Press statement for the immediate release of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj

The Malaysian Insider
Jul 17, 2011

17 JULY — We, the undersigned doctors, including members of the Malaysian Medical Association (Perak Branch), and/or the Perak Medical Practitioners Society

1. are very concerned and troubled over the prolonged ‘illegal’ detention of our colleague Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj.

2. are concerned for Dr Jeyakumar’s health, which seems to be deteriorating under detention.

3. are deeply saddened, hurt and disillusioned by the action of the Judiciary (which is supposed to be to be independent) which on 13/07/2011 delayed the hearing date of habeas corpus application of Dr Jeyakumar and five others by a month.

We urge the immediate release of our colleague, who is also the Member of Parliament Sungai Siput, Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj.

Dr Jeyakumar and five other Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) members were ‘illegally’ detained under the Emergency Ordinance recently. They have been placed in a cruel and unjust situation. They were first accused of waging war against the King and now of being a threat to national security, allegedly trying to revive communist ideology. They are subjected to interrogation and solitary confinement, denied proper visitation rights with their lawyers and close family members. This is of course unacceptable in a civil and democratic society.

We say that the detention is ‘illegal’ because till today, there is no solid and substantiated basis for the continued detention of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj and five of his PSM colleagues.

We scarcely need reminding that Article 5 (1) of our Federal Constitution says no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty save in accordance with the law.

Malaysia sits on the Human Rights Council. The Malaysian government must do justice to its position on this council by according and recognising the human rights of Dr. Jeyakumar and his team who are under ‘illegal’ detention. The least that the Malaysian government can do is to live up to the ideals of Human Rights Council ─ and not violate the very rights that the government has been charged to defend steadfastly.

In view of this obligation, it will be totally unjustified to continue the ‘illegal’ detention of Dr Jeyakumar and his team without giving them a fair trial in court. The Government should do justice to its position on this Council and convince Malaysians that there is no malice on their part. Denying Dr Jeyakumar and his team the right to defend themselves is denying them justice.

Therefore, we urge the Government, especially the home minister, to release Dr. Jeyakumar and his team immediately.

It is pertinent to emphasise that we are strictly apolitical and are acting as colleagues of Dr Jeayakumar, who is also an active and much respected member of the MMA, whose family is much respected for the outstanding social work it does. Dr Jeyakumar family has contributed enormously towards the development of the healthcare services in our country.

The Government has rightly spoken much about transformation and change, and this is something every loyal citizen endorses. But what appear to be the deployment of Cold War tactics by resurrecting the “communist” and “foreign” bogeyman on political rivals in these days only serves to dissuade the public that the government is earnest in its efforts to bring about civil changes that would be in line with first world societies.

Those who know Dr Jeyakumar personally will readily vouch for his integrity, his passion for the poor and his principled, patient and peaceful approach. He is neither a communist nor a violent man who could be a serious threat to the country. For the record, Dr Jeyakumar is a highly dedicated physician who has had excellent service record while he was working in the Ministry of Health and a tireless social advocate and activist who has worked throughout his life to help and protect the rights of the poor, the marginalised and the forgotten communities in the society. All those who know Dr. Jeyakumar speak highly of his work and commitment to the people. How could someone with such immaculate professional standing and exemplary be an enemy to the country! The home minister must make every effort to secure the immediate release of Dr Jeyakumar and do justice to both his ministerial duties and to Dr Jeyakumar.


