Seven-billionth human marks demographic change: expert

by Jim Forsyth
Sun, Oct 30 2011

SAN ANTONIO, Tex (Reuters) — The seven-billionth human is expected to be born on Monday, but an expert who helps do the counting says that event comes as the Earth undergoes a demographic shift toward slower population growth.

According to the United Nations Population Fund, the seven-billionth child is most likely to be a boy born in India or China, but the trend of fertility in the longer term is in a different direction, says Dudley Poston, a professor of sociology and demographics at Texas A&M University,

For the first time ever, the human reproduction rate is slowing, in many places slowing significantly, and the slowing growth is not only happening in Europe and Japan, he says.

“Once your fertility rates drops below two, it is very very hard to get it to go back up again,” Poston told Reuters.

“We now have 75 countries in the world where the fertility rate is below two,” meaning the average woman is having fewer than two children.

That is far below the rate of 2.2 to 2.3 considered optimal to hold the population steady, factoring in the number of females who have no children or who don’t live to reach childbearing age. Continue reading “Seven-billionth human marks demographic change: expert”

GE 13 – “I can DELIVER” talk is cheap!

by Richard Loh

A primary one student can also claim easily that he can deliver. In fact all salesmen, businessmen and any Tom Dick and Harry can promised and said “I can deliver”.

I was disconnected from the virtual and outside world for almost a month and have no idea what the local political scenes have turned into. While eating the bungkus nasi lemak I read from the wrapped star paper headlines “I can deliver – Najib Razak”.

Today after getting connected again and having read most of the political news, I wonder what the PM meant by “I can deliver”. By just giving a salesman type of answer “I can deliver” means nothing if the whole system of manufacturing the product is not working in sync. Continue reading “GE 13 – “I can DELIVER” talk is cheap!”

Ignore your VC, or, the death of our academia

Mohamad Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi | 12:43PM Oct 29, 2011

Ever since my firstborn showed an interest to be an academic like me, I began thinking of writing a book about being a good and responsible academic who contributes meaningfully to society and, in turn, gets the rewards of satisfaction in life through the blessings of Allah and the material gains that comes with it.

The one single message I wanted to impart to her and to all my PhD and Masters candidates who aspire to be academics is simple: don’t listen to the vice chancellor (VC), just focus on what your conscience leads your academic area towards and to contribute meaningfully to advancing a better quality of life to your immediate community, nation and, perhaps, the world (in that order).

At first, I meant no disrespect to the VCs of public universities as the book was meant to tell the young academics that “hey you are supposed to be the expert in your own particular and specific fields, why the heck do you need the head of department, the dean or the VC to tell you what to write, what to publish, where to go and who to be your mentor!”.

You should decide where or with whom you wish to set up a research centre or when you wish to leave your present university and go off to another one that you see fit to advance your academic and scholarly agenda. Simple.

The undergraduate or post graduate students do not care two cents who the VC of a university is …they want to study with you, the expert and leading figure in the country in your specific area. I thought that was pretty obvious. Continue reading “Ignore your VC, or, the death of our academia”

Meminta Kerajaan menyiasat tuduhan rasuah terhadap Peguam Negara dan mengapa laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 tidak dibentangkan di Parlimen walaupun Bajet 2012 telah dibentangkan

Yang Berhomat Ipoh Timur meminta Kerajaan menyiasat tuduhan rasuah terhadap Peguam Negara yang dilemparkan oleh bekas Ketua CID Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Mat Zain Ibrahim yang dibuat melalui surat terbuka.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, perkara ini telah pun diperjelaskan oleh saya pada 14 Disember 2010 di Dewan Yang Mulia ini.

Ahli Panel Bebas yang terdiri daripada Datuk Abdul Kadir Sulaiman dan Datuk Wira Mohd. Noor Ahmad, mantan Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan dan Datuk Mohd. Noor Abdullah, mantan Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan mendapati tiada kes ke atas Peguam Negara dengan majority 2-1.


