Putrajaya says ‘good faith’ shown despite lack of MRT land guarantee

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 08, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 8 — The government today insisted that it had shown “good faith”, contrary to opposition accusation, by agreeing to meet and negotiate with Jalan Sultan traders.

The traders’ lots are under risk of being forced-acquisitioned for the Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (KVMRT) project. The government has refused to guarantee the return the land to traders once the project is completed, which the opposition says is insincere.

Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar brushed off the accusations today, and maintained that the government had shown “good faith’ by agreeing to discuss and meet with affected Jalan Sultan traders.

“(Although) we cannot give our guarantee, we have shown our good faith in negotiating with them and looking into that possibility,” he said.

“I think we have been fair, looked into all sides, after we have acquired there is a next process . A process of application, legal process…stratum titles. It’s good we never give empty promises. But we have made possibility for engagement, we are very sincere about this,” Syed Hamid (picture) told reporters here.

SPAD chief executive Mohd Nur Kamal said in a letter to The Malaysian Insider recently that affected landowners can apply for stratum titles from the government after acquisition but added there was no guarantee Putrajaya would re-alienate surface land back to the original owners.

SPAD had reportedly told traders there whose land will be acquired that they could hold on to their property at a meeting on August 23 brokered by MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

The commission had earlier insisted it would have to demolish buildings within the corridor of the station and tunnel prior to construction to ensure public safety given their age and uncertain soil conditions.

Elaborating further, Syed Hamid said that the MRT project will benefit Jalan Sultan traders and enhance property value of the area- and that the project would be a “catalyst” for urban development where it had the potential to generate better employment opportunities and overall quality of life.

“Let us look at the developmental aspect. Urban railway development is a catalyst for development.

“It’s not only one side which gets benefit, (there will be) enhancement of value of property in that area, people’s ability to work and get employment..their standard of living is improved, quality of life is better,” he said.

The SPAD boss denied accusations levelled by critics who claim the land acquisition exercise on Jalan Sultan in the heart of the capital was just a cover for a land grab.

“There is no such thing as wanting to grab land or to be interested to acquire land so that we can enrich anybody..nonsense. People are trying to divert attention.

“Do we need good public transport? Yes. Even in Jalan Sultan, when I met them they said they are for MRT,” he added.

The former Home Minister stressed that the land acquisition was done with the view that the “public gets the best land transport system.”


11 Replies to “Putrajaya says ‘good faith’ shown despite lack of MRT land guarantee”

  1. ///“(Although) we cannot give our guarantee, we have shown our good faith in negotiating with them and looking into that possibility,” he said.///

    Even before the negotiation starts, already they find a way out by giving the excuse “we cannot give our guarantee”. Is that good faith?

    Please don’t insult the intelligence of the rakyat.

  2. In GOOD FAITH???? without casting it in writing?? just remember: Siapa Itu?? memory! In Good faith means you are sincere to provide an assurance by putting in black and white; that is good faith. After 2 press releases, I woould rather classify this as BAD FAITH as they contracdicted each other!!!

  3. Syed Hamid says:

    “…the government had shown “good faith’ by agreeing to discuss and meet with affected Jalan Sultan traders….”

    What a bunch of arrogant crap. Clearly there is this implied view that the Govt has done the people a huge favour just by meeting them. This is the same mentality as the often repeated claims that the “ketuanans” has done the “pendatangs” a huge favour by “allowing” them to stay in Malaysia.

    What good faith? You have taken my home, my heritage and my livelihood and in return you are doing me a huge favour just because you met me?

    And to rub salt into injury, there is a distinct stink of a land grab because you refused to give a guarantee to return the land after the project is completed when it is just a simple matter of putting it into writing. As Fat Syed himself has claimed, there will be huge value added to the properties after the completion of the MRT. By admitting this, he has also betrayed the hidden intention of the land grab of these carpet baggers.

    PR, turn this into an election issue. If SPAD is allowed to get away with this, it will be a dangerous precedent and other BN Govt agencies will use the same tactics to grab valuable land for free.

  4. ‘Insincere’ is the right word to express their actions.
    I believe that if the Government is sincere, the MRT line need not have a station in Jln Sultan. The station can be built next to the Central market, or replace the High Street Police Station.

    ‘Rakyat di dahulukan?’, Idris Jala said, cannot rely on ticket collection to recover profits. Profits from the rakyat? or public transport to benefit the rakyat?
    Cancel the project. Use the money to build roads for Sabah and sarawak instead.

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