Guan Eng: US economic woes could prompt snap polls

By Lisa J. Ariffin
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 07, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 — The weak US economy and last week’s downgrade of Malaysia’s credit ratings could prompt the Najib administration to call for snap polls as early as November, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said today.

He said the US debt crisis “will not only have impact on the economy but also the date of the next [general election]”.

“If the impact continues, we will see early elections as early as November because it is very important for the economy,” Lim told a press conference at the party headquarters here today.

“After Bersih, this seems more likely because of a contagion effect,” Lim added.

When asked if he sees any possible recession in Penang economy, the state’s chief minister said “it is too early to tell”.

In 2010, Penang received RM12.2 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI), making it the top investment destination in the country.

This year, Penang chalked up an impressive FDI figure of RM2.3 billion in April, the highest among all states.

Following the US credit downgrade by ratings agency Standard & Poor’s, a global market sell-off wiped out an estimated RM26 billion from Bursa Malaysia as investors took the cue from the regional meltdown following the rout on Wall Street on Thursday.

Lim said DAP was already preparing for the general election to be held within the year. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has up to 2013 to dissolve Parliament for a general election.

“In fact, we will be having election training today,” Lim said.

Today, Lim also announced the admission of renowned history professor Professor Dr Ariffin Omar into DAP.

Critically-acclaimed for his thesis on Malay concepts of democracy and community, “Bangsa Melayu”, Ariffin said he chose to join DAP as the party was not race-oriented and represented all races.

“The security of the country is guaranteed if (racial politics is rejected). That is why I choose this party.

“DAP stands for social and racial justice,” Ariffin added.

When asked to comment on DAP’s drive to recruit more Malay members, Lim said “there is a steady progress and an increase of Malays”.

“However, (recruitment) is going to be long and hard as we have to work out the mental, emotional and psychological barriers (the community has developed) through fifty years of propaganda and the whole exercise of demonising DAP (by the ruling government),” Lim said.

“We need to work hard to break down these barriers, which slow down progress,” he added.


7 Replies to “Guan Eng: US economic woes could prompt snap polls”

  1. ///When asked to comment on DAP’s drive to recruit more Malay members, Lim said “there is a steady progress and an increase of Malays”.///

    Perhaps Guan Eng can find out from PAS how the party could suddenly win the support of so many Chinese.

    If the Chinese could turn to PAS en masse in a twinkling of an eye, the same could happen to the Malays turning to DAP en masse!

  2. Y so panicky 1, LGE, no need 2 press d alarm bell lah
    U no hear aah, NMY, Mi nister in d PM Dept: “D European financial crisis n United States economic slowdown will NOT affect d country’s economy”
    Relax lor, LGE, NMY so smart what

  3. I would not be so sure the US market is going to tank. Its not going to lead and neither will Europe. China is also trying to engineer a soft lending for its economy.

    What does it mean? What it means is that those who are lucky to be part of the elitist spending program of BN will not feel any pain but those that are not part of it which is most people will not see much difference. This means those who are marginalized will continue to feel marginalized and the ranks will grow.

    What it really means is that it does not get better for Najib and UMNO/BN. The problem is the parasitic nature of UMNO/BN feudal politics mean that there will be in-fighting..The longer Najib waits, the more infighting there will be..

  4. Yes, DAP must recruit more non-Chinese members 2 bcome a political party 4 all
    DAP must also tackle problems of all M’sians, irrespective of race n religion
    Let CSL continues his barking, mad dog infected with mad cow disease

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