Ex-Umno MPs want Najib out

Muda Mohd. Noor | August 3, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Penawar, an organisation comprising ex-Umno parliamentarians headed by a Mahathir man, has expressed lack of confidence in the PM’s leadership.

PETALING JAYA: Speculation has been rife that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s position in Umno is under threat.

Party insiders have long claimed that the daggers are out, alleging that while in public, support is expressed for the president, behind closed doors his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin with the blessings of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is making his move.

The prime minister’s grip on power slipped further following the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9 while the controversies surrounding his wife Rosmah Mansor are also taking a toll.

Now, an organisation representing former Umno members of Parliament has voiced its lack of confidence in Najib’s leadership and wants him to step down.

The organisation called Penawar is headed by former Cabinet minister Aziz Shamsuddin, who was Mahathir’s political secretary from 1981 to 2002.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a Penawar member said the organisation decided in a meeting last week that it is time for Najib to relinquish his post.

“It is up to Najib. If he loves the country and the Malays, he should resign as soon as possible.

“If he is not a selfish person, then he must quit,” the former MP told FMT, adding that the meeting was attended by ex-ministers from the Mahathir era.

According to him, Penawar, which represents some 50 ex-MPs, is dissatisfied with Najib’s leadership due to several reasons.

When pressed, he declined to elaborate on the reasons, stating that these are common knowledge.

Contacted later, Aziz, who is Penawar’s chairman, declined to comment on the matter but disclosed that the organisation will be holding another meeting tomorrow.

Muhyiddin’s brother also present?

Najib took over the reins in April 2009 and immediately portrayed himself as a moderate leader under his 1Malaysia concept aimed at luring back Chinese and Indian votes.

However, his all-embracing approach failed to go down well with certain quarters in Umno, with even Mahathir remarking that the party has failed to protect the Malays and this led to groups like Perkasa coming to the forefront.

On the same note, Chinese support continued to increase for the opposition as seen in several by-elections and the pressure on Najib mounted.

Prominent blogger Mohd Sayuti Omar also posted an article regarding Penawar’s call on Najib to step down.

Quoting a source, he said that among those present at the meeting were Muhyiddin’s brother, Aziz Yassin, former youth and sports minister Mokhtar Hashim and Tamrin Ghaffar, the son of former deputy premier Ghaffar Baba.


16 Replies to “Ex-Umno MPs want Najib out”

  1. Najib appears to have the support of some has-beens and hangers-on like Rais Yatim, Shahrizat, Nazri, Hishamuddin to name but a few. Will these switch camp or are they slated for the pastures?

  2. wonder why jib is not striking back at mamak and his gang? What does he got to lose? just like darth vader strikes against the emperor to save his son. This mamak emperor has been running loose unchecked for far too long. or else jibs “son”, the throne will be gone, given to mamak’s sanctioned dark lord, muyiddin.

  3. Mamakutty of Kerala and gang got rid of a ex-sleeping PM. Now thay have an easier task to sneak behind a corrupted, sex intoxicated and a deranged evil being off his position as UMNO PM. The Indian man has something up his sleeves…watch the rise to power of little kutty, no?

  4. While awkwardly retreating his footsteps backward Najis is striking back at mamak and coolie gangs with little effect.Najis has too much baggage with him which mamak and gangs are riding on high on it to clobber him upside down.Najis will go down in history as the stronger pack of wolves is holding him to ransom by all his misdeeds.

  5. //why jib is not striking back at mamak ?//

    For all you know, Big Kutty has a full dossier on the naughty buggah behind Altan’s c4ing. As long as Little Kutty gets the pm’s job, that dossier will not be released to the press. So now that naughty buggah is having sleepless nights.

  6. If they want to get rid of Najib, they must have a solid reason like sodomy (remember the pitiable fellow Anwar?), conversion to Christianity (remember the visit to the Vatican to see the Pope?), corruption – even if the whole of UMNO is corrupt ( remember the submarines and the planes and the beautiful model?). This guy Mahatir, however, is a spent force. If he dares to be PM again or even a kingmaker, the very excitement will kill him, for this is the last of his nine lives. Forget these fellows, and concentrate on PKR, this house of cards which is waiting to be blown down. Strengthen it. The General Elections are here.

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