Mat Zain claims A-G interfered with forensic experts

By Shannon Teoh | August 11, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 11 — Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim has continued his attacks on Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, claiming today that the Attorney-General has caused the public to lose faith in government inquests and inquiries due to his alleged interference in testimony made by forensic experts.

The former city criminal investigation chief said today that Dr Abdul Rahman Yusof, the forensic expert in former deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s black-eye probe that Mat Zain had headed, “was willing to prepare three false reports according to orders by Gani Patail.”

“We cannot blame the public if they have lost confidence in government pathology and forensic experts… ridiculing and abusing their opinions in the Teoh Beng Hock inquest and royal commission of inquiry (RCI) and also the inquest of Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamad,” he wrote in an open letter to the Inspector-General of Police.
Continue reading “Mat Zain claims A-G interfered with forensic experts”

Hindraf lawsuit to correct historical and recent wrongs

by Dr Lim Teck Ghee

11 August 2011

A UK-based solicitor and lawyer – appointed by Hindraf Makkal Sakthi – is scheduled to meet with members of the Malaysian public this Sunday (Aug 14).

His fact-finding mission is to help him better understand the situation on the ground and interview those participating in the Hindraf class action suit. This lawsuit against the British government seeks to correct historical injustices inflicted on Indians who were brought to the peninsula by the white colonialists.

The Hindraf move is almost certain to court a fresh storm of controversy and criticism from Umno, the party that will be most embarrassed when full details of the Indian marginalization emerge. The extent to which the local Indian community, particularly Hindus of Tamil stock, is excluded from the nation’s progress and wellbeing can only reflect badly on the Malaysian government. Continue reading “Hindraf lawsuit to correct historical and recent wrongs”

You probe me, I probe you

Written by Francis Siah

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

I was ‘honoured’ to be welcomed back at the Kuching airport on Monday (Aug 8) by five police officers.

Immediately after I crossed the immigration counter at 6.15pm, one of them who introduced herself as ASP Angela ak Ladie, approached me and she and her colleagues then ushered me into a room. Another introduced himself as Sub-Inspector Simon Low. The others said they were stationed at the airport.

I was given a letter stating that I was required to be at the Sarawak police headquarters on Aug 10 at 10am for the purpose of recording my statement under Section 112 Criminal Procedure Code. Continue reading “You probe me, I probe you”

The evolution of crisis

By George Friedman
Aug 11, 2011 | Asia Times

Classical political economists like Adam Smith or David Ricardo never used the term ”economy” by itself. They always used the term ”political economy.” For classical economists, it was impossible to understand politics without economics or economics without politics. The two fields are certainly different but they are also intimately linked.

The use of the term ”economy” by itself did not begin until the late 19th century. Smith understood that while an efficient market would emerge from individual choices, those choices were framed by the political system in which they were made, just as the political system was shaped by economic realities. For classical economists, the political and economic systems were intertwined, each dependent on the other for its existence. Continue reading “The evolution of crisis”

Welcome to Indonesia’s 34th province

Mariam Mokhtar
Aug 8, 11

If Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s ‘Project N’, the sequel to former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s ‘Project M’ is realised, Tourism Malaysia will not need use the meaningless ‘Malaysia, Truly Asia’ as its slogan.

It will have to adopt the more apt ‘Malaysia, Truly Indonesia’.

With numerous allegations that 3 million Indonesians have become Malaysian citizens with full bumiputera rights, then perhaps Malaysia, with the exception of Sabah, will soon be known as the 34th Province of Indonesia. Continue reading “Welcome to Indonesia’s 34th province”

When charity becomes a crime

by Dr Chris Anthony

The ongoing controversy over the alleged raid of the Damansara Utama Methodist Church(DUMN) by Jais brings highlights a very strange phenomenon where doing charity becomes a crime that must be investigated and punished.

We all know that charity is the act of giving money, food or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor or have no home. All religions encourage this virtue of charity and in fact it is a basic tenet of every faith.

Most of us regardless of the religion we belong too are at one time or another involved with some acts of charity which is considered noble. Ironically today the virtue that was exalted all these years is at times seen as something terribly wrong.It is distressing that chariry is increasing seen as a crime that must be punished. Continue reading “When charity becomes a crime”

Malaysia has ‘very high’ religious restrictions, says report

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 10, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 — The government of Malaysia imposes “very high” restrictions on religion, an influential United States research group said yesterday.

The Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life said that it was among 10 countries out of 198 studied with very high government restrictions as of mid-2009 including Egypt, Iran, China, Myanmar and Indonesia.

Other regional neighbours such as Thailand and Singapore were rated moderate in the report while Philippines was considered to have low government restrictions on religious freedom.

“Government restrictions also increased substantially in Malaysia, which, like Egypt, already had very high restrictions to begin with. Although the country’s constitution recognises freedom of religion, Malaysia restricts the observance of Islamic beliefs and practices that do not conform to Sunni Islam,” its report titled “Rising Restrictions on Religion” said. Continue reading “Malaysia has ‘very high’ religious restrictions, says report”

London riots

By Art Harun
August 10, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

AUG 10 — I have been rather sarcastically asked on Twitter such questions as, “you support freedom of assembly, you want Malaysians to riot like the Londoners?”. Another twitterati asked me, “Art, you support the riots in London?”.

Frankly, I am amused to my bone by such questions.

I am amused because the attempts at justifying the banning of public rallies in Malaysia by referring to the riotous behaviour of some others displays a certain degree of shallowness, if not lack of intelligence. Continue reading “London riots”

Why can Mara teach Maths and Science in English?

G Vinod
Free Malaysia Today
August 10, 2011

The government wants to abolish the teaching of Maths and Science in English next year but Mara junior colleges will teach the subjects in English under the Cambridge programme.

PETALING JAYA: Even Mara understands the importance of English. Their junior colleges have decided to offer Cambridge programme, said Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (Page).

Page chairperson Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said in a statement this showed that even Mara, which largely caters for rural Malays, understood the importance of the English language.

On Saturday, Bernama reported that Mara would be offering the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education programme, equivalent to an O-Level certificate, at all 45 Mara Junior Science Colleges (MRSM) in Malaysia by 2016.

Currently, Mara director-general Ibrahim Ahmad said, the programme is being offered at the Tun Adbul Razak MRSM in Pekan, Pahang. Continue reading “Why can Mara teach Maths and Science in English?”

Great flaw of TBH RCI report – failure to affix responsibility for TBH’s death on MACC despite evidence galore

A great flaw of the Teoh Beng Hock (TBH) Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) report is its failure to affix responsibility for Beng Hock’s death on the MACC although there were evidence galore before the RCI proceedings.

It was not just persons, namely various MACC officers led by Hishammuddin Hashim the then Selangor MACC Deputy Director and the “mastermind” of the illegal and massive 33-officer MACC “operation”, who must bear responsibility for Beng Hock’s death but also the institution of MACC as well.

The RCI report only made oblique references to the MACC’s role and responsibility for Beng Hock’s death without going for the jugular to pinpoint directly to MACC’s liability and responsibility.

This is most unsatisfactory and an abdication of responsibility of the TBH RCI on its specific term of reference “to enquire into the death of Teoh Beng Hock and the circumstances surrounding and contributing to his death”. Continue reading “Great flaw of TBH RCI report – failure to affix responsibility for TBH’s death on MACC despite evidence galore”

Bursa losses at RM91 billion since last Monday

By Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 09, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — Malaysia’s benchmark index regained some ground today but still fell 1.66 per cent as regional markets struggled to halt their slide on European and US debt crises fears.

The index recovered from its early morning low of 1,423.47 to end the day at 1,472.14, down 24.85 points from the start of trading. Losers continued to outpace gainers 828 to 159, with 179 counters unchanged.

The broad-based Emas index meanwhile rebounded to 10,048.74 at market close after losing as much as 490.12 points, or 1.75 per cent, earlier.

The Kuala Lumpur share market is down an estimated RM91 billion from last Monday following last week’s rout on Wall Street, the worst since Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008. Continue reading “Bursa losses at RM91 billion since last Monday”

Leave the sinking Titanic now!

By Richard Loh

“Just Trust Us Sdn Bhd” (JTU) is the biggest corporation in this country for 54 years running. In a nation that comprises of many races, smaller corporations were formed to operate businesses to suit each individual race. In no time these small corporations were bought over by “Just Trust Us Sdn Bhd” and incorporated into a major company called “Just Follow Our Command Sdn. Bhd” (JFOC) to which “Just Trust Us Sdn. Bhd” remains the major shareholders.

