Rakyat the ‘Third Force’ or ‘The Main Force’

By Richard Loh

Today I am taking a challenge to write against the tide.

In physics, a force is any influence that causes a free body to undergo a change in speed, a change in direction, or a change in shape. Force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push or pull that can cause an object with mass to change its velocity (which includes to begin moving from a state of rest), i.e., to accelerate, or which can cause a flexible object to deform. Wikipedia

If I am not wrong, the third force was not heard before except the term ‘fence sitter’ which described those indecisive voters pre-308. Even post 308 for over a year and a half there is no one bringing up the third force subject. What the general public saw was an opportunity for a two party system and that is when Pakatan Rakyat was created or formed.

The talk of the third force begins to appear in some blogs initiated from a movement group, sometime in late 2009 or early 2010 without mentioning that the rakyat was going to be the third force. Why suddenly the call for the third force when everything was pointing towards a two party system.
Continue reading “Rakyat the ‘Third Force’ or ‘The Main Force’”

RCI is utterly wrong to label TBH death as suicide

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP life advisor

The decision of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the death of Teoh Beng Hock to declare it a suicide is unconscionable and unacceptable to the people who want justice for Teoh Beng Hock and his family.

An incredulous roar of disapproval erupted throughout the country, when the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the death of Teoh Beng Hock announced their verdict that his death was due to suicide.

‘IMPOSSIBLE’ the people said. There was no earthly reason for TBH to commit suicide. He had everything going for him. He was getting married the next day to a wonderful girl and he was going tob e a father, he was holding a good job and faces a bright future. Yes, he was due for questioning by MACC today, but only as a witness and not as a suspect, and only for a few hours. He was the most unlikely candidate to be suicidal.

Unfortunately, TBH after a day of questioning by MACC officers on day 15th, he was found dead the next day 16th on the premises of MACC. There was a coroner’s inquest which returned an open verdict.
Continue reading “RCI is utterly wrong to label TBH death as suicide”

Najib – release PSM6 immediately and unconditionally or face the wrath of the people in next general elections

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should release the PSM6 led by Sungei Siput MP Dr. Michael Jeyakumar who have been detained under the Emergency Ordinance (EO) on the most spurious and ridiculous grounds or face the wrath of the people in the next general elections.

Jeyakumar started a hunger strike yesterday in sheer frustration over his prolonged detention under EO.

It is most deplorable that high-handed and arbitrary police and government actions still persist some three weeks after the 709 peaceful Bersih 2.0 rally – worst examples being the unjust, unjustified and unwarranted detention of the PSM6. Continue reading “Najib – release PSM6 immediately and unconditionally or face the wrath of the people in next general elections”

Axe AG, Mat Zain tells Najib

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 29, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 — Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim has called on Datuk Seri Najib Razak to sack Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail for repeatedly failing to initiate charges in high-profile cases such as the death of Teoh Beng Hock.

The former city criminal investigation chief said that the Attorney General would “try his best to trick his way to avoid prosecuting those who have clearly given false testimony” in the recent royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into how the former DAP aide fell to his death in a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office.

“For the sake of national interest and holding to the Rule of Law, we hope that the prime minister seriously considers using powers that only he possesses under Article 125 (3) and Article 145 (6) of the Federal Constitution to solve this long-standing crisis,” he wrote in an open letter to the Inspector-General of Police. Continue reading “Axe AG, Mat Zain tells Najib”

Welcome to Malaysia

David D. Mathew
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 28, 2011

JULY 28 — Malaysia receives thousands of visitors every day. Some come looking for jobs while others are travellers yearning to enjoy our sunny beaches and delicious food.

But this article is not about jobseekers or tourists.

It is about two men.

About a month ago, Malaysia welcomed someone from a country formerly known as Rhodesia. He was treated very well and afforded all the luxuries and hospitality Wisma Putra could possibly provide.

This man, who so easily entered Malaysia, has a European Union travel ban against his name.

When this man appeared at a food summit in Rome in 2008, Mark Malloch Brown, the British Foreign Office minister for Africa, Asia and the UN, commented that this was “like Pol Pot going to a human rights conference.” Continue reading “Welcome to Malaysia”

Engaging with Bersih, an ‘illegal’ association

Tommy Thomas
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 29, 2011

JULY 29 — An often-heard message from the government in the run-up to the July 9 rally was that Bersih is an illegal organisation, and therefore the government cannot deal with it or its leaders. Bersih is not an illegal organisation merely because it is not registered with a regulatory authority like a company, society, trade union or co-operative society. Malaysian law recognises associations which are not registered or incorporated, that is, the “unincorporated association”. It must be noted that one of the fundamental liberties enjoyed by Malaysians is the freedom of association under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution.

However, let us assume for the purposes of discussion, that Bersih is indeed an illegal organisation. Does it follow that government leaders cannot engage with it? The answer is absolutely no. One example in history is relevant, that is, how the government dealt with the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). Continue reading “Engaging with Bersih, an ‘illegal’ association”

Reason for Zunar’s head on chopping block

By Steve Oh

While the history of political cartooning makes for a good read on a lazy afternoon over the weekend, it is easy to understand why books like ‘Cartoon-o-phobia’ and other books of political caricature by Malaysia’s contemporary Malaysiakini cartoonist, Zunar – full name, Zulkiflee Anwar Hague – are banned.

One man’s humour may be another politician’s downfall.

Until I did some research for an article on William M Tweed, the 19th century corrupt New York politician whose bête noire, Thomas Hast and his political cartoons ridiculing the political boss of New York, I had not realized the enormous power of caricature.
Continue reading “Reason for Zunar’s head on chopping block”

Unjustified detention prompts Kumar to launch hunger strike

By Aliran executive committee
28 July 2011

Aliran is gravely concerned to hear that MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, one of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia 6 who have been unjustly and unjustifiably held in detention under the Emergency Ordinance, has decided to go on hunger strike.

PSM Central Committee member and Kumar’s wife Rani Rasiah, together with party colleagues, announcing today that the detained MP has started a hunger strike

We know Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, a long-standing and outstanding Aliran member, well enough to know that he does NOT engage in such acts for theatrical effect. Rather, given his steadfast and tenacious character in facing threats and intimidation from the police before, there is every reason to expect that Jeyakumar Devaraj conduct his hunger strike with complete seriousness.

At the same time, knowing he has a poor heart condition that has required treatment and hospitalisation during the period of his detention, we can only be alarmed at the potential damage to his health that this action may bring about. Continue reading “Unjustified detention prompts Kumar to launch hunger strike”

Talking a good game with our PM

Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
July 28, 2011

JULY 28 – Football is the people’s game. It’s simple, engaging and enjoyed by both players and supporters.

But Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s football analogy this morning urging Malaysians to move from tolerance to acceptance was none of the above.

He called our diversity the “strength of our nation. As in a football match, people from our various communities help one another for the success of our team.

“If one of us score an own goal, we will lose. This (solidarity) value is important to us all, no matter the colour of our skin or how we look,” said the prime minister. Continue reading “Talking a good game with our PM”

Rollbacks are threatening reform agenda, say economists

By Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 – The Najib administration’s reform agenda is in danger of being derailed through decisions to appease the “Bumiputera agenda” and pressure from Malay rights groups intent on preserving the status quo, economists have said.

RAM Holdings Bhd chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng said the government must recognise that Malaysia is underperforming economically because the “unfounded fears” of such groups were hindering reforms.

“Their (Malay rights groups) narrow interest may undermine the country’s progress into a high-income nation,” he told The Malaysian Insider. Continue reading “Rollbacks are threatening reform agenda, say economists”

Jeyakumar to go on hunger strike

By Lisa J. Ariffin
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — Emergency Ordinance (EO) detainee and Sungai Siput MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj will begin a hunger strike today until he and five others detained under the EO are released or charged in court.

“Dr Jeyakumar told me that he would begin a hunger strike on July 28 to get justice. When I met my husband on July 27, he was feeling very frustrated and disappointed with the police and government’s stand on the six PSM activists detained under the EO since July 2,” Dr Jeyakumar’s wife Mohanarani Rasiah said today.

“I advised him against it because of his health but he resolved to do so until the PSM6 are released or charged in court.”

Mohanarani said Dr Jeyakumar had lost faith in the police. Continue reading “Jeyakumar to go on hunger strike”

Fed power not entirely impossible, says Kit Siang

By Joseph Sipalan and Lee Way Loon | Jul 28, 11

INTERVIEW There are very few who can claim to be an equal to Lim Kit Siang, who has spent nearly as many years as Malaysia has existed in relentlessly pursuing his beliefs as opposition leader.

Having experienced first-hand practically every pivotal moment that shaped the country into what it is today, the 45-year political veteran can be excused if he maintains a critical view of even the most promising developments.

Lim became (right) DAP’s secretary-general in 1969, at a time when racial tensions blew up into the bloody rioting of May 13, was detained for more than a year on two separate occasions under the ISA – first in 1969 and again under the controversial Ops Lalang in 1987 – and even convicted for leaking official secrets related to dodgy arms deals with a Swiss company.
Continue reading “Fed power not entirely impossible, says Kit Siang”

Resign Or Snap Election For Najib, Here’re The Reasons

By Finance twitter

As much as I would like to stop writing about PM Najib administration, the plot just got interesting and I think he may just hit the bull’s eye as far as my prediction that his downfall may be faster than his predecessor, Abdullah Badawi, is concerned. Compared with Najib, Badawi now seems like a cute adorable little kitten, who merely likes to sleep (on the job). Malaysians tend to be more forgiving on lazy prime minister but not a prime minister who lies, cheats, brutal, dirty (allegation on Mongolian Altantuya’s murder), hypocrite but above all stupid yet arrogant.

One cannot help but fell off the chair laughing after read that Najib said he cancels a family vacation because he wants to spend more time with Malaysians. This was perhaps the best joke ever by premier Najib since he took over from Abdullah Badawi. This joke actually worth a thousand “Like” on his facebook page. Forget about Bersih 2.0 because this guy may quit under pressure – not from opposition parties or Bersih 2.0 but from his internal UMNO party. Boy, if it was true that the US$24 million controversial diamond ring indeed belongs to his wife Rosmah Mansor, that ring is cursed.
Continue reading “Resign Or Snap Election For Najib, Here’re The Reasons”

Najib must honour his solemn undertaking to TBH family on 28.7.09 that “no stone will be left unturned” to find out the causes and circumstances of TBH’s death

Yesterday, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said he left the decision of penalising the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) trio named in the James Foong Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Teoh Beng Hock’s (TBH) death to the MACC, the police and the Attorney-General.

This is the supreme “passing-the-buck” by the Prime Minister which is as good as saying that no one would be held responsible for Beng Hock’s death.

In the first place, the TBH RCI did not just name three names but quite a list of MACC officers who not only committed a host of crimes, including perjuries at the Royal Commission of Inquiry and the TBH inquest but must be held responsible for Beng Hock’s death.

However, even for the three MACC officers concerned who have been suspended from investigations duties but not as MACC officers, namely Hishammuddin Hashim (Negri Sembilan MACC director who was at the relevant time Deputy Director Selangor MACC and “mastermind” of the massive operation based “on a mere belief and without supporting facts” from a telephone call resulting in Beng Hock’s death); Anuar Ismail the “IO” of the operation and Ashraf Mohd Yunus (described by RCI as “Ashraf the abuser” – “who was Machiavellian in his method to secure evidence”), nothing serious is expected apart from “slap on the wrist”!
Continue reading “Najib must honour his solemn undertaking to TBH family on 28.7.09 that “no stone will be left unturned” to find out the causes and circumstances of TBH’s death”

We’ll derail BN, railwaymen warn Najib

By Patrick Lee | July 28, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: In a letter to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, the Railwaymen Union of Malaya (RUM) warned him of protest votes against the Barisan Nasional in the next polls.

