PAS: MCA, Gerakan approved nightspot ban in 1997

The Malaysian Insider | July 18, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 — PAS today called MCA and Gerakan hypocrites for criticising the Kedah ban on entertainment outlets, pointing out that the two parties had approved the law when it was passed during the rule of the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the state.

“It was this group that supported the enactment in 1997 when it was debated before,” PAS information chief Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said in a statement carried on PAS website Harakah Daily this morning. “Suddenly, they want to become heroes supposedly because they want to protect the rights of the non-Muslims.”

Tuan Ibrahim, who is PAS Pahang commissioner, also countered accusations that the state’s decision yesterday to revoke the ban was due to the Islamist party’s subservience to DAP and dared all BN-controlled states to impose the same restrictions.

Instead, Tuan Ibrahim said it was a smart move because operators had now agreed to help the state government ensure that Muslims would not patronise their outlets and were prepared to be reprimanded if they violated the enactment.

“This is a new chapter because the Kedah government, under PAS’s leadership, has successfully enforced an enactment that benefits the Muslims in the state, something which Umno never achieved despite its long rule,” he said.

Tuan Ibrahim also claimed that Kedah Muslims knew of BN’s failure in this respect, saying the federal ruling pact had never made any effort to create a conducive environment in the state for the Ramadan month.

“Do not, in their eagerness to attack PAS in this issue, forget that the Muslims know they have done nothing,” he said.

“Now, Muslims are waiting for when Umno, which has always claimed to be the true patriots of Islam, would enforce this same restriction on the states they rule.”

Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak announced recently that the state would enforce the Entertainment and Entertainment Outlet Enactment 1997, which bans entertainment outlets from operating during the Muslim fasting month.

The announcement drew flak from PAS’s non-Muslim partner DAP in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR), with numerous leaders urging the state government to revoke the ban.

MCA also repeated previous claims that PAS would never abandon its Islamic state agenda and a PAS-DAP relationship would only erode the rights of non-Muslims.

PAS’s national leadership stepped in and following a meeting, announced yesterday that the ban would be revoked and operational guidelines would be set.

According to PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, the Kedah government was merely enforcing a law enacted by the BN government and the matter had been spun out of context in the media.

He said that only non-Muslims would be allowed to patronise the outlets.

7 Replies to “PAS: MCA, Gerakan approved nightspot ban in 1997”

  1. //Tuan Ibrahim, who is PAS Pahang commissioner, also countered accusations that the state’s decision yesterday to revoke the ban was due to the Islamist party’s subservience to DAP and dared all BN-controlled states to impose the same restrictions.//

    Get Penang to impose the same la….The best leaders lead by example…..most Malaysians are Anti NATO (No Action Talk Only)

  2. One idiot gone…come another…our beloved cintanegara.
    Penang this and that. Penang no good under LGE.
    Hardly more than 2 years taken over by DAP….so much complaints.
    Under Koh Tsu Koon for 18 years..not one complaint.
    What cintanegara is saying is that Penang voters are idiots to vote for DAP.
    OK la….you can as much as you like.
    Most Malaysians Anti NATO…{No Action Talk Only}. That’s a good one.
    From the horse mouth comes the word…”most”
    Let him think about it.
    Come 13th GE…MOST Malaysians will vote for PR.
    Correct or not……cintanegara?

  3. hi cintanegara…I am one year older than LKS and my fourth wife is 32 years old.
    Go and use your imagination exercise for health or exercise to make sure all system go…especially…entertainment.
    But you are smarter than sheriff singh know when to stop talking nonsense.
    Be free to give your finest insults to DAP.
    Everyone waiting to enjoy your piece of sheeeet.

  4. When PAS change for the better….no more narrow minded …somehow makes many UMNO B supporters……Shiverligam!!
    hi cintanegara…you think if you know who. eer name start with “N” divorce …name start with “R”…sure to win 13th GE?
    PS: In this blog…very hard to talk straight at times.
    I kina moderated… countless times.

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