Najib: Reforms not due to any pressure

Free Malaysia Today
September 18, 2011

The prime minister says ISA was being repealed in order to make Malaysia the best democracy.

PEKAN: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said today the repeal of the Internal Security Act was an effort to make Malaysia the best democracy in the world.

The prime minister said the repeal of the ISA was possible at this time because of the success in developing the nation, the increasing maturity of the people and the greater awareness of human rights in society.

“It was not due to pressure from any quarter,” he stressed at his Aidilfitri open house here which was attended by about 50,000 people. Also present was his wife Rosmah Mansor.

Najib said that changes to the law were part of the political transformation that the government was carrying out from the aspect of human rights.

“The time has come for us to take another step forward not only in economics and education but also in upholding democratic principles,” he added.

He said the BN government would continue to champion the cause of the people “in all aspects” for their well-being.

The prime minister said the uniqueness of Malaysia must be preserved with multiracial harmony as the country surged ahead.

– Bernama


8 Replies to “Najib: Reforms not due to any pressure”

  1. the sequence looks funny…after he announced ISA to be abolished, subsequent lack of details pertaining to the replacement act is not forthcoming…so is this an impact announcement prior to a snap GE?

    a conceivable tactical maneuovre is to annouce now, hold a snap GE, then put out something same in substance different from name, with GST to boot.

    remember last time the BN administration replaced something? BPR replaced with MACC and see what happen?

  2. It is so obvious dat NR/UmnoB STOLE ideas fr PR n announced some changes b4 GE13
    They tried 2 inject FEEL SHIOK factor amg rakyat 2 win back some votes
    They still believed dat rakyat gon-gon 1 n easily fooled by empty promises of UmnoB
    Rakyat MUST now realise dat PRESSURE fr PR n civil grps is CERTAINLY GOOD
    BETTER still, VOTE 4 PR (ABU) n kick out UmnoB in GE13
    , so dat PR can bring abt CHANGES DIRECTLY, no need d fake UmnoB/BN pretending 2 serve rakyat
    VOTE 4 PR in GE13 2 serve rakyat n champion d cause of rakyat, like in Pg n S’gor

  3. TEST NR’s sincerity: Rakyat wear BERSIH YELOW shirts in public, organise BERSIH 3.0 lah
    What abt d EO 6 (incl MP Dr DMJ)? Drop all charges against them lor
    Can RPK return 2 his motherland n not b ISAed? Promise meh?

  4. ///The prime minister says ISA was being repealed in order to make Malaysia the best democracy.///

    Mr. Prime Minister, in order to make Malaysia the best democracy, why not repeal the Sedition Act and Official Secret Act also? Repealing the two Acts will make Malaysia even better democracy.

  5. Aiya..don’t be so hard on this slow learner Ajib mah.Maybe this time he’s become real tranformer,regreted this and that,bertaubat already and want to reform leh.Kakakaka…only fool believes.Never trust this idiot PM!He will never know until when to stop bluffing Rakyat.We should let him and the bunch of useless BN monkies and donkies know when to stop their lies by our powerful votes come GE13.

  6. ///The prime minister said the repeal of the ISA was possible at this time because of the success in developing the nation, the increasing maturity of the people and the greater awareness of human rights in society.///– Najib

    Does Najib mean that only on 15 September 2011 that the conditions he mentioned were attained? If so, ISA should cease to be in force forth with whether or not it has been repealed in parliament. The Cabinet should direct the Home Minister to that effect.

    The Emergency Ordinance is also said to be repealed and it must be so for the same reasons. Would Najib say that having arrested those involved in BERSIH recently the government would now spare others the freedom to any political ideology including communism and communalism? If Najib believes in true democracy he should release all political prisoners. Unless he is afraid of those now under EO custody just like he is afraid of Anwar Najib should release those arrested under EO to prove that he believes in true democracy. Najib should be reminded that in a democracy, the people should have the right to choose. The people’s rights are curtailed if the government decides that potential PM should first be put behind bar so that there could be no alternative to UMNO rule.
    ///Najib said that changes to the law were part of the political transformation that the government was carrying out from the aspect of human rights.///–Najib

    If Najib truly respects human rights, he should get the government to ratify the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

    ///“The time has come for us to take another step forward not only in economics and education but also in upholding democratic principles,” he added.///–Najib

    The UMNO government policies in economics and education are beset with discrimination based on race. Isn’t it time to remove racial discrimination after 54 years of divide-and-rule?

    ///He said the BN government would continue to champion the cause of the people “in all aspects” for their well-being.///–Najib

    Had the government consider it its duties to look after the welfare of the nation, the well-beings of the people is automatically taken care of. It is because UMNO wants to be champion that it could only be champion of one race and one religion.

    ///The prime minister said the uniqueness of Malaysia must be preserved with multiracial harmony as the country surged ahead.///–Najib

    It is unique that the so-called multiracial harmony in the country is skin deep. The different races are harboring cold war mentality. It is like a time bomb waiting to go off when the government having suppressed a section of the population for decades never considers enough is enough.

  7. Mahathir’s logic
    ///4. The court case was initiated by the officers responsible, not by me. But supposing no court action was taken, how do I explain why Anwar had to be sacked because he was unsuitable to succeed me as Prime Minister?///– Mamakthir
    The first sentence says that the court case was his idea. The second sentence says that the court case was needed. If the officers did not take action which Mamakthir needed, can we believe that Mamakthir would do nothing? He certainly would, or else as he asked later in the post how he could explain to the people that it was not for his political survival. If Mamakthir needed to have the court case, why then did he say that it was not initiated by him but by the officers responsible? So, the officers are all the time thinking about what suited Mamakthir’s interests rather than all other considerations be it justice and fairness. Thus if it suited Mamakthir to have trump up charges, the officers certainly would have initiated it in advance.
    That is Mamakthir’s logic. He must have believed that most Malaysians are fools.

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