Mainstreaming the lunatic fringe?

Mustafa K Anuar
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 14, 2011

AUGUST 14 — In the recent past, middle-ground Malaysia has borne witness to a series of disturbing public expressions by certain groups and individuals that border on ethnic slurring, slander and rabid racism.

And many a time, these public expressions have without exception insulted the intelligence of the average Malaysians, irrespective of ethnic and religious backgrounds.

What’s equally disturbing is that such articulation has caused hurt, pain and even outrage among the people who have been subjected to these irrational outbursts from the lunatic fringe. ‘Lunatic fringe’ here refers to the fanatical, extremist or irrational members of society who seem to be on the rise lately. Perkasa and other groups of similar disposition come to mind immediately. Continue reading “Mainstreaming the lunatic fringe?”

Pua threatens to sue Najib, Nazri for Tajuddin Ramli bailout

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 14, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 14 — DAP MP Tony Pua threatened legal action against Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz today, saying they would be sued for negligence if Putrajaya fails to recover the billions in debts owed by Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli.

The Petaling Jaya Utara MP predicted the directive ordering all government-linked companies (GLC) to withdraw their suits against the former Malaysia Airlines (MAS) chairman would likely see him escaping scot-free.

“If the current Attorney-General is unwilling to consider the above action against the Prime Minister due to the complete lack of independence of the former’s office, Najib can be assured that full, open and transparent investigations will be carried out by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government against his misdeeds should we secure victory in the next General Election,” Pua warned in a statement today.

“This is to ensure that those who have knowingly and negligently caused losses to the government’s coffers will be held accountable and will not be let off unpunished,” he added. Continue reading “Pua threatens to sue Najib, Nazri for Tajuddin Ramli bailout”