Military personnel’s husband registered as female voter

G Vinod | September 6, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

The DAP has detected 22 more cases of discrepancies in postal votes in Negri Sembilan.

KUALA LUMPUR: The DAP detected 22 more cases of discrepancies involving fresh postal voters registered at an army camp at the Rasah parliamentary constituency in Negri Sembilan.

One that stands out is a female military personnel, Yuzina Nodin, who had registered her spouse also as a female postal voter with an almost similar name, Yuniza Nodin.

“I never knew the Malaysian army allowed same-sex marriages. This is a joke,” DAP Youth chief Anthony Loke said at a press conference at the party’s headquarters here today. Continue reading “Military personnel’s husband registered as female voter”

Lim: M’sia will have been governed by Pakatan if…

Monday, September 05, 2011
Daily Express Sabah

KEMABONG: DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang said if Sabah and Sarawak followed the political tsunami in 2008, Malaysia will have been governed by the Pakatan Rakyat now.

Speaking at the Kampung Kalibatang Lama about 40km from here, Lim believed that the participation of many people in the interior with the opposition showed that it is gaining momentum and prepared to give the Barisan Nasional (BN) a run for their money.

He said during the formation of Malaysia in 1963, Sabah was the richest state in the country but now it was being labeled as the poorest.

“That is why we want to take out the present government. We want the people power to clean them up,” he said. Continue reading “Lim: M’sia will have been governed by Pakatan if…”

MACC and constituency funds

By Ronald Benjamin | September 06, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

SEPT 6 — The use of constituency funds as an election tool by the BN government to induce support should be investigated immediately by the MACC. Since the Election Commission has said that it is helpless, the MACC should step forward and investigate such a blatant act, which is the mother of all corruption.

The hesitancy to take action in a proactive manner against money politics would project the MACC as being impotent and unable to morally, proactively and culturally define its role as a watchdog capable of creating a climate of accountability where powerful politicians with government positions would not be able to get away with bribing voters.

There are two critical reasons for the MACC to act. Firstly, the coming general election is going to be the dirtiest in history. Winning at all cost has been Prime Minister Najib Razak’s aim and this has been well recorded in his speeches and actions.
Continue reading “MACC and constituency funds”

Is Proton a ‘Malaysian’ car?

By KJ John | Aug 30, 11

Ahmad Talib is a mainstream media personality having served as the former managing editor of the NST. I first met him when I gave a lecture at the Ministry of Information about the National IT Agenda.

Ahmad Talib wrote a recent column where he talked about a conversation he had with Proton CEO Syed Zainal about the story of a Proton taxi-cab which Syed Zainal took from KLIA to go home.

During the trip, twice the taxi driver did not open the power windows to pay his toll but instead opened the entire door. When asked why, the driver complained that he was told that if he used the power window too often, it could easily get spoilt. Therefore, he chose to do it the more difficult way.
Continue reading “Is Proton a ‘Malaysian’ car?”

Failure to listen cost a life

by Mergawati Zulfakar
The Star
September 6, 2011

There was sound advice from an advance team that the Somalia aid mission should be put on hold. However, it is said that the advice was not heeded. Now, a family, friends and colleagues mourn a wasteful loss.

JUST three days before the Putera 1Malaysia Club Malaysian volunteers left for Somalia on Aug 28, a seven-member reconnaissance team comprising government officials, a high-ranking military officer and media members arrived in Mogadishu.

Their objective was to check the security situation and secure the safety of Malaysians from the Soma­lis for the humanitarian mission.

Media members were also included as they were supposed to give feedback how best their colleagues could do their job when they arrive in Somalia.

The recce team’s verdict?

It was a risky trip. Continue reading “Failure to listen cost a life”