DAP mahu rakyat buat perubahan

– Muda Mohd. Noor
Free Malaysia Today
August 27, 2011

PETALING JAYA: Naib Presiden DAP Tunku Aziz Ibrahim menyeru rakyat di negara ini melakukan perubahan kerana kerajaan Barisan Nasional sudah lama sangat memerintah negara ini.

“Sudah tiba masanya rakyat melakukan perubahan kerana selama 54 tahun itu kerajaan yang ada tidak pernah berubah atau melakukan reformasi,” katanya ketika ditemui FMT pada majlis iftar Ramadhan anjuran parti itu di ibu negara kelmarin.

Ujar beliau, “saya percaya perubahan yang akan berlaku nanti (dalam pilihan raya umum ke 13) merupakan satu perubahan yang sangat bermakna kepada rakyat.”

Menurut Tunku Aziz, walau pun Barisan Nasional memberi sogokan wang untuk memancing rakyat dan para pengundi tetapi rakyat diminta mengundi calon dari parti pembangkang.

Mengenai konsep 1Malaysia, beliau berkata beliau menyokong pengenalan konsep 1Malaysia yang diperkenalkan oleh Perdana Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tetapi tidak bersetuju dengan kaedah pelaksanaannya.

Tanpa mengulas lebih lanjut beliau berkata, “kita memerlukan negara Malaysia untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.”

Hadir sama tokoh veteran dan juga Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timor, Lim Kit Siang; Setiausaha Agung dan juga Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng dan pemimpin-pemimpin kanan lain.


10 Replies to “DAP mahu rakyat buat perubahan”

  1. Jibby jib earlier on spewed this wonderful “if-then” logic: “if the umno gobermen does not change then the people will change it.”

    After 3+ yrs under jibby the jib, it has become more than obvious that the “if” condition has remained consistently “true”. That means the “then” result must inevitably flow. People must now change the umno gobermen.

    So people, let us fulfil jibby jib’s logical wish. Let us vote umno out in GE13.

  2. Ha ha ha. Pakatan Rakyat is dreaming. The fact is, in the next general election BN will perform better. Who wants to see Anwar Ibrahim, the sodomiser and sex video actor to become PM? He lied about 16 September power transition. He lied about Omega watch. he twisted his words on Lina Joy case. This man really has no quality at all to become PM, yet Pakatan Rakyat is depending on him and aiming to put him at No 1 job! So stupid..

  3. Rakyat buat perubahan atau DAP sendiri yang perlu buat berubahan? sikap suka mempertikaikan HAK ISTIMEWA kaum tertentu perlu dibuang sikiranya DAP mahu diterima majoriti rakyat Malaysia. Kemenangan besar PR semasa GE12 bukan disebabkan mereka kuat tetapi kerana rasa muak kaum majoriti kepada bekas PM yang terdahulu.

    Sekarang mereka sudah sedar dan selesa dengan PM yang baru. Dalam biliharaya akan datang, BN/UMNO akan merampas semual kerusi-kerusi tersebut dan mengembalikan 2/3 majoriti di perlimen. Ini adalah fakta yang perlu diterima oleh DAP.

  4. /Sekarang mereka sudah sedar dan selesa dengan PM yang baru/

    Dengan scandal scandal seperti Altantuya,Bersih2.0,24M cincin dan lain-lain PM sendiri pun tak rasa selesa dengan dirinya.Macamana nak harap keyakinan dari rakyat?Kesian betul tapi kan dia sendiri yang cari susah?Lagi pun selalu flip-flop langsung tak ada keperibadian dan leadership.Yang paling memalukan ialah baru-baru ni kuning pun takut dan tak tau lah bila dia akan berani mengumumkan Ge13.Saya rasa sejak baru-baru hari dia kerap-kali terberak dalam seluar.Umno sudah uzur dan tiada harapan lagi.PR semakin hari semakin kuat kuat lo.

  5. Lutfi, you allow your perception on a single man to refuse to accept changes, are you saying that you support not the leaders of today but their actions of taking the whole nation for a ride? Their commitments to render the country into competing with Zimbabwe is so obvious and yet you trun a blind eye to this and you keep harping on DSAI based on cahrges that would havd been thrown out of any fair court of law! well, I was told Paul Augustine died without wanting to see the sun! He preferred darkness! why??
    As for cintanegara, he too refused to see truth because he is one of those who could just sit under the rambutan trees and yet find money and time to wander around! are you in that league? It is easy to pay lip-service to your fellow community when you don’t need to lift up a finger to find your butter!

  6. Mr waterfrontcoolie, u said that my judgement on DSAI is merely a perception, with no concrete proof to support it. Later on u said that u heard that Paul Augustine died without wanting to see light. Is that not also a perception, bcos no proof were being forwarded to support the allegation! U claimed that our present leaders is turning our country into another Zimbabwe. Well, almost 2 millions of foreign workers currently working in Malaysia can give testimony that Malaysia, at least as far as economic growth is concerned, is not another Zimbabwe. There are no 2 millions foreign workers in Zimbabwe. Yes, there are still a lot of improvement to be done in Malaysia. But we dont have to change the government for that. Pakatan Rakyat cannot even have one voice on so many issue, so how they want to run the government effectively? All Pakatan Rakyat are doing now is to sweep the problems under the carpet. Let us bring out one. Pas will never agree to let the gambling dens opened if they have the power. And Dap will surely fight for the business to be allowed. Please think rationally. We already have a very good systems of governing, put in place by our leaders such as Tunku, Cheng Lock and Sambathan.

  7. Lufti…I want to see Anwar be our next PM..no matter how much you wish to insult him.
    And if Anwar is what you said he is…why is the government taking so much time…money and efforts to put him into jail?
    Let him be a free man….and see who wants him to be PM…besides me….MILLIONS!!

  8. It took the americans a long long time to progress. It took china sevaral decades. Korea needed a much shorter time. You see late comer learns the lessons of those who arrived before them and therefore lessen possible mistakes. Look at vietnam. Backward now. But our malaysian developers are there developing the country. All their experience and knowledge gained here will be applied there (with adaptation of course). American and japanese and korean manufacturers will bring new ideas to vietnam. Those ideas may not be the latest ideas but it is already good enough to let the vietnamese to start on a higher platform.

    So all you stupid rambutan tree owners dont just sit around under the tree and laugh.

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