You are no better than a thug

Azrul Mohd Khalib
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 16, 2011

AUG 16 — I read with much disappointment and irritation at Senator Mohd Ezam Mohd Nor’s behaviour as reported in “Ezam threatens ‘jihad’ against those proselytising Muslims” (August 12). Malaysians should reject the politics of intimidation, scare mongering and violence which appears to be espoused by Ezam.

He has also misrepresented the Jais raid situation as one where Islam is under attack. Let us be clear: Islam in Malaysia is not and has not been under attack. Both Hasan Ali and Ezam know it.

It is not necessary to play the martyr (Hasan Ali) or the defender of the faith (Ezam). The latter’s threats to wage war and to burn the offices of both Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider are criminal in nature and I call upon the necessary authorities to address them appropriately.

It is not necessary to resort to such bullying tactics and to bring down the level of engagement to that of thugs, samsengs and Ah Longs in a back alley. Such a person is surely morally bankrupt.

If presenting the truth or an alternative perspective of how Malaysians view current events is considered by the senator to be attributes of being agents against Islam, then I shudder at how far we have gone to blindfold or gag ourselves in denial of the diverse realities which exist in this country.

I am also alarmed at the extent to which certain factions are willing to go to ensure that their views are the only ones which matter. Their determination to accuse non-Muslims of being disrespectful to Islam has become irrational.

“Jais woes” are of its own making. Jais or any religious department for that matter does not merit unthinking obedience by all and they must learn to be accountable for their actions. If Jais’ actions are valid and proven justified with the necessary evidence, then the law provides guidance as to what needs to be done.

If this is another knee-jerk reaction to an unsubstantiated accusation of proselytisation and conversion of Muslims and Jais acted wrongly, then the least it could do is to apologise. As Malaysians, we are a very forgiving society and understand that mistakes happen. However, what we must not and cannot tolerate are making threats to harm and inflict violence onto others, and placing arrogance, ego, pride before the peace of the country and her people.

The threats of Ezam are an embarrassment and disgrace to right-thinking Muslims in Malaysia and should be treated with the appropriate contempt.

Senator Ezam. As a member of our Parliament, you owe all of us, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, an apology for your threats to inflict violence unto others.


18 Replies to “You are no better than a thug”

  1. Apologies won’t suffice!
    Why shouldn’t such people who threaten peace and
    stability in this country, be tried under the appropriate
    laws of the country?
    Since there are plenty of laws that can be used against
    the opposition, why aren’t there any laws that can
    be used against those in the ruling coalition?

  2. The first rule of “threats” is never make threats that one is incapable of executing. Like for instance the threat to bring 50,000 silat exponents to the recent bersih 2.0 rally. And the threat of jihad for every single perceived challenge, whether real, unreal, virtual or dreamt.

    I think he is better off drinking some really cool ice blended rambutan. Hoi cintanegara, save half that cup of blended rambutan for ezam, ya.

  3. People like Ezam have run out of ideas, so they lean towards the lunatic fringe for support. All Ezam is hoping for is that the next time Ibrahim Katak thinks of starting a fire, he will call Ezam to come join in the fun.

  4. There are lunatics all over the world. The tragedy in Malaysia is these lunatics are allowed to hold high government positions and dictates to the government of the day their agenda. Instead of nation building their main focus is to play politics and create trouble. As they are good for nothing their only tool for their survival is to grab from others what they need. To justify their action they make their victims into hate group and expect the nation of support them. I do not see how a nation like Malaysia can progress if it continues to be pulled down by these imbeciles whose primary function is to cause trouble and mislead.

  5. How come almost all of Anwar’s frens are like dis one? Eeezam, Nallakaruppan, Chan Dra Muzz, Zahrain, Zoo Nordin, Tai Poh, Wee Chu Kiong, you-name-it……

    Anwar, you should take a course in “How to Discover Your True Frens”

  6. The biggest threat to national security is having 2 sets of laws-one for the ordinary rakyat and opposition party members, the other for UNMOputras. The double-standard practice will make sure Malaysia joins the Zimbabwe Club soon.

  7. Come on, be brave. Just admit that DUMC was trying to convert Muslims to Christianity on the night when Jais conducted the inspection. A Christian Church, conducting a quiz on Islam, to be answered by Muslim. What is that?? It is the church way of knowing the level of Islamic knowledge among the participants. So you dont have to say that it was only a Thanksgiving dinner or a fund-raising or a Muhibbah gathering or bla bla bla.. Dont lie because I’m very sure that Jesus forbids us from lying.

  8. If they are so tough go join the Talibans and fight in that forsaken countries. here can la, talk kok, scare people with their ketuanans. Bully Kecik bolehlah.

    They are the martyr of corruptions and the defender of anything kotor.

  9. At least the thugs are not paid by tax payers money unlike this uncouth, uncultured and despicable lout and a poor excuse for a senator who lives on money from the rakyat’s taxes and then goes and threatens them. He has disgraced the august house of the Senate by his uncivilised behavior. But sadly we cannot vote him out because he is appointed by his puppet masters to do their dirty work. But never fear, we will make his masters pay for using such lunatics to threaten us.

    If this moronic thug has any guts he should try to stand for open election in Selangor and we will see if the poison he spews can get him elected.

  10. Lufti #9 above:

    If it is true that the organizers were out to proselytise Muslims, then charge them in a court of law, and produce the necessary evidence. Having a quiz on Islam and having Islamic songs may just be a matter of being insensitive on the part of the Christians, but if no law was broken, why make it into such a big issue that “Jihad” had to be mentioned ?

    We are a country of laws. If a law is broken, charge the perpetrators. Don’t make baseless accusations without proof. Being insensitive during Ramadhan is not a crime.

  11. A thug means he actually intimidated people. Who really was intimidated? Most Malaysian even aunties and uncles will stare him down any time and anywhere..

    No he is no thug just a cowardly jerk that will run away if you stand up to him which he will never let happen..

  12. Mr Godfather #12,

    U wrote “Being insensitive is not a crime”. OK, I do agree ( so there’s nothing wrong with the move by Education Ministry to use the novel Interlok, despite that novel being regarded as insensitive to non-Malay)!!. But being a liar is a crime. So if it was true that the organizer was trying to proselytise Muslim, then admit it. Dont try to belit-belit!
    You wrote ” If there was any proof that the organizer was trying to proselytise Muslim, charge them in court”. Ayo yo yo, tarak sekolah ke? To charge anybody in court, u must have proof. To gather proof, u must go and investigate. And that was what Jais did on that night! They went for investigation. They didnt harrass anybody, they didnt make any arrest and they’ve prepared full report on the incident, now in the hands of Selangor MB. So what is the problem?

  13. Lutfi :
    Come on, be brave. Just admit that DUMC was trying to convert Muslims to Christianity on the night when Jais conducted the inspection. A Christian Church, conducting a quiz on Islam, to be answered by Muslim. What is that?? It is the church way of knowing the level of Islamic knowledge among the participants. So you dont have to say that it was only a Thanksgiving dinner or a fund-raising or a Muhibbah gathering or bla bla bla.. Dont lie because I’m very sure that Jesus forbids us from lying.

    Even if it is true, but clearly it was not, that Muslims were informed of Christian teaching, isn’t it true that it is the individual who has the right to decide whether he wanted to remain Muslim or otherwise? Freedom of religious belief does not translate into a right to impose on others what he wants others to believe, and it is much less a right to organize actions against others.

    It would appear that the defender of the faith know less of the faith himself. It is for the sake of politics translated into the number of voters that religion has been politicized. The defender of the faith would care not the conversion out of the faith in other countries which would amount to a deduction in the total number of persons believing in that faith. But it is only in Malaysia that politicians acted strangely about religious matter. Clearly they did it in the name of the religion for the purpose of increasing the number of persons who might vote blindly in the name of religion.

    Malaysians are free to practice any religion of their choice. Why then should Malays be deprived of that right to choose?

  14. Mr Loh,
    I fully agree with u. Everybody should be free to choose his or her faith. As a Muslim, I will say that Islam is the right religion and I will promote it to others as well. My brothers in Christian will definitely say that Christianity is right and they will convince people on that. BUT what I could not accept is the denial syndrome of DUMC. They have done their job to attract people towards Christianity so just admit it. Be responsible for your deeds. U are doing it for the sake of Jesus, then why u have to feel afraid over the man made law which prohibits other faith from being spread to Muslim in Malaysia?

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