Yang Berhormat Permatang Pauh, Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur, Yang Berhormat Kuala Kedah, Yang Berhormat Rantau Panjang dan Yang Berhormat Pokok Sena ingin mengetahui kenapa laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 belum dibentangkan di Parlimen walaupun Bajet 2012 telah dibentangkan.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri Continue reading “Meminta Kerajaan menyiasat tuduhan rasuah terhadap Peguam Negara dan mengapa laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 tidak dibentangkan di Parlimen walaupun Bajet 2012 telah dibentangkan”

Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur menggesa agar tuntutan Bersih 2.0 diambil perhatian oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Berhubung Dengan Penambahbaikan Proses Pilihan Raya.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, SPR senantiasa responsif terhadap perubahan-perubahan semasa dengan melakukan proses rekayasa menerusi usaha pengupayaan dan penambahbaikan di dalam pengurusan dan operasinya demi untuk memantapkan lagi sistem pilihan raya, sekali gus demokrasi di Malaysia. Walau bagainmanapun, sebarang usaha tersebut perlu berpandukan kepada asas Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan lunas demokrasi Negara.

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, berhubung dengan “BERSIH 2.0” yang menuntut 8 perkara yang terdiri daripada:

  1. SPR perlu melaksanakan Pembersihan Daftar Pemilih;
  2. SPR perlu melaksanakan Pembaharuan Sistem Undi Pos;
  3. SPR perlu melaksanakan Penggunaan Dakwat Kekal;
  4. SPR perlu memperuntukkan Tempoh Berkempen Tidak Kurang dari 21 hari;
  5. SPR perlu menjamin adanya Akses Media Yang Bebas dan Adil;
  6. Memperkukuhkan Institusi Awam;
  7. Memberhentikan Amalan Rasuah; dan
  8. Memberhentikan AMalan Politik Kotor,

Continue reading “Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur menggesa agar tuntutan Bersih 2.0 diambil perhatian oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Berhubung Dengan Penambahbaikan Proses Pilihan Raya.”

Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur memohon agar keutamaan diberikan untuk membahaskan Usul persendirian mengenai isu plagiarism yang dibawa oleh Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor di Dewan ini

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, Perkara 127 Perlembagaan Persekutuan melarang perbincangan mengenai kelakuan seseorang hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, Mahkamah Rayuan atau Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam Parlimen kecuali suatu usul khusus yang notis mengenainya telah diberikan oleh tidak kurang daripada satu perempat daripada jumlah bilangan ahli Majlis Parlimen.

Selanjutnya, Peraturan Mesyuarat 36(8) Peraturan-Peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat juga melarang antaranya menyebut dalam isi-isi ucapan ahli-ahli Majlis Parlimen pada Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat mengenai kelakuan atau sifat Hakim-hakim kecuali dikeluarkan usul bersendiri bagi maksud itu.

Peraturan 27 Peraturan-Peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat menyatakan cara-cara mengeluarkan pemberitahu (notis) yang antaranya pemberitahu bagi usul yang bukan dengan nama Menteri, hendaklah dihantar kepada Setiausaha tidak kurang daripada 14 hari terlebih dahulu dengan bertulis dalam waktu pejabat biasa.
Continue reading “Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur memohon agar keutamaan diberikan untuk membahaskan Usul persendirian mengenai isu plagiarism yang dibawa oleh Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor di Dewan ini”

Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur mencadangkan agar suatu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat kematian Ahmad Sharbani.

Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa Menggulung Perbahasan Bajet 2012 (Peringkat Dasar) di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 Oktober 2011

Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, secara amnya Suruhanjaya Siasatan ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat secara terperinci burhubung dengan perkara tertentu yang mendesak dan melibatkan kepentingan awam vital public importance. Perlu ditekankan bahawa peranan Suruhanjaya Siasatan adalah untuk membantu dan menasihati Kerajaan dalam memahami sesuatu perkara itu dengan lebih jelas dan terperinci melalui hasil laporannya dan bukannya untuk memberi sesuatu keputusan berhubugn dengan sesuatu perkara.

Perenggan 2(1)(d) Akta Suruhanjaya Siasatan 1950 [AKta 119] memperuntukkan kuasa kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk menubuhkan satu Surhuhanjaya Siasatan untuk menyiasat “apa-apa perkara lain yang siasatannya, pada pendapat Yang di-Pertuan Agong, berfaedah bagi kebajikan awam…”.