1. Dr N Prasad Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
2. Dr Sharifah Halimah Jaafar Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
3. Dr Ko Chung Sen Consultant CardioThoracic Surgeon
4. Dr T. Vesvanathan Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
5. Dr Loh Choong Sing Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
6. Dr Wong Choon Heng Consultant Gastroenterologist
7. Dr Foo Chang Ling Consultant Surgeon
8. Dr Goh Guan Chai Consultant Surgeon
9. Dr Goh Phaik Kee Consultant Anaesthetist
10. Dr Lee Mun Toong Consultant Ophthalmologist
11. Dr Leong Chin Leng Consultant Otho Surgeon
12. Dr Ting Cheh Sing Consultant General Surgeon
13. Dr Chin Yow Wen Respiratory Physician
14. Dr Dev Teo Chin Nee Consultant Geriatrician
15. Dr Usha Devi Balaguru Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
16. Dr Chakr Sri Na Nagara Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
17. Dr Teoh Soong Kee Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
18. Dr Jasmine Lau Consultant Paediatrician
19. Dr Adeline Tan Ai Leen Consultant Paediatrician
20. Dr David Manickam Consultant Paediatrician
21. Dr Giritharan Consultant Physician
22. Dr Yeoh Thiam Long Consultant Physician
23. Dr Hasral bin Mohd Hasni Consultant Cardiologist
24. Dr Liew San Foi Consultant Paediatrician
25. Dr Go Kuan Weng Consultant Nephrologist
26. Dr Divakaran TG Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
27. Dr Lam Fook Shin Consultant Eye Surgeon
28. Dr Lee Boon Chye Consultant Cardiologist
29. Dr Meor Ahmad Consultant Radiologist
30. Dr Ong Teong Onn Consultant Radiologist
31. Dr Mahendra Mano Consultant Surgeon
32. Dr A. Naidu Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
33. Datuk Dr S Jenagaratnam Consultant Anaesthetist
34. Dr Lu Luan Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
35. Dr Fauziah Khairudin Consultant Nephrologist
36. Dr Susan King Consultant Paediatrician
37. Dr Lee Kim Seng Consultant Paediatrician
38. Dr Ranjoth Singh Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
39. Dr Yap Foo Ngan Consultant Family Physician
40. Dr Esther Gunaserali Consultant Psychiatrist
41. Dr Chan Chee Hoe Consultant Physician
42. Dr P. Moganarajoo Consultant O & G
43. Datuk (Dr ) K.S Sivananthan Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
44. Dr Yeap Yean Lian Consultant Surgeon
45. Dr William Tan Kah Wee Consultant Physician
46. Dr Wong Chong Yuan Consultant Physician
47. Dr Yeat Siew Eng Consultant ENT Surgeon
48. Dr Choong Choon Hooi Consultant Physician & Cardiologist
49. Dr Chong Swee Woon Consultant Psychiatrist
50. Dr Koh Wai Keat Consultant Geriatrician
51. Dr Surinderjit Singh Gill Consultant Ophthalmologist
52. Dr Kumar Thiyagarajah Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
53. Dr Raveendran Kandiah Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
54. Dr Minseh Kimin Consultant Radiologist
55. Dr Ishak Abu Bakar Consultant Radiologist
56. Dr Ng Yew Sang Consultant Nephrologist
57. Dr Tan Huat Chai Consultant Cardiologist
58. Dr Mok Chung Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
59. Dr Shaidan Sulaiman Consultant Anaesthetist
60. Dr Hj Ahmad Adlan Nuruddin Consultant O & G
61. Dr Sumathi Anandaraj Senior Medical Officer
62. Dr Ooi Tian Su Consultant O&G
63. Dr Yeak Siew Tin Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
64. Dr Loo Kok Lim Consultant Rheumatologist
65. Dr Ruslan Razak Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
66. Dr Philip Ho Consultant Cardiologist
67. Dr Leow Aik Ming Consultant Plastic Surgeon
68. Dr Katheleen Yap Consultant Neurologist
69. Dr Kevin Joseph Consultant Cardiologist
70. D Sumithra Consultant Surgeon
71. Dr Inderjit Singh Consultant Cardiologist
72. Dr Uma Karthigasu Consultant Radiologist
73. Dr Jevan Gunaselan Senior Medical Officer
74. Datuk Dr SK Rathi Consultant Dermatologist
75. Dr Koh Chan Sing Consultant Cardiologist
76. Dr Aznan Radiologist
77. Datuk Dr Andrew Chua Seng Boon Consultant Gastroenterologist
78. Dr Michael Joseph Consultant Cardiologist
79. Dr Teh Hiok Seng Consultant Haematologist
80. Dr Lee Boon Ping Consultant General Surgeon
81. Dr Lee Haik Teong Consultant Paediatrician
82. Dr Kuldeep Singh Consultant Paediatrician
83. Dr Jeyabalan Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
84. Dr Cheong Soo Tow Consultant Paediatrician
85. Dr Lim Wee Yoong Consultant Paediatrician
86. Dr Suppramaniam Consultant Ortho-Surgeon
87. Dr Harvinder Singh Consultant ENT
88. Dr Loo Chin Sum Consultant Nephrologist
89. Dr Thomas Haris Consultant Anaesthetist
90. Dr Ng Seng Lew Consultant General Surgeon
91. Dr Anandaraj Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
92. Dr N. Jeevaraj Consultant General Surgeon
93. Dr V. Mannimanan Consultant Urologist
94. Dr Loke Yee Peng Consultant Anaesthetist
95. Dr Vinod Kumar Senior Medical Officer
96. Dr Azhar Senior Medical Officer
97. Dr Lam Kuan Kin General Practioner
98. Dr Tan Kim Khian General Practioner
99. Dr Lim Boon Pin General Practioner
100. Dr Lian Chin Chew General Practioner
101. Dr Chