Christian plot: What have police uncovered?

By Hawkeye
July 25, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

BUTTERWORTH: DAP has demanded that police reveal the outcome of their investigation into an alleged conspiracy to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia.

Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow said police wrapped up the investigation some time ago and should have informed the public what they had found out.

The seriousness of the allegation and the uproar it caused warranted the public disclosure, he added. Continue reading “Christian plot: What have police uncovered?”

AirAsia Moves Corporate HQ from KL to Jakarta

By Asia Sentinel
23 July 2011

With all the troubles he has had over the last two months, the confirmation Friday that AirAsia, arguably Malaysia’s most vibrant private company, is moving its headquarters out of the country to Indonesia is one more blow.

Tony Fernandes, AirAsia’s group chief executive, confirmed the decision in Tokyo Thursday, saying the move is an effort to upgrade his company’s image as a regional Southeast Asian airline rather than just a Malaysian carrier.

“I don’t know whether Najib has been told or not,” said a business associate of Fernandes in Kuala Lumpur. “But why should Tony care? There are solid business reasons for moving to Jakarta.” Continue reading “AirAsia Moves Corporate HQ from KL to Jakarta”

PSM6 – police practicing “Arrest first, find the charges later” tactics

Let more and more Malaysians wear yellow on Saturdays to send a loud, clear and unmistakable message to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Barisan Nasional Cabinet and government of ever-rising crescendo of swelling public support not only for Bersih 2.0’s eight demands for free and fair elections, but also for a Clean Malaysia where there is an end to the rampant corruption, abuses of power, injustices and gross human rights violations present today.

The blemishes today why we do not have a Clean Malaysia include the gross abuses of power evident in the high-handed police actions against the peaceful Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9 for free and fair elections; the unwarranted, unjustifiable and unprovoked firing of tear gas and chemically-laced water cannons against the peaceful public; arbitrary arrest of some 2,000 people; spewing of racist threats; attempt to create ethnic and religious tensions including the raising the May 13 spectre and the unjustifiable lock-down of Kuala Lumpur creating infernal traffic jams before and on the day of the rally.
Continue reading “PSM6 – police practicing “Arrest first, find the charges later” tactics”

DAP says RCI report tarnished party image

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
July 25, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 25 — The DAP today continued criticising the results of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock’s death, claiming that the report was “inconsistent” and had affected the party’s political image.

The late Teoh’s boss, Ean Yong Hian Wah, charged that the RCI report had failed to include the fact that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation on him and Teoh had concluded that there were no “elements of corruption and abuse of power”. Continue reading “DAP says RCI report tarnished party image”

Jaundiced justice

By Martin Jalleh
July 23, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JULY 23 — In the midst of a packed courtroom of members and supporters of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) many of whom wore red T-shirts, the Kuala Lumpur High Court of Justice Su Geok Yiam turned “yellow” yesterday.

Justice was compromised, as a cowed Court caved in and allowed the application by the government, police and home minister to adjourn hearing the habeas corpus applications of six PSM leaders who have been held under the Emergency Ordinance since July 2. Continue reading “Jaundiced justice”

TBH suicide/homicide? – challenge to Nazri to defend his stand

In his interview with Mingguan Malaysia today, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said that the Teoh Beng Hock (TBH) case is closed and that there is no need to form another Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) because the Teoh family and the opposition had rejected the suicide conclusion of the James Foong Royal Commission of Inquiry.

The Malaysian Insider report today on Nazri’s interview with Mingguan Malaysia stated:

“He however added that although the MACC needs to revamp itself, the RCI had absolved it of murder charges and this should not be questioned further. Continue reading “TBH suicide/homicide? – challenge to Nazri to defend his stand”

UiTM lecturer: MACC officers should be brought to court

Bernama | Jul 24, 11

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) law lecturer Assoc Prof Abd Halim Sidek said an investigation should be carried out on the allegation by the Bar Council that Teoh Beng Hock died due to the negligence of MACC officers named in the RCI report.

“If Teoh was driven to suicide as a result of the MACC officers’ action then they must be brought to court,” he said.

