The scurrilous and vicious allegation against Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s 16 year old son circulating on the internet requires a thorough police investigation

By Karpal Singh | DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Gelugor

The scurrilous and vicious allegation against Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s 16 year old son circulating on the internet requires a through police investigation. The spreading of lies on the internet should be nibbed in the bud before it develops into a source of ready avenue to defame and destroy. The sophisticated advance in technology should be harnessed to public advantage and not destroy the very fabric of society modern times.

The point to address with all speed and expedition is the necessity for the police to spring into action in the wake of the completely wild allegation against the 16 year old without any regard for humanity. The trauma suffered by the chief minister’s son is beyond imagination having regard to the allegation made against him. Where there is a wrong, there must of necessity be a remedy. The bloggers responsible for the vile postings on their blogs must be brought to book to ensure they are not further emboldened to persist in a path of destruction.
Continue reading “The scurrilous and vicious allegation against Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s 16 year old son circulating on the internet requires a thorough police investigation”

Gutter politics – utterly disgusting

By P Ramakrishnan Aliran President | 20 October 2011

Resorting to utter gutter politics is akin to swimming in the cesspool without a care. That’s how those faceless pro-Umno bloggers who spun a lie regarding an innocent son to get at the father came across – filthy and smelly.

Not to be out-done, the Umno Youth chief gets into the act with his silly comments. He comes across as no better than the half-baked politicians who are incapable of being logical.

What is disturbing and worrying is the fact that these so-called know-all cheap politicians had picked a fight with a 16-year old teenager who is not capable of defending himself or explaining himself. This is their crude and cowardly way of waging a political battle to disgrace and denigrate the Chief Minister of Penang.
Continue reading “Gutter politics – utterly disgusting”

Malaysia Losses From Racial Law Exposed

By Chong Pooi Koon | Oct 20, 2011

Lim Guan Eng turned Malaysia’s second-smallest state into the nation’s biggest economic success after he bumped into two National Instruments Corp. (NATI) executives at the local airport in 2008.

Elected in March that year as Penang’s first chief minister from an opposition party in 36 years, Lim was struggling with the prospect of federal funding cuts. He convinced the managers to set up a research and production center in the state, and within two years the former British trading post was Malaysia’s top destination for foreign manufacturing investment.

“The deal was struck very quickly,” said Eugene Cheong, a director at the local unit of the Austin, Texas-based maker of industrial testing and automation equipment.
Continue reading “Malaysia Losses From Racial Law Exposed”

Wake up, Malaysians

— Ali Kadir
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 19, 2011

OCT 19 — I find it incredulous that so much angst and disbelief has been exhibited by Opposition politicians, pundits and readers of news portals, including The Malaysian Insider, over the lies that Lim Guan Eng’s son had behaved inappropriately towards a girl in his school and the matter was hushed up.

This is Umno. Should any of us be surprised with politicians from that party?

It has been my point for a while that the only hope for Umno is for the party to lose it all at the next polls, and do a major overhaul while in the wilderness, find new leaders, rediscover a moral core and come back.

The party is tired, bankrupt of ideas or people of integrity. It is a fallacy to believe that the second line of politicians such as Khairy or that Kota Belud MP will be any different from the corrupt batch of ministers and MPs who sad to say are leaders of Malaysia. Continue reading “Wake up, Malaysians”