BN govt should state what are the 8 demands of Bersih 2.0 which could be implemented before Parliament meets on Oct 3

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz pressed most of the right buttons about public demands about electoral reforms when he announced without naming Bersih 2.0 that the parliamentary select committee on electoral reforms will base its framework on Bersih 2.0’s eight-point demands, viz:

1. Cleaning up the electoral roll

2. Reforming postal or advance voting

3. Use of indelible ink versus the EC’s proposal of a biometric system

4. Extending the campaign period to 21 days

5. Free and fair access to media

6. Strengthening the credibility of the EC

7. Ending vote-buying

8. Ending dirty politics

But on the most vital issue of a firm and unequivocal government commitment that the electoral reforms will be implemented before Parliament is dissolved to make way for the 13th general election, Nazri could offer no assurance except to say lamely: “That is not my problem…I don’t know when the election will be held.” Continue reading “BN govt should state what are the 8 demands of Bersih 2.0 which could be implemented before Parliament meets on Oct 3”

Anwar’s unsworn statement an indictment of Malaysia’s political, justice systems

by Ramli Zain
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 22, 2011

AUG 22 — By making an unsworn statement from the dock today in his sodomy trial, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has now put the whole country, its judiciary, the media and our entire justice system on trial.

More than that, he has given notice to politicians like Datuk Seri Najib Razak and other players in his prosecution that he intends to place them on trial as well.

Whether one agrees with this move or not, the message is clear.

Sodomy II is no longer about whether he is guilty of sodomising his aide — if it ever was in the first place — but will now be an attack against the political and justice system which he claims has conspired to put him in this position. Continue reading “Anwar’s unsworn statement an indictment of Malaysia’s political, justice systems”

‘Racism and fanaticism’ exploited in Malaysia for politics, Asri tells WSJ

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 23, 2011

Asri: Islam must be described as a religion of love for others, with a respect for rights, respect for knowledge, rejecting superstition and basing all practices on real arguments.

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 23 — Muslim scholar Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin took a swipe at Malaysia’s religious authorities in a recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) interview, claiming that “racism and extreme religious fanaticism” are often used to protect certain political interests.

The former Perlis Mufti, who was recently placed on a terror watch list for Wahhabism, told the influential newspaper that the authorities here needed to be more open-minded, adding that the term “Wahhabi” was recklessly used in Malaysia as a derogatory term to slander others.

“Religious authorities in Malaysia should be more open-minded. Their attitude is to force others to think in only one way, and that is not the attitude of a civilised people,” he said, according to an excerpt of the interview found on WSJ’s website yesterday.

He lamented that Malaysia’s more progressive Muslims were “marginalised” by the conservatives who controlled the religious institutions in government, and accused the administration of fearing criticism from the former group. Continue reading “‘Racism and fanaticism’ exploited in Malaysia for politics, Asri tells WSJ”

MCA Chua Soi Lek, Gerakan Koh Tsu Koon caught in a time warp?

by Richard Loh

Respectable and honorable leaders during the 20th century but what have become of them in the 21st century?

Are MCA Chua Soi Lek and Gerakan Koh Tsu Koon caught in a time warp? Both of them have to be reminded that we are living in the 21st century and the present political scenes and what the rakyat wanted are different from what they used to be. From their talks and political speeches one can see that they are truly out of touch with reality.

Since I am from Penang I will write and use examples from this state. Continue reading “MCA Chua Soi Lek, Gerakan Koh Tsu Koon caught in a time warp?”