Malaysia’s economy: resilient?

by Kevin Brown
Financial Times
August 17, 2011

Is Malaysia set for sustained economic growth this year, or exposed to serious potential problems if wobbles in the West turn into another slowdown? It depends who you ask.

The central bank is in no doubt that growth will continue, in spite of a fall in the annual pace of growth from 4.9 per cent in the first quarter to 4 per cent in the second.

In robustly positive comments issued with the numbers on Wednesday, Bank Negara acknowledged the impact of weakness in the advanced economies, but insisted that growth prospects remained underpinned by the expansion of private domestic demand and strong exports of commodities and resource-based products – for which read oil, gas and palm oil. Continue reading “Malaysia’s economy: resilient?”

Mat Zain: Dropping Tajuddin suits raises doubt over Umno funds

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 18, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 18 — A former senior police investigator has questioned Putrajaya’s directive for all GLCs to drop civil suits worth billions of ringgit against Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli, stating that the move raises the question of whether hundreds of millions of ringgit were being held by Umno nominees.

Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim wrote in an article sent to The Malaysian Insider that the former MAS chairman held RM70 million in trust for Tun Daim Zainuddin who was finance minister during Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s administration.

“The question of whether the money belonged to Tun Daim, or was shared with someone else or if it belonged to Umno will become an issue. In short, the public has the right to raise 1,001 questions on this issue,” said the former city CID chief. Continue reading “Mat Zain: Dropping Tajuddin suits raises doubt over Umno funds”

“Passing the buck” to PSC of all allegations of a flawed electoral system such as foreigners given the right to vote is completely unacceptable

The “passing the buck” to the Parliamentary Select Committee on electoral reforms of all allegations of a flawed electoral system such as foreigners given the right to vote is completely unacceptable and would be proof that the PSC is mere political ploy and diversionary tactics.

Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said yesterday that Pakatan Rakyat allegations of foreigners being given the right to vote will be addressed by the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on electoral reform.

Why should this be the case. Shouldn’t serious allegations like the issue of citizenship to foreigners to give them the right to vote, which is a most treasonous action, be addressed and resolved immediately by the Election Commission, instead of deferring action and “passing the buck” to the parliamentary select committee which could only be formed in October?

An efficient and professional Election Commission would report to the parliamentary select committee what measures it has taken to address and resolve the serious allegations of a flawed electoral system instead of “passing the buck” to the parliamentary select committee in October to start from scratch to deal with them. Continue reading ““Passing the buck” to PSC of all allegations of a flawed electoral system such as foreigners given the right to vote is completely unacceptable”

Four more ex-soldiers admit to postal vote fraud

Joseph Sipalan | Aug 17, 11

Postal vote manipulation has been a common practice in the military for many years – so it seems – now that more retired military personnel are speaking up.

Now, four ex-military personnel have confessed to committing election fraud – the same way an ex-army man said he did so earlier this month.

The four, who had served at army and air force bases across the country, say they marked thousands of postal votes in three separate general elections between 1978 and 1999.

The four – Major (Rtd) Risman Mastor, Kamarulzaman Ibrahim, Mohamed Nasir Ahmad and Mohd Kamil Omar – said they were ordered by their commanding officers to mark postal votes for the hundreds and thousands of personnel who were out in the field. Continue reading “Four more ex-soldiers admit to postal vote fraud”