DAP lawmaker claims offered RM150,000 to run for BN in GE13

By Debra Chong
Oct 01, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 1 — A suspended Johor DAP assemblyman today revealed he had been offered RM150,000 and 50 acres of land to quit his party and stand as an independent candidate aligned to rival Barisan Nasional (BN) in the coming national polls.

First-term Bentayan state lawmaker Gwee Tong Hiang said he was approached last Tuesday by a Chinese man claiming to be a representative from the Prime Minister’s Department who caught him while he was feeling down over his six-month suspension for alleged power abuse. Continue reading “DAP lawmaker claims offered RM150,000 to run for BN in GE13”

Come to the light(-hearted) side

Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 01, 2011

OCT 1 — So Jabba the Hutt has struck the first blow against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s new reform package barely two weeks after it was announced.

Despite promising to give more latitude to the media, his administration’s knee-jerk response to the “Undilah” video has only demonstrated that old habits die hard — if something disagrees with you, ban it.

The issue for me is not whether Pete Teo had intended to draw parallels between Najib and the hermaphroditic mob boss.

Only Teo truly knows the answer to that and, even if the allegation were true, the last time I checked it wasn’t a crime to be a hypocrite (in this case, to be allegedly partisan in what was intended to be a non-partisan project).

The issue is the disproportionate reaction of government to the perceived slight. To think the wheels of our state machinery were put in motion for what is, at worst, a sly but harmless dig at the current administration.

Lighten up, guys. Continue reading “Come to the light(-hearted) side”

Guan Eng pohon ampun, Umno bila pula?

— by Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 30, 2011

30 SEPT — Saya ingin mengucapkan sekalung tahniah kepada Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng kerana bertindak untuk memohon ampun kepada Sultan Johor kerana isu kenyataan beliau di Singapura baru-baru ini. Kenyataan beliau itu telah di isukan sebagai kenyataan yang memburuk-burukan negeri Johor serta Sultan yang menaungi negeri itu.

Guan Eng telah memohon ampun dan maaf kepada Raja yang menaungi rakyat dan negeri Johor. Beliau memohon ampun jika kenyataan yang belum tentu kesahihannya itu menyinggung perasaan kebawah Duli Tuanku Johor.

Tindakan Guan Eng ini melambangkan sifat gentleman beliau dan memahami yang negara kita mempunyai Raja-Raja Melayu yang rakyat patut menzahirkan ketaat setiaan kepada Raja-Raja Melayu sentiasa. Tindakan memohon ampun ini adalah satu sifat kepimpinan yang tinggi dan merendah diri yang ada kepada pemimpin muda ini.

Sekarang saya ingin pula menunggu bila pula Umno untuk memohon ampun dan maaf kepada Raja-Raja Melayu kerana menghina Raja-Raja Melayu semasa krisis Perlembagaan pada tahun 1993 dahulu. Sehingga sekarang Umno belum lagi memohon ampun kepada Kebawah Duli Raja-Raja Melayu kerana menelanjangkan kewibawaan Raja-Raja Melayu semasa krisis perlembagaan itu. Continue reading “Guan Eng pohon ampun, Umno bila pula?”