Sehubungan dengan itu, persoalannya adalah sama ada kematian Ahmad Sharbani wajar disiasat melalui suatu Suruhanjaya Siasatan ataupun melalui mekanisme tatacara jenayah yang lazim. Diperhatikan bahawa ungkapan ‘kebajikan awam’ dalam perenggan 2(1)(d) Akta 119 tidak ditafsirkan atau diperuntukkan bagi maksud pemakaian Akta tersebut. Dalam hal ini Yang di-Pertuan Agong, boleh menubuhkan suatu Suruhanjyay Siasatan untuk menyiasat kematian Ahmad Sharbani sekiranya ‘pada pendapat Yang di Pertun Agong, berfaedah bagi kebajikan awam’ selaras dengan peruntukan tersebut.
Continue reading “Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur mencadangkan agar suatu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat kematian Ahmad Sharbani.”

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #87

By M. Bakri Musa

Chapter 10: Freedom, Justice, and the Law

Personal Liberty in Malaysia –
              Chilling Effects of Repressive Laws like ISA

An editor of a Malaysian professional publication invited me to be its regular contributor. I readily agreed, and aware of the local psyche and ambiance, purposely submitted a rather bland first piece. He readily published it but chided me for being too cautious as Malaysia “has changed” since I left the country. Encouraged, my next piece was more critical, and sure enough, his earlier encouragement notwithstanding, he sheepishly told me that his board had vetoed my submission! Thus ended my brief career as a columnist for that outfit! I later submitted the same piece to a mainstream paper (owned by the ruling party) and much to my surprise, it was published unchanged. I later sent the editor of the first publication the published copy; he felt rather small. The truth was, the mainstream paper had a new editor and I decided to test his professionalism and independence.
Continue reading “Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #87”

Did Malaysia mature when we were not looking?

— Ooi Kee Beng
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 31, 2011

OCT 31 — The flurry of Malay organisations making the news in Malaysia bodes well for the country, whether or not these group together extreme rightists, opposition voices, concerned students or professors, or green or human right activists.

The matter has now become too obvious to be denied, which is that the Malay community in Malaysia is like any other community anywhere in the world. Its collectiveness, like anyone else’s, is pragmatic and contingent. This is how it should be. They are not an entity whose extremely diverse and individual needs, thoughts and aspirations can be articulated through one single political party.

The myth is broken. What will take its place is a cacophony of noises or a symphony of tunes, depending on one’s politics and disposition. Continue reading “Did Malaysia mature when we were not looking?”

Of Muslim bigots and Malay zealots

Ahmad Farouk Musa | Oct 24, 2011

After much hype, the Himpun gathering at Shah Alam Stadium on Saturday was a non-event. The dismal attendance of roughly 5,000 hankering souls was a total letdown from the expected one million.

Despite the claim that Himpun was a success by the organisers, it was clear that it was more of a self-reassurance. Himpun failed miserably in their effort to instigate thinking Muslims into supporting their crusade.

Their assertion that it was an awareness campaign was very difficult to swallow. The mainstream media, especially Utusan Malaysia, had been harping on this issue for weeks. It must have been a real disappointment that despite the good weather, the incessant stimulation had failed to result in the expected turnout. Continue reading “Of Muslim bigots and Malay zealots”

Surcharge the public officers responsible for over payments of 2,900-11,400 % more the market price and such financial hanky-panky will cease in future AG Reports

Malaysia must be the only country which aspires to be developed nation status where year in year out, the Auditor-General reports of horror tales of financial hanky-panky, irregularities, abuses of power and financial indiscipline in Federal Government accounts.

Malaysians are entitled to know why such financial hanky-panky and irregularities could not be stamped out when there should be quite easy ways of achieving this objective.

For instance, surcharge the public officers responsible for paying RM5,700 or 11,400% more the market price of a car jack or RM56,350 or 2,900 per cent higher than the market price of binoculars and I am sure, such financial hanky-panky will cease in future Auditor-General’s Reports once the message is sent out the government servants who authorize irregular payments will have to personally account for their financial indiscipline from their personal pay checks.