The letter penned by union secretary-general Jaafar Alias in his capacity as the Tampin Umno information chief also panned the Najib admnistration’s tagline.

“They (KTMB staff) said the slogan of ‘people first, performance now’ does not seem to be relevant… where the views of union members and KTMB employees have been ignored,” he said.

Jaafar also reminded Najib that there were nearly 2,000 KTMB employees in the Lembah Pantai Parliamentary constituency, where PKR’s Nurul Izzah Anwar reigned.
Continue reading “We’ll derail BN, railwaymen warn Najib”

Muhyiddin pledges RM100,000 to BN MPs as economy bites

The Malaysian Insider | July 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — The government will approve an immediate RM100,000 grant for constituencies after Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmakers complained to ministers on Monday that the administration’s focus on big-ticket projects in the Klang Valley would not help the coalition in the next general election.

The Malaysian Insider understands that Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (picture) had promised the MPs the RM100,000 meant for constituency projects during his meeting with 100 BN federal lawmakers on Monday night.

The sum is expected to be dispersed in time for the Hari Raya Puasa holiday.

Lawmakers had told Muhyiddin and other ministers at the dinner meeting that the government must ensure more funds trickle down to their constituencies instead of concentrating on big-ticket projects like the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) construction in Kuala Lumpur if the ruling coalition wants to receive a strong mandate in the next general election.
Continue reading “Muhyiddin pledges RM100,000 to BN MPs as economy bites”

Teoh’s death: ‘Four new leads for police’

By Teoh El Sen | July 27, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang yesterday urged police to re-open investigations into the death of former political aide Teoh Beng Hock based on four new “leads” that the recently released Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) report revealed.

Lim, the Ipoh Timor MP, said police should be investigating Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers for perjury based on the report’s finding that named most of the
MACC officers as “liars”. Continue reading “Teoh’s death: ‘Four new leads for police’”

Apocalypse begins

By Soothsayer | July 27, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

JULY 27 — Good is bad and bad is good. Those in power attempt to justify their acts of deceit, cruelty and oppression by hard-sell tactics using all the media tools at their disposal.

On Sunday, the news broadcast was filled with falsity and half-truths — one of which is that this country is rated one of the safest and most peaceful in the world. By whose measure, I wonder, in the face of so much murder, death, robbery and violence?

The credit for maintaining the peace should go to the brave “rakyat” who, unarmed, faced water cannons and tear gas on their peaceful march. The government of the day deserves nothing for sending its minions to taunt, provoke and injure the populace.
Continue reading “Apocalypse begins”

RCI report: Gobind throws Gani a challenge

By G Vinod | July 27, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP national legal bureau chairman Gobind Singh Deo wants Attorney- General Abdul Gani Patail to explain why the three MACC officers found responsible for the death of Teoh Beng Hock cannot be charged under the Penal Code.

“If you can’t find anything under the Penal Code to charge them with, come debate with me and I will tell you how,” said Gobind.

Gobind said under the Federal Constitution, only the Attorney-General’s office has the power to prosecute anyone in a court for a criminal offence.

He was speaking at a forum attended by about 500 people at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall here yesterday.
Continue reading “RCI report: Gobind throws Gani a challenge”

RCI + inquest = ‘big, big mess’

By Teoh El Sen | July 28, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock’s death, which released its findings in a report last Thursday, has created a “big legal mess” by generating more questions than answers, said prominent human rights lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar.

Malik, who represented the Selangor government during the inquest and RCI, said rather than serving its original function to bring a closure to the issue, there are now different conclusions by the RCI and inquest.

“What has resulted is a big, big, mess. We have now a coroner’s decision and a RCI’s, which are saying different things. In law, the coroner’s findings is the determinative one,” the National Human Rights Society president told FMT.
Continue reading “RCI + inquest = ‘big, big mess’”