Reason why MoCS rally called off

Written by Francis Siah
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Press Statements
Foreword by Dr Lim Teck Ghee

Readers who have been following the progress of the MoCS ‘Walk for Democracy and Reform’ assembly in Kuching will be as disappointed as we are that the event has been called off. This development, though disappointing is not unexpected given the extraordinary pressure on Francis and the small group of stalwart supporters during the last few weeks. The perverted use by the government of the law enforcement agencies for its political ends has long been a feature of Barisan Nasional rule in Malaysia; and this has proven to be the case once again. It will not be the last time.

Refusal to provide permits for legitimate public gatherings and events organized by the opposition is part of the standard operating procedure of the police force. Other not so subtle forms of denial of our constitutional right to freedom of assembly are the use of restraining orders, which with the connivance of a sycophantic judiciary, is meant to prohibit leaders and supporters from gathering anywhere close to the vicinity of any planned rally that is perceived as drawing attention to the corruption, abuses and bad governance of the ruling elite.

Increasingly, our men in blue and black in the police and judiciary (not to mention immigration, education, and other government agencies) are no longer the neutral civil servants which was the intent of the federal constitution when it was drawn up. Increasingly they appear to be the private police force, private judicial officials and private civil servants of the current ruling political parties.

Predictable and disappointing though the turn of events has turned out to be, what is more disappointing is the response from Sarawakians and other fellow Malaysians to the decision to call off the rally. These people should know better. Instead of casting stones at MoCS chief Francis Siah and the MoCS movement and directing their bile at the wrong target, they should get off their fat backsides and do something – anything – to show that they are part of the movement for change.

In the letter of explanation by Francis Seah which we are reproducing below, he drew attention to this quote by G. E. Woodberry “Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure”.

In addition to this, I would like to add the following: If the mountain does not move, let’s work together to move the route around the mountain.


‘Why I called off the rally’ by Francis Seah

Dear MoCS fellows and friends,

So this is how it ended — an anti-climax. I am also very disappointed with my decision. But I had to make one for MoCS.

Only God knows why I finally decided to call it off.

The past month has been a confrontation with the police when it should have been the ‘termite’. It’s not worth it in this case. The real ‘enemy’ is not the police.

Deputy Commissioner Law Hong Soon advised me to think over the responsibility and burden on me personally (and not on MoCS because legally, MoCS does not even exist although we managed to register the name as a company.)

I have thought this over and over again. Personally, I have no experience in organising a public rally of this scale (contesting an election is different). Anyone gets hurt, injured or maimed, I am responsible. Anyone get arrested, I will be responsible.

I feel responsible for my fellows and friends. The eight who were served the Restraining Order (RO) are all my good friends. One is a cousin. Even Mohd Salleh Ahmed who has absolutely nothing to do with MoCS was somehow caught in the crossfire. He is a businessman and I don’t wish to bring trouble to him or his family and business or to any of my friends.

I have to be honest and say that if any of the eight were to be arrested because of the rally, I have no personal resources to help in any way.

So far, no one here or elsewhere has told me that they would assist should anything happen to the eight served with the RO. Here again, the burden is on me.

Already, armchair critics in their comfort zone have started lambasting me in web portals and blogs, as expected.

Here are a few samples:

“What a coward Siah… Already have millions in his pocket I guess.”

“Francis Siah bo lan pa. Coward. Full of excuses. Why can’t he walk alone?”

“No guts to do, don’t talk so loud. You should know what’s coming even before you announce the rally, why back off now, citing a flimsy excuse of public safety? If you don’t march, there will be more longer-term, more entrenched danger to public safety, and the arrests will still continue. Coward!”

I won’t pretend by saying that I’m not hurt by those insults.

The only thing I can do to console myself is to say that these critics will never be able to accomplish what we have so far. These people will never lift a finger to help if MoCS gets into trouble or faces constraints. They just sit comfortably in front of their PCs and enjoy hurling insults at others. So why should I worry so much!

I’m glad I’m not a politician running for public office. I do not need public support to attain a political goal. Why bother whether they want to support me or not?


