Loyalty to King and Country II

by drrafick
August 19, 2011

1. Words can’t describe the anger and pain that I felt with the MAF Chief over his political partisanship comments that disgraced the serving and retired members of the Malaysian Armed Forces. It is unbecoming for a General to call retirees a traitor to the service when he does not have the facts on hand. Anyone who can tell the truth and stand by what they said deserves much more respect than this General whose chest wall is pasted with tin medals. Half of them are probably earned while sitting at a desk and pushing papers.

2. We expect our generals to lead and provide leadership to the man in uniformed. We expect him to defend the integrity of the nation and not defending any political party. Loyalty to the government of the day has its limits. It does not include having a blind loyalty to the political party. In our country the civil service is lame and dictated by politicians, the police are crippled and now the MAF leadership has defamed itself. He send a strong message to the public that confirms that the brass are spineless and their past career growth has been dependent on politicians. They continue to look at politicians for their post retirement career.

3. Aren’t there any officers with strong character and conviction to serve the King and the country today? Has the phrase loyalty to the King and country has been change to blind loyalty to BN? It worries me as the 2nd and 3rd layer of our civil service, police and military has been groomed to be politically loyal to BN first and country second. Continue reading “Loyalty to King and Country II”

Is the world facing fundamental changes?

Viewpoint by Chris Williamson
Chief economist at global financial information firm Markit
BBC News Business
18 August 2011

Recent events, including stock market falls, the escalating sovereign debt crises, US credit rating downgrade and a near-stalling of growth in the developed world is leading increasing numbers of experts to wonder if the world is facing some fundamental changes.

In reality, many of the ideas reflect trends that have been under way for many years, but the crisis had accelerated the process of change.

Four years after the financial crisis began and the world has certainly not returned to normal.

No major developed economy has yet fully regained the output lost during the recession and global share prices remain almost a third lower than their peak prior to the crisis.

Financial stocks have lost two-thirds of their value. Government debt has spiralled due to the bank bailouts, although it has become apparent that not all governments can finance this debt.

If stage one of the crisis involved the transfer of liabilities from the financial sector to governments via bank bailouts, stage two is witnessing transfers from weaker governments to stronger governments, as the latter seek to prevent the former from defaulting and causing more financial turmoil. Continue reading “Is the world facing fundamental changes?”

Review of media censorship a major step forward

CC Liew
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 19, 2011

AUG 19 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recently announced that the government would review its media censorship policy. This move undeniably constitutes a major step forward for the country and would effectively remove the shackles some civil servants ignorant of present day realities have imposed on the media.

Najib’s announcement also shows that he has come to recognise the on-going changes taking place in the county’s media landscape.

Even though this is no longer a novel idea, yet many of our civil servants appear to be indifferent to this important message: While you can audit the printed page of the newspaper, a reader only needs to push a few buttons to read completely unedited reports in the electronic version. While you can block a news report from appearing on the print media, there is no way you can stop bloggers writing their stuff online.

Sometimes, the censorship criteria themselves are dubious and incomprehensible. Magazines publishing bare breast pictures of aboriginal women are torn and even classics by master painters would not escape the fate of their works published in upscale magazines being blacked out. Continue reading “Review of media censorship a major step forward”

Ex-military personnel who come forward to expose postal vote fraud are the true patriots who love army and country

The Armed Forces chief General Zulkifeli Mohd Zin has got it all wrong when he hit out against former military personnel for exposing electoral fraud in past general elections in the manipulation of postal votes as an act of betrayal and questioned their loyalty to the armed forces.

In actual fact, the ex-military personnel who come forward to expose postal vote fraud are the true patriots who love the army and the country as they want to see the army continue to be held in the highest esteem by all sectors of society and the country restored to the right track of a healthy democratic nation.

Zulkifeli’s rhetorical question “How can we be loyal to you if you are disloyal to us” is not only misplaced but is the classic example of how far the public service, of which the armed forces are part, have deviated from its proper non-partisan and professional role. Continue reading “Ex-military personnel who come forward to expose postal vote fraud are the true patriots who love army and country”

TBH ‘suicide’ finding: The impossible does not happen

By CT Wong | 19 August 2011

Extracts from Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission of Enquiry:

Decision on the second term of reference:

[119] Having considered all the evidence in its entirety, we found that TBH was driven to commit suicide by the aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation to which he was subjected by certain officers of the MACC who were in the ongoing operation by the Selangor MACC on the night of the 15th and into the morning of the 16th.

– Forensic psychiatric aspects

[233] Tormented by this predicament, TBH experienced a change in his state of mind. And in a matter of hours, this change transformed him from being in the low-risk group for suicide into the high-risk group. The doubts, extreme emotional conflict and the immense feeling of guilt were all intolerable. Finally, precipitating the irreversible crisis that happened to him between 3.30am and 7.00am on the 16th, was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Finding no viable strategies to surmount the hurdle of accusations levelled, he found himself unable to escape from the suffocating quagmire in which he was trapped. TBH would have felt trapped and have succumbed to despair. Since the window on the 14th floor was either open or could be easily opened and it was conspicuous and easily accessible near where he was on the sofa outside Nasdzri’s room, TBH would have found that the only way for escape from the torment he was undergoing was by jumping out of the window, even though it meant taking his own life….”

Continue reading “TBH ‘suicide’ finding: The impossible does not happen”

Select committee for show

Gomen Man
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 19, 2011

AUG 19 — I would love to believe that the government is sincere about electoral reform but judging by all the statements of BN politicians, I have major doubts.

I was pleasantly surprised when I read a few days ago that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had agreed to set up a select committee on electoral reform. Finally, I thought, some common sense was creeping into his thinking and he understood the aspirations of the people who marched on July 9 and the many who were with the Bersih crowd in spirit.

But within a few days all that has unravelled, and now I am unsure if the administration’s intentions to set up select committee are pure. Even Najib seems to have backtracked, agreeing with his deputy that the election system only needs tweaking (I got to ask if Najib or Muhyiddin Yassin is setting agenda for Malaysia). Continue reading “Select committee for show”

50 years on, returning to my university

by Tunku Aziz
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 19, 2011

AUG 19 — I have just returned from a pilgrimage of sorts to my old stamping ground, Hobart, Tasmania where I went to university. It was exactly 49 years ago that I arrived to take up residence at Hytten Hall.

This recent visit was made in response to an invitation by the Chancellor of the University of Tasmania to accept the degree of Doctor of Laws (h.c) in recognition of “your long-standing campaign to promote transparency and integrity in government and business…”

It was a humbling experience that my own university had seen fit to honour me in this way for my small contribution to the fight against corruption inside my country as well as in the wider world. You could have knocked me down with a feather when I was told some months ago that the Council of the University of Tasmania had decided to admit me to the degree of LL.D honoris causa. Continue reading “50 years on, returning to my university”