There are many private corporations that are envy of “JTU” and “JFOC” successes (even though by dubious means). They tried many times in corporate take over bids but failed miserably.

Even though “JFOC” is in the forefront carrying out the daily business, it is “JTU” that controls every single thing from behind. All top portfolios in “JFOC” are themselves holding high position in “JTU”. Every three years election is called to elect who will be the management team in “JTU” and even though there are thousands of shareholders only a handful are allowed to vote. “JTU” is in fact owned and controlled by a handful of close and trusted associates and will remain so as long as other shareholders dare not raise the issue. Continue reading “Leave the sinking Titanic now!”

Inter-faith group says Jais raid an attempt to create religious strife

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 09, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — A non-Muslim inter-faith group said last week’s raid on a church dinner was part of a “systematic and deliberate attempt by many of those who walk the national corridors of power” to create conflict among the different races and religions in Malaysia.

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) also urged the federal government to investigate the fiasco including reports by Umno-linked Berita Harian and Harian Metro that “Muslims questioned that night confirmed that they had been asked to convert.”

The MCCBCHST said the Jais raid on the DUMC (picture) ‘sets a dangerous precedent and makes a mockery of the sanctity and inviolability of all religious places.’ — File pic
“These reports… did not identify the claimants nor state the basis for their making such statements. Such witnesses must be made available to an independent inquiry, which must be instituted immediately… to corroborate such evidence and to verify it.

“If the newspapers in question are found to have published false statements likely, or meant, to incite religious or racial hatred between Malaysians, the authorities must initiate the necessary action to punish them to the full extent provided for in our laws,” it said. Continue reading “Inter-faith group says Jais raid an attempt to create religious strife”

Will Idris Jala please return the millions?

— Gomen man
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 08, 2011

AUG 8 — So the turnaround specialist, or best thing to happen to Malaysia Airlines, did not do such a good job after all.

But Datuk Seri Idris Jala pocketed a few million short of RM20 million when he left Malaysia Airlines to become the Najib administration’s transformation czar.

This money was either a bonus or compensation for his glorious achievement of “turning things around” at MAS. I am sure major shareholders at MAS — Khazanah Nasional and EPF — will be happy to enlighten Malaysians on this reward scheme.

That is the problem with us Malaysians; we are so quick to praise people and put them on a pedestal. We called Abdullah Ahmad Badawi a reformer early on and look how that turned out. We still didn’t learn. Continue reading “Will Idris Jala please return the millions?”

Betulkah pemastautin diberi hak mengundi?

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 08, 2011

8 OGOS — Isu besar yang hangat diperkatakan hari ini ialah isu pendatang asing yang menjadi pemastautin telah diberikan kerakyatan dan terus diberikan hak mengundi.

Ahli-ahli Parlimen pembangkang telah menghantar surat hari ini untuk mendesak persidangan Parlimen tergempar dipanggil untuk membincangkan isu seramai 1,600 orang pemastautin tetap yang dikatakan diberikan kerakyatan penuh untuk memudahkan mereka menjadi pengundi semasa pilihan raya umum yang akan datang.

Jika isu ini benar ia merupakan isu yang sangat besar dan merbahayakan negara serta Sistem Raja Berpelembagaan Negara kita. Kita sedang menghadapi masalah besar di Sabah tentang isu ini dan kita masih lagi tidak mahu belajar dari kesilapan ini semata-mata kerana ingin mempertahankan kuasa yang kita anggap sudah sampai ketepian itu.

Isu pendatang asing menjadi pengundi ini memang telah lama kita dengar malahan ada di antara rakan saya sendiri pernah di tahan kerana dituduh mengeluarkan kad pengenalan palsu untuk kegunaan dalam pilihan raya. Jika apa yang dituduh ini benar ianya serupalah seperti memanggil orang luar untuk membantu memerangi bangsa dan rakyat kita sendiri. Continue reading “Betulkah pemastautin diberi hak mengundi?”

BN eyeing 25 winnable seats to regain Penang

Athi Shankar
Free Malaysia Today
August 8, 2011

GEORGE TOWN: Confidence is running high in Penang Barisan Nasional (BN) camp nowadays.