It is now 2.15am on Aug 13. Today is the first anniversary of MoCS. I recall this day one year ago when I sat down together with See Chee How and Jasmine at a press conference at Kuching Airport to announce the establishment of MoCS.

Little did I realize how difficult and turbulent the journey would be. I have no experience too in heading an NGO. But it was one hell of a ride, and unfortunately, an expensive one too.

I’ve also given my word to the original eight initiators of MoCS that I would take a year off work to head MoCS.

I also recall that I would set a one-year time frame, perhaps a too ambitious one, to lead the MoCS campaign to oust the termite within 12 months.

The deadline is up today and I’ve failed to get rid of that old insect. But I’ve kept my word and today, I’ve completed my ‘term’.

Now it’s time to pass the baton.

— FS


23 Replies to “Reason why MoCS rally called off”

  1. If the ruling regime wants to stay in power, it must work hard to bring in foreign direct investment, create more jobs, improve public health care, etc and not rob people of their democratic right to rally in order to maintain its grip on Federal power.

  2. I am sad that it is called off.
    Dear Francis,
    No we are not angry with you. Only you and the God above will know why you did what you did.
    Let this be a lesson to all those who have ideas to do a walk for democracy. In this “democratic” Malaysia, walks for democracy carries a price, and all who wish to walk for democracy, must first count the cost. Better not start, if you cannot bear the cost.
    Yes, it is true that we have to win GE13 despite all BN obstacles, and I am sure there will be more. Let us remain united, and work hard till the end. We can make it, but it sure needs hard work.

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya and GE 13 is our best chance.

  3. You walk and protest…you get arrested in Malaysia.
    The little freedom to express yourselves are taken away.
    This is worst than Cambodia….and heading towards being the worst in SEA.
    In front..afraid of ghosts… at the back …afraid of people are ones that are feeling so guilty of everything.
    Like Francis said…he is not blaming the police but the government.

  4. And ….Deputy High Education Minister….Saifuddin Abdullah said BERSIH 2 rally not like London riots…going against UMNO B party conclusions.
    I guess some like him…are so fed up with dirty politics.

  5. Francis san,if you are not confident to intitiate any change for free and fair movement from the start,can you boleh kah not to announce the intended movement earlier earlier desu kah?You are no leader san desu.You have had already set the precedent of how cowardly we can be easily and yet psycologically cowed by the blue iniform or the people in the higher psycho authority.However that’s not the true case.Have you read or seen how Bersih rally2 has brought us together and it shows how unity and determined we are seeking for free and fair election and governance?Damn incompetent nuisance!!Tak tentu arah macam Najis!!

  6. Can not walk ok fine

    You can talk so be it TALK

    Tell the world that what you have been facing – threaten, corruption, stealing, cheating



  7. Perhaps there’s a way to change the mindset of those
    who, at the moment are siding with the government.
    Those who work in the police, army, judiciary etc
    also have friends and kin who may not be in the
    same business.
    Perhaps these people can try to instill a sense of
    justice in them.

  8. There are lots of illogical things being said here. We know for a fact that the police, the judiciary, the immigration etc are obsequious and ever willing to do the errands for their political masters, so why are you surprise pressure and coercion were being applied on the organisers? Ordinary citizens have very right to fell frustrated and don’t you ever blame us for behaving this way, Mr. Lim. What do you expect, praise our leaders and organisers for not getting the things done? Leaders and organisers must show greater responsibility, leadership and tenacity. If not, they should remain be a follower like me.

  9. On another note, d talk-big KTK turned down challenge 2 debate with TKP
    No wonder Penangites said there is a new variety of durian (d kind with no seed) called BOH HOOD in Pg 无籽榴莲 or 无子孙根榴莲 呜呼哀哉!

  10. Police: We did no wrong in deporting d British lawyer who arrived at KLIA on Friday over a lawsuit involving Malaysian Indians here
    D decision 2 ban d British lawyer came fr Bukit Aman n d Home Ministry as they deemed d lawyer a threat 2 national security
    Interesting, meeting with members of d Malaysian public 2 gather information is a threat 2 national security
    Or is it a THREAT 2 UmnoB/BN security/survival?

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