Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 10 of 10)

9 2012 Allocations

9.1 Auctioning APs, enhancing collections and higher oil prices will grow revenue

Pakatan Rakyat notes that prospective economic turbulence may reduce revenues from existing sources. However, Pakatan Rakyat also recognises that the ineffectiveness of the Barisan Nasional government provides headroom for revenues to be raised without further increasing the burden on honest, tax-paying citizens. For example:

  • The full value of government concessions and permits is not always extracted. These are instead offered at low valuations or prices to favoured parties who then reap super-normal and rent-seeking profits;

  • High levels of illicit activity are tolerated. For example, it is estimated that nearly 4 out of 10 packets of cigarettes consumed in Malaysia are illicit43 – taxes have not been paid. This illicit trade has soared by 67% in the 7 years between 2003-10. Illicit trade results in direct opportunity losses to the government from revenue foregone. In addition, it also impedes private enterprise and employment opportunities as legitimate tax-paying businesses grapple against the illicit traders. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 10 of 10)”

Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 9 of 10)

8 Public Finance Strategy – the Pakatan Rakyat budgetary framework

8.1 Rationalising Expenditures, Efficiency and Value for Money
The Pakatan Rakyat government will strive to contain expenditures with the ultimate objective of ensuring the long-term sustainability of public expenditures while supporting the continued growth of the economy and the achievement of a high quality of life for all the rakyat.

Rationalising expenditures will restore fiscal space for Malaysia to face future adversities from global perturbations and ameliorate the uncertainties from the accelerating debt burden facing future generations of Malaysians.

In the short-run, while limiting expenditures, Pakatan Rakyat will put in place resolute policies to improve the efficiency of public outlays and simultaneously generate greater value for money. This will bring immediate and direct benefits to the rakyat in the form of better public services (education, health, education and social services), employment prospects, security, and infrastructure. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 9 of 10)”

Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 8 of 10)

7 Thrust 3: Empowering Malaysians

7.1 Political Reforms- Democracy Now
Five decades on, democracy as practised in Malaysia today is little more than a shade of its former glory as various key public institutions have been routinely compromised by an unchecked Federal Government. Thus, Pakatan Rakyat is committed to immediately implementing the following reforms:

  • To revoke all existing emergency proclamations and repeal all laws that provide for detention without trial, as outlined in the draft Emergency Revocation Act (Akta Pemansuhan Darurat) submitted by Pakatan Rakyat in the March 2011 parliamentary session.

  • To restructure the Public Complaints Bureau (Biro Pengaduan Awam) into an Ombudsman institution.

  • To place key public institutions including the Auditor-General’s Department, Department of Statistics, Judicial Appointments Commission, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (SPRM), the Election Commission (SPR), and the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM), and an Ombudsman institution under the purview of Parliament.

  • To ensure freedom of the media by removing all discretionary licensing requirements via the repeal of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. In lieu of this, an independent and self-regulating media council will be put in place. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 8 of 10)”

Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 7 of 10)

6 Thrust 2: Sustainability

6.1 Inclusive growth
One of the most important ways for Malaysians to contribute to our country’s progress is by being productive, working citizens.

However it is evident that the vast majority of Malaysians have not reaped the benefits of their work. Under the Barisan Nasional Federal Government, overall income levels remain low, inequality has leveled out at comparatively high levels and deep pockets of poverty continue to exist, as discussed earlier.

The current policies of centralising powers and funding with the federal government will, if continued, foster even more geographical concentration and further amplify rural-urban differences. Pakatan Rakyat will focus on developing income-earning opportunities across the economy and the nation.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 7 of 10)”

Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 6 of 10)

5 Thrust 1: Empowerment, Opportunities and Dignity for All Malaysians

5.1 All Malaysians and government must collaborate to restore dignity
The holistic economic and structural policies of Pakatan Rakyat will:

  • Restore dignity to all working Malaysians and their families.Dignity through improved skills, increased productivity, higher incomes, better job conditions and better quality of life;
  • Re-establish incentives for businesses and investors to upgrade and launch innovative high-value added product and services activities, and
  • Enhance the motivation of government employees to facilitate this bold transformation process.

But the Pakatan Rakyat government cannot carry out these essential policies by itself and in isolation. The rakyat, as employees and employers; as housewives, caregivers and students, and most importantly as contributing citizens must play their individual and collective roles and take their place in advancing this brave agenda to move Malaysia forward to greater heights to stand tall globally.
Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat Budget 2012 (Part 6 of 10)”