Will the real PM please stand up?

— Jose Rizal
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 20, 2011

AUG 20 — I have to say this about Malaysians: We are very patient and tolerant and forgiving.

But I do believe that even our legendary patience is at breaking point with Datuk Seri Najib Razak, one time prime minister of all Malaysians but now prime minister of who threatens most.

I give up because I cannot figure what he stands for anymore. One week he talks about economic reforms and opening up the country, and the next week he returns to the safe embrace of the New Economic Policy; and yet one week later, he goes silent when right wing elements assail his policies.

I have been reading The Malaysian Insider and there seems to be some the suggestion that hardliners like Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin are pushing Najib towards more right wing, Malay-first policies. I am sorry but this is absolute rubbish.

I believe we have a weak PM who, depending on who shouts loudest and threatens most, goes with that flow.

That is why we have rudderless policy making and seem to be drifting. You know why it seems that we are constantly at odds with each other, fighting over race and religious space, etc.

Because there is hardly any leadership. When the likes of Datuk Ibrahim Ali attacks and offends the sensibilities of most Malaysians, there is silence from Najib.

And this PM also shares the table with Datuk Zulkifli Noordin, Ezam Nor and Datuk Zahrain Hashim, not the most credible of characters. He is not being forced to mix with them but he chooses to. Just like he was not forced to sanction the power grab in Perak but he chose to.

So please, please don’t expect me to believe that Muhyiddin, Hishammuddin and Ibrahim Ali are forcing Najib to go where he doesn’t want to go.

He just is weak. And we Malaysians have been tolerating weak since Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.


16 Replies to “Will the real PM please stand up?”

  1. come on… do you think he is a smart person? he simply read what was given, and not understanding the contents of what he read.

    when one is able to read, he is considered a smart person. this applies to najib

  2. Well, as well said by someone: some were born great; some achieve greatness; some were simply there! In this case, he happens to have a father who was once a PM! And soon we gonna have another one in the smae mould!

  3. He was appointed by UMNO b..as PM…not elected and they know he is weak…yer let him lead..all because Mahathir owed his father..Razak a favour…plus all UMNO B dare not take the “RAHMAN” prophesy lightly…so Mahathir made sure….Abdullah and Najib follow suit.
    But Mahathir killed off the original “UMNO” and started his “UMNO B” making Tunku died…without his party.
    And now that “N” is the end of “RAHMAN”….it is Tunku’s turn to end “UMNO B” through the son whose father plot to take over his PMship.
    What is going to happen to Mahathir?
    Lets hope he lives long to see his devilish party crumple and gone forever and all his rouges and thieves tried in court and corruptions finally be rid of.
    So what we are witnessing Najib’s behaviors and mentality is the greatest mistake of Mahathir…and more will come with his sons.
    Najib have one only chance and that is to make sure he wins the 13th GE with the votes that are now been exposed as frauds and by illegal means..with a much more votes like so to win.
    The ONLY way to stop him is People Power must unite to a larger force..to over shadow his phantom votes.
    And when vast majority decides to change the government and yet Najib wins..then he is asking for it…through non stop streets protests.

  4. “And we Malaysians have been tolerating weak SINCE Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.” – Jose Rizal.

    Would Jose rather prefer Malaysians tolerating strong leadership under Dr Mahathir before, the person who has a hand to working against or anointing and pushing up and then pushing down a whole lineup of PMs from the 1st to the 6th PM (over a period from 1969 till now, about 40 years), on who per his standards, is allowed to lead, who should not and how long each ought to stay in position???

  5. 1 dictator = no other leader. Reason because they are made the leader because they are liked or loved and not because they have the actual leadership skills. But many people love dictators. Look how Cubans love their leader. People prefer to have one emitting signal rather than so many emitting signals that send all into confusion. People love MM then and now too.

  6. It also misleading to say Malaysians are “very patient and tolerant and forgiving” of weak PMs as if we have got a direct hand in electing (as Americans do) or have power to removing them. Here the PMs are by convention elected by the dominant party of ruling coalition in power, and being communal party, members of that party are also elected primarily by a certain majority section of one than all communities. And these members then select their delegates who in turn select their vice presidents deputy and also president who by convention become PM. So if these delegates elect their party officers on the basis of family background and who one’s father was, how much largesse he could dispense, and how financial benefits he could provide and how loud he could beat his chest on race & religion, why should Malaysians as a whole be blamed for failings of the PM when he’s put there not by broad section of choice of all Malaysians based on their criteria?

  7. ///I have been reading The Malaysian Insider and there seems to be some the suggestion that hardliners like Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin are pushing Najib towards more right wing, Malay-first policies. I am sorry but this is absolute rubbish. I believe we have a weak PM who, depending on who shouts loudest and threatens most, goes with that flow. Will the real PM please stand up?///

    Problem is that everyone of these Jose mentioned has ambition and think they are the real PM. They are already standing up!

  8. Real PM? We have real policemen stealing and then selling the watches they stole! Their 1/2 month bonus for Raya not enuff!

    Watch shop owner Tan Chee Khew, 49, had earlier received information that the 117 watches that were stolen from his shop on June 27 were being sold at Lorong Kulit.

    “I went there to check. I know the watches belonged to me after checking the codes and stickers on them.

    “I then called the police, but to my dismay, the three policemen who arrived later apparently asked the suspect to pack and go away.

    “It was then that I suspected something was amiss,” he said.


  9. Ramadan is supposed to be a holy month.

    There should be no bribes, stealing, corruption, lying, prostitution and every other damned vice.

    Now back to Najib and his USD24 million question plus Polls reform, Bersih 2.0 etc.

    If you believe najib doesn’t lie, if you beleive Najib is an honest bloke, if you believe Najib is clean and transparent…..then you should believe that wolves will breastfeed kittens and sing lullaby to chicks.

  10. Will the real PM please stand up?

    ??? !!! %^ +% $# @ !!!

    ??? $%# @?? }{+_)?> ?? ?

    ?? ?? ??? ?

    Celaka betul semua orang ni.

    I am standing!

    Memang tak berguna langsung.

    I hv been standing for the last three minutes.

    &^%$ :”><@@@###@#@

    (psssst pssst)

    Huh? Wot? Stool? Oh! The stool.

  11. ///I give up because I cannot figure what he stands for anymore. One week he talks about economic reforms and opening up the country, and the next week he returns to the safe embrace of the New Economic Policy; and yet one week later, he goes silent when right wing elements assail his policies.///–Jose Rizal

    Najib appears to think that by standing everywhere he would be PM for all citizens. Since he has to be everywhere he cannot stick to any one place and thus he considers flip-flop the only way to remain PM.

    But the truth is he is as cunning as his late father who effected a coup d’etat but allowed Tunku to stay on in name as PM for another two years.

    Since Kakak-Mamak from Kerela has poisoned the mind of Malays to accept that they should be proud of the achievements of whoever claimed to be Malay even on empty stomach Najib as a born racist found it easy to follow the Ketuanan Melayu approach to government. He was cunning to deceive non-Malays into believing that 1Malaysia equates Malaysia for all Malaysians, so that by mistakes he might have non-Malays vote for BN. But he needed to let UMNO Malays believe that he was his father’s political son and so he had Muhyiddin, the born and trained racist to announce his Malay first and Malay last identity so that 1Malaysia also serves Ketuanan Melayu. Najib gives his pendulum policies but he is Ketuanan Melayu in his blood. But curiously he had the balls to call for moderation as extremist. Nobody would ever forget that he wanted to soak his keris in Chinese blood, and he has not withdrawn that statement.

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