“I think the Bar Council president’s statement was premature and he jumped the gun. They must be patient and wait for the investigation,” he added.

Meanwhile a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Consultation and Prevention of Corruption Panel, Syed Akhbar Ali, said the non-acceptance of the RCI conclusions by some could also be construed as disrespect for the laws of the country.
Continue reading “UiTM lecturer: MACC officers should be brought to court”

Teoh’s blood is on MACC’s hands

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jul 25, 11

‘Whether they committed suicide or not, MACC cannot be excused from the responsibility of having taken the lives of those two people.’

Teoh’s ‘suicide’ – fact or fantasy?

TKC: From the outset, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Teoh Beng Hock was compromised. The original terms of reference (TOF1) was only to inquire into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) procedures, but after much pressure, they included the second TOF2 to ascertain the cause of Teoh Beng Hock’s death.

Had the scope been restricted to TOF1 only, it would have been rather easy for the RCI because it was glaringly obvious that MACC procedures were rotten to the core and would require an overhaul.
Continue reading “Teoh’s blood is on MACC’s hands”

Malaysia Belongs To All Malaysians

By Richard Loh

You were born in Malaysia, received a birth certificate as proof and you received an identity card upon attaining the age of twelve and with these you are a citizen of Malaysia, hence you are a Malaysian.

Why is it so hard for the ruling government to accept this simple fact and treat each and every Malaysian with fairness. Why must they keep harping about race and religion. The Federal Constitution of Malaysia , which came into force in 1957, is the supreme law of Malaysia. Is it that difficult to run the country with this guided Constitution? Trying to misinterpret, ignoring or quote the constitution as and when it suites the government in order to hold on to power is a sure disaster.

Each time Malaysia has a new Prime Minister, Malaysians have high hope from the new PM to take the country to new heights. Each PM came in with a big bang, promising the sky and moon with each having their own slogan and using the rakyat’s money to promote it aggressively. But alas the euphoria did not last long when the NATO (no action talk only) syndrome sets in.
Continue reading “Malaysia Belongs To All Malaysians”

Angry Malaysians

CL Tang
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 24, 2011

24 JULY — Wong Chun Wai says, “Can we stop being angry people and try to make sense of the issues affecting the nation instead? Or better still, laugh at them?”; in his Sunday column, Of Angry Birds and Angry Malaysians: Sunday Star 24 July 2011.

A young man, about to become a father and a husband, saw his life tragically ended after being subjected to near inhumane interrogation by a government institution. Teoh Beng Hock was under such duress that, according to the RCI, it drove him to commit suicide. And this is someone who is apparently innocent of any wrongdoings.

An elderly lady, drenched as a result of the water cannons, walks away from a brigade of riot police, eyes stinging from tear gas. All she did was to take part in a peaceful march for electoral reforms with thousand others who suffered the same fate.

A mainstream newspaper and a so-called NGO with its bellicose leader is allowed to spew out racist rants; fan religious tensions; and spread fantastic conspiracy theories (Jewish/Communist/Christian domination, take your pick) to divert attention away from the failings of the government, with barely a murmur of disapproval from those whom we look to for protection of our shared values. Continue reading “Angry Malaysians”

Teoh’s death: Is government really sorry?

Othman Wahab
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 24, 2011

JULY 24 — Between the reactions of Utusan Malaysia and Datuk Nazri Aziz to the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, we can draw this common thread: there is no remorse on the part of the government for the loss of life.

Oh sure, Nazri offered his hearfelt apology after the release of the report on Thursday but that was the public relations puff. The hollowness of the apology was laid bare by what he said about Teoh’s “weak character” leading him to commit suicide.

The minister chose to misread the expert testimony by forensic psychiatrist Paul Mullen. Mullen said he did not find anything that would suggest that Teoh was suicidal or predisposed to suicide in custody. So where did Nazri pluck out this stuff about Teoh’s weak character contributing to his “suicide”.

This erroneous statement was in bad faith and calls into question how sincere the government is in offering its apologies to Teoh’s family. Continue reading “Teoh’s death: Is government really sorry?”