13th General Elections may be held as early as October/November and all Malaysians must grasp the possibility for the first time in nation’s history for change of government in Putrajaya

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said that UMNO must reform or it would be reformed.

From recent events, it is crystal clear that Umno and Barisan Nasional are incapable of reform and must be reformed by the people effecting a change of federal government from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat in the next general elections.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the MIC President G. Palanivel as his second Indian Cabinet Minister implementing his notorious philosophy spelt out in the Sibu by-election of “Gua tolong lu, lu tolong gua” – when the duty of any responsible government must be to serve all needy Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or political beliefs.

It is this cynical philosophy where essential public services are treated as a barter trade between the government and the people which is the root cause of the host of abuses of power and corruption afflicting the country destroying our national unity and international competitiveness.

This is one big difference between the Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya from the Najib government – no Cabinet appointments or government decisions or projects based on “Gua tolong lu, lu tolong gua” but strictly on the basis of merit or need.

This evening, the Prime Minister was put in a spot over his signature “1Malaysia” policy and slogan by a student at the 5th Annual Malaysian Student Leaders Summit who asked Najib whether he was prepared to state he was Malaysian first and what he thought of Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s infamous remark of being “Malay first and Malaysian next”.

I remember very vividly Muhyiddin’s reply as it was in response to my challenge to all Cabinet Ministers in Parliament in March last year to declare their stand whether they are Malaysians first and their religion, region and socio-economic status second to demonstrate their full allegiance to Najib’s 1Malaysia policy.

Najib dodged the student’s question on the ground that he did not want to give grounds for people to create divisions between him and his deputy.

This is a real cop-out, an evasion of the question which is even more significant than any direct answer as it revealed the total hollowness of Najib’s 1Malaysia policy – which has so far not gone beyond circus fanfare of 1Malaysia Tupperware, 1Malaysia T-shirt, 1Malaysia Burger, 1Malaysia Mineral Water and other gimmicry.

The real 1Malaysia was achieved on July 9 in the Bersih 2.0 rally for free and fair elections as the weeks of mainstream media demonisation and police threats as well as the unjustified lockdown of Kuala Lumpur did not prevent the phenomenon of Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region, gender or sex coming together as one Malaysian people in the common cause of a Bersih Malaysia!

Najib should be celebrating the Berish 1Malaysia coming of age on July 9, but instead he and his Cabinet Ministers have not let up in their groundless and irresponsible attacks on Bersih 2.0 and Malaysians who support the cause of a Clean Malaysia.

The next general elections could be very near and may be held as early as October/November and all Malaysians must grasp the possibility for the first time in nation’s history for change of power in Putrajaya.

Before the Sarawak state general elections, many have forecast that Najib may hold the 13th general elections before the Puasa month and could be in June or July.

However, after the poor Barisan Nasional performance in the April 16 Sarawak state polls, despite Barisan Nasional retaining its two-thirds majority in the state, talk of general elections veered to end of the year.

After the series of self-inflicted wounds following the gross mishandling of the 709 Bersih 2.0 rally, including the mala fide detention of the PSM6 under Emergency Ordinance, UMNO and Barisan Nasional self-confidence suffered grievous blows pushing forecasts of the possible polls date for the next general elections to next year.

However, when Najib cut short his overseas trip after his most embarrassing visits to London, the Vatican, Rome and Paris – hounded by adverse international reactions to the high-handed government response to Bersih 2.0 rally – the possibility of polls being held in October or November has again returned to the fore.

Be that as it may, regardless of when the next polls are held, whether in October/November this year or next year, Malaysians must be aware that the next general elections is going to be the most important one in the nation’s history as it is within the power of the voters to decide whether there should be a change of the national government in Putrajaya from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat.

UMNO and Barisan Nasional are incapable of reform as they could only be reformed by the people voting for a new Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya.

It is only with a new government in Putrajaya that there can be major policy changes in the country, as for instance in resolving the long-standing grievances of taxi drivers in the country by implementing a “Permits for Taxi Drivers” policy.


15 Replies to “13th General Elections may be held as early as October/November and all Malaysians must grasp the possibility for the first time in nation’s history for change of government in Putrajaya”

  1. GE in October / November ? Unlikely. That’s when the schools exams will be held and parents and teachers will complain and vote against BN. Schools will be needed for exams and not as polling stations.

    In any case why wait for Najib the indecisive, two-faced one to decide?

    PR can force the next GE while the going is good in the wake of Bersih 2.0 and the results of UMNO dry run.

    PR can dictate the time and base this on the current favourable sentiment for it, and before they jail Anwar.

    Just dissolve all PR State governments and elections will need to be held there within 2 months. BN will also be forced to dissolve their states as well as otherwise they will need to hold elections there soon as well.

    The state governments will need to be dissolved within the next 18 months anyway so why not hold a snap polls now while the sentiment is good?

    If PR is so very confident of retaining their states and win maybe 1 or two more, then force an elections now. If the PR states do well, then the BN states will definitely fall when polls are held there subsequently. If PR do we,, then Najib’s position and BN is doomed.

    Concentrate your energies on retaining the 4 dissolved PR state governments with bigger majorities now. This will rattle the BN states and East Malaysia and cause them to fall when they next hold their polls.

    Concentrate and fight 4 states now and 8 later. This way you need not fight everywhere. When you concentrate your energies and resources on a smaller front, you can make huge inroads as happened in Sarawak.

    Fight according to your terms and not others. Put them all in disarray.


  2. I predicted 711…..not true.
    I say…if not …then 911 but Dr.Hsu said next year and LKS says Oct/Nov.
    I wish three of us can lay a bet who is the closet to win a 3 nights 4 days to Bali.
    Seriously speaking….the longer Najib delays…the worst off for him and BN….and for that LKS maybe right.
    I for one and many millions of Malaysians are looking forward to the 13th GE..soonest possible.

  3. I am 99.5% certain that at this very moment, knowing that they are likely to lose even more seats in the coming GE13 … they are preparing all sorts of tactics to make sure that PR will do no better that they did in 2008…

    The same old trick goes…

    …..” Hey!! 3000 postal vote are not enough this time for my constituency, i want 5000 + another 3000 ready to be topped up at anytime…just in case ”

    ……” Sir, Yes Sir !! “

  4. Sure we do…”You help me. I help you”
    “lu mau duit? Gua mau Robert Lau jadi Ali Parliament……boleh tak……boleh tak….boleh tak?…ah boleh”
    “Robert Lau becomes Ali Parliament on Sunday night…I will sign the cheque on Monday..and you will get it on Wednesday.
    When I make a promise…I never break it”
    What!!! 5 million??? Sudah niak hariga!! Just now was 3 million.OK la….5 million confirm”
    What kind of PM uses tax payers money like this??
    Trying to show how powerful he is….Sibu Miracle was born.

  5. He needs billions falling from heaven into UMNO B kitty bank…but sadly…it cannot be done with no 2/3 majority.
    Without billions….Najib cannot talk big.
    Money talks for UMNO B government.
    No money…no talk.
    So now..actions speak louder than words….bully……beat…arrest…also do not work.
    All freed under pressure.
    What’s next?….Ibrahim Ali again?

  6. It is the time we send THEM a message

    Malaysia is belong to Malaysians

    Do not keep use our Malaysia Treasury Tax money freely like belong to them spend whatever amount they like without any answerable

    Do not keep telling us empty promises and lie whatever they like to say to cheat Malaysians without any answerable

    Do not keep threatening us Malaysians with manipulating the laws without any answerable

    Do not keep continuing corruption robbing Malaysia Treasury Tax our money without any audit to answerable


    MALAYSIA is belong to us MALAYSIANS


    13th General Election



    MALAYSIA is belong to us MALAYSIANS


    13th General Election


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