Stop the charade of claiming to want to be the “best democracy in the world” – what Najib should do is to immediately end Malaysia’s ranking as a “flawed democracy”

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is outdoing himself every day with taller and ever incredible claims – yesterday claiming that no one else but Barisan Nasional should take credit for the repeal of the Internal Security Act and other law reforms he announced in his Malaysia Day message and today reiterating that the repeal of the ISA is not due to pressure from any quarter but an effort to make Malaysia the “best democracy in the world”.

Najib should stop the charade of claiming to want to be the “best democracy in the world” when what he should do is to immediately end Malaysia’s ranking as a “flawed democracy” before Malaysia could qualify to rank among the full democracies in the world.

The third edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Democracy Index 2010 released early this year categorised Malaysia as a “flawed democracy” due to “a gradual erosion of civil liberties and political culture in the past year” with Malaysia’s aggregate score dropping 0.17 to 6.19 out of 10 from the previous index in 2008, and the overall country ranking falling from 68th to 71st out of 167 countries. Continue reading “Stop the charade of claiming to want to be the “best democracy in the world” – what Najib should do is to immediately end Malaysia’s ranking as a “flawed democracy””

Najib: Reforms not due to any pressure

Free Malaysia Today
September 18, 2011

The prime minister says ISA was being repealed in order to make Malaysia the best democracy.

PEKAN: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said today the repeal of the Internal Security Act was an effort to make Malaysia the best democracy in the world.

The prime minister said the repeal of the ISA was possible at this time because of the success in developing the nation, the increasing maturity of the people and the greater awareness of human rights in society.

“It was not due to pressure from any quarter,” he stressed at his Aidilfitri open house here which was attended by about 50,000 people. Also present was his wife Rosmah Mansor. Continue reading “Najib: Reforms not due to any pressure”

You should be afraid, Najib

— Tan Teck Huat
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 18, 2011

SEPT 18 — One of the more amusing articles that I have read recently was the story about Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak telling his Umno members yesterday that he was not afraid of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the Opposition leader.

Najib said that he was willing to debate Anwar or something along those lines.

The PM must be one of those people who say they are not fixated with something yet spend an inordinate amount of time talking or paying attention to that person “who they are not afraid of”.

If he is not afraid of Anwar, why bring up the name at all? Continue reading “You should be afraid, Najib”

Anything But Umno (Part 2)

— Ali Kadir
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 17, 2011

SEPT 17 — Humility is a virtue which everyone of us should aspire to but many of us prefer pride.

So we should not be surprised that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Barisan Nasional are claiming credit for announcing the removal of some laws which the BN government has used for decades to stifle dissent, lock up critics and control the press.

Strange isn’t it that they are silent about being the architects of the ISA and other laws but quite happy to claim credit for proposing their demise.

This is like a factory owner or dare I say rare earth plant, which pollutes the neighbourhood for 20 years, and then congratulates itself for shutting down the factory, not saying sorry for the increase in the number of deaths from cancer. Continue reading “Anything But Umno (Part 2)”