If the intelligence reports are anything to go by, BN should win enough state seats in the next general election to wrest the Penang government from Pakatan Rakyat.

It is learnt that the intelligence reports have identified at least 25 constituencies as winnable seats for BN – 15 on the mainland and 10 on the island. Continue reading “BN eyeing 25 winnable seats to regain Penang”

Bursa bleeds another RM31b in global carnage

By Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 08, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 8 — Malaysian stocks continued tumbling today with an estimated RM31 billion in value shed from Bursa Malaysia, as jittery investors spooked by concerns about the global economic outlook continued to dump shares.

After the sustained sell-off today, sparked by concerns over Standard & Poor’s downgrading of the United States’ credit rating and Europe’s persistent debt woes, the KL share market is down an estimated RM65 billion in value from last Monday.

Losers overwhelmed gainers 1,051 to 67 today while the broad-based Emas index shed 2.39 per cent to settle at 10,227.95 — a five-month low.

The benchmark FBMKLCI slipped 1.8 per cent to 1496.99, also a five-month low. Continue reading “Bursa bleeds another RM31b in global carnage”

Tambatuon dam: A question of need

By Dr Edwin Bosi

Suddenly Malaysia is concerned about food security. In Sabah, food security is been used to justify for the construction of a controversial multi-million ringgit Tambatuon dam in the district of Kota Belud. But Malaysia’s quest for 100% self sufficient in rice appears to be bleaker by the day. Under the 5th Malaysia Plan (1986-90), there was plan to achieve 80-85% self sufficient involving eight areas covering 220,000 hectares of land. The plan then was to achieve 70% to 90% by 2010 for West Malaysia, from 30% to 70% in Sabah and from 50% to 70% in Sarawak by 2010. We are now in 2011 and our reliance on imported rice is not getting less. It is much cheaper to import than to grow rice, it seems.

The inflation is biting hard and with the high cost of “everything” nothing will be produce cheaply. The subsidies that benefited the less fortunate are been withdrawn. The peoples’ income remains stagnant and as prices of commodities ran wild many will be drawn into the poor-income bracket soon. The people in poverty will soon fill into the abject poverty bracket. I wish not to say about those in abject poverty and what the future is in store for them. The millions of non-tax paying illegal immigrants are now legalised and will add more burden to the State. It will be a long journey in a dark tunnel for genuine Sabahans whose natural resource-rich State is now the poorest in Malaysia. Continue reading “Tambatuon dam: A question of need”

Who killed Teoh Beng Hock?

The burden of proving that Teoh’s death was an accident lies on those who had held him at the MACC

By N H Chan

Recently (see my article “If you put the cart before the horse” or “Cart and Horse” depending on where you have read it), I wrote about the unfounded conclusion of a befuddled Royal Commission of Inquiry that Teoh Beng Hock was driven to suicide while he was in the custody of the MACC.

One still wonders how such a conclusion could ever have been reached by the RCI without any evidence to support it whatsoever! Such evidence requires the opinion of an expert – which is a relevant fact under section 45 of the Evidence Act – to say that Teoh was driven to suicide as a direct consequence of the third degree method of interrogation inflicted on him by the police while he was in the custody of the MACC. It is because the finding of the RCI that Teoh was driven to suicide was unsupported by any evidence that we all realized how silly had been those judges who sat on the Royal commission. Those three judges have since become the laughing stock of the nation! Continue reading “Who killed Teoh Beng Hock?”

Goldman Sachs cuts Malaysia’s GDP forecast

By Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 08, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 8 — Malaysia’s exposure to global markets, especially in Europe and the United States, as well as its budget deficit, is likely to hamper economic growth until next year, with international investment bank Goldman Sachs downgrading today its GDP forecast for the country.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Barisan Nasional (BN) government is expected to face more pressure on the economic front after Goldman Sachs downgraded Malaysia’s GDP forecast for this year and the next.

Goldman Sachs’s downgrade was sparked by concerns that the tightening US budget will limit export growth in Asia over the next 12 months.

The investment bank revised its forecast for the national economy to five per cent from 5.4 per cent for this full year and similarly cut next year’s GDP growth projection to 5.2 per cent from 5.6 per cent previously. Continue reading “Goldman Sachs cuts Malaysia’s GDP forecast”