At present, these public officers do not have to pay for their financial misfeances and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission is a standing joke as it has proved to be completely impotent and ineffective in taking actions against errant public servants based on the voluminous Auditor-General’s annual reports.
Continue reading “Surcharge the public officers responsible for over payments of 2,900-11,400 % more the market price and such financial hanky-panky will cease in future AG Reports”

Commonwealth leaders refuse to publish key report’s findings

By Mark Kennedy, Postmedia News
Vancouver Sun

PERTH, Australia – Commonwealth leaders have ignored warnings that their decaying association will die without urgent reforms and have failed to reach significant agreement on how to ensure its member nations abide by human rights principles and the rule of law.

The development came Saturday, as the leaders spent the second day of their biennial gathering – known as the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) – debating the merits of a report delivered by an advisory group established two years ago.

But instead of endorsing the report, the leaders adopted a distrustful view about its contents – even deciding that it should be kept secret and not be published.

The report by a panel of “eminent persons” which includes Canadian senator Hugh Segal called for major reforms to ensure the Commonwealth – which is quickly losing its international credibility – becomes relevant and avoids a slow slide to death. Continue reading “Commonwealth leaders refuse to publish key report’s findings”

Mahathir has won the shadow power battle of three Prime Ministers on the sidelines of Perth 2011 CHOGM

The fourth Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir seems to have won the shadow power battle with the fifth Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the sixth Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razaki on the sidelines of the Perth 2011 CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) 2011 on the Eminent Person Group’s (EPG) proposal for a Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights.

The latest news from the Perth 2011 CHOGM is that the Commonwealth heads of government have not only rejected the EPG’s proposal for a Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights, they have taken the shocking decision not to publish the EPF report on Commonwealth reforms to make it relevant and not an anachronism.

This has led to the unprecedented unanimous criticism by the seven-member EPG in Perth against the CHOGM decision.

It is good to see Abdullah, who is chairperson of the seven-member EPG, leading the EPG attack against CHOGM and issuing the warning: Continue reading “Mahathir has won the shadow power battle of three Prime Ministers on the sidelines of Perth 2011 CHOGM”

Commonwealth leaders refuse to publish EPG report

by Matthew Franklin,
chief political correspondent,
The Australian
October 29, 2011

MEMBERS of an Eminent Persons Group (EPG) advising the Commonwealth have attacked the 54-nation body for refusing to publish its report recommending ways to make the organisation more relevant.

UK representative Sir Malcolm Rifkind today said it was a “a disgrace” the report had not been released to promote debate about Commonwealth reform, while Canada’s Hugh Segal said it was apparent some nations believed silence was the best option in dealing with serious issues like human rights violations among the group’s members.

Today’s unanimous criticism by the seven-member EPG has turned the three-day CHOGM meeting on its head after Commonwealth leaders last night declared they had acted to secure the Commonwealth’s ongoing relevance.

At yesterday’s session, leaders lifted the powers of the Commonwealth ministerial action group, made up of foreign ministers of member nations, to intervene when member nations were slipping away from the observance of basic democratic principles. Continue reading “Commonwealth leaders refuse to publish EPG report”

I’m 25, Malaysian. Should I give up on Malaysia?

by Alex Lee
Friday, 28 October 2011

My recent trip back to Malaysia made me realise the lack of political awareness in the country. Business owners, working individuals, family and friends have virtually given up trying, or simply not want to court unnecessary trouble. They continue to complain of our government’s incompetence. But simply complaining will take us nowhere.

Only abusers and authoritarians, who do not want to hear the truth and how we feel want us to be silent, allowing them to continue squandering our nation’s coffers and they be left unpunished. Countless loopholes in the legislations are making the rich even richer, and the poor to continue to suffer. Continue reading “I’m 25, Malaysian. Should I give up on Malaysia?”

Implement hudud by force, he says

by Zan Azlee
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 28, 2011

OCT 28 — “Hudud needs to be implemented by force!”

I was shocked to hear an academician, Assoc Prof Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, utter those words at a recent Islamic forum on hudud.

According to the academician who teaches at the National Defence University, time is running out and it looks like the non-Muslims will never accept hudud and Islam.

As a Muslim myself, I felt ashamed and embarrassed by what he said at such a public forum. Continue reading “Implement hudud by force, he says”

Liar, liar, pants on fire

James Chin
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 28, 2011

OCT 28 — When it was announced that AirAsia had bought a stake in Malaysia Airlines, many people in east Malaysia were worried that the competition between Firefly and AirAsia would cease and fares would go up. But this was what was reported on October 18 “End of the road for Firefly’s jet service” (TMI, October 18): “… Fernandes however said that AirAsia will not increase fares following the strategic collaboration…”

I come from Sarawak and rely on the competition to give me the best fare and service. My last two trips with my children to Sarawak to see their grandparents were on Firefly because it had the best deal with a return trip for two adults and two children at under RM600. As a bonus, you get to use the aerobridge on Firefly flights.

Now when you cannot even book on Firefly anymore because it no longer does the KLIA-Kuching route, you have to book AirAsia.

The cheapest fare I could find on AirAsia for my family over the new year period was RM1,100. Continue reading “Liar, liar, pants on fire”

The Commonwealth: Will wise heads prevail?

By Sir Ronald Sanders
Huntington News
October 27, 2011

A visitor to Perth in Australia during the week ending 30th October would be forgiven in believing that the City revolves around the 54-nation Commonwealth.

The entire city is festooned with banners highlighting “CHOGM 2011” as Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers and hundreds of representatives from every Commonwealth country have gathered here for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) with several important side events.

Among the side events are a Commonwealth Business Forum which, on this occasion brought together businesspeople from many Commonwealth countries, and a People’s Forum – a meeting of many of the 90 civil society organisations that exist under the Commonwealth banner.

Perth has certainly been a great host and its people have reacted well to the disruption of their lives with closed-off streets, restricted areas and armed police along the main routes from hotels to the impressive Perth Convention Centre where the CHOGM is taking place, and for which Queen Elizabeth II came as Head of the Commonwealth.

Pedestrians are pleased to be helpful to Commonwealth delegates seeking direction on the streets, and vehicular traffic – even buses – have been ready to stop to allow visiting Commonwealth pedestrians to take precedence on the streets.

While there is no doubt that Perth has successfully hosted the Commonwealth meeting and all the activities associated with it, judgement of the success of the actual Heads of Government Conference will have to await the end of what Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma said he believed would be a ‘landmark event’ that would raise the bar for future such gatherings. Continue reading “The Commonwealth: Will wise heads prevail?”

Kirby warns CHOGM at ‘watershed’ moment

Sabra Lane reported this story on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:30:00
The World Today

ELEANOR HALL: Australia’s representative on the panel looking at how to revamp the Commonwealth is the former High Court justice Michael Kirby.

He spoke to our chief political correspondent, Sabra Lane.

MICHAEL KIRBY: Unfortunately it hasn’t been released to be available to citizens but it is all there and it is 116 unanimous recommendations and I do hope it will receive very careful attentions at a critical moment.

SABRA LANE: Are you worried that because the report hasn’t been released publicly that the Commonwealth is under pressure to water down what you’ve recommended, especially on things like the proposed commissioner for democracy and the rule of law and human rights?

It is known that there is a fair amount of activity happening behind the scenes for the Commonwealth not to go ahead with that.

MICHAEL KIRBY: Well, I’m not worried in the sense that I’ve discharged my duty by performing the working on the group and putting our recommendation forward now in the orderly way these things happen. It is left to the politicians to decide what should be done.

There has to be more visible action by the Commonwealth that you just can’t espouse great principles and then do nothing when they are under threat, that the machinery of the Commonwealth has to work more quickly and more visibly and that secret diplomacy is sometimes useful but it isn’t the whole picture. Continue reading “Kirby warns CHOGM at ‘watershed’ moment”

Beng Hock’s family demands criminal charges against MACC trio

By Melissa Chi
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 28 — Teoh Beng Hock’s family today demanded that the police investigate the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers named in the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into Teoh’s death for contributing to the DAP aide’s death.

The family accused the Najib administration yesterday of “taking grieving family members for a ride” by not pushing for criminal charges against three national graftbusters despite a royal investigation panel finding the trio contributed to the political aide’s death two years ago.

Today, the family lodged a police report in the hope of initiating a criminal probe. Continue reading “Beng Hock’s family demands criminal charges against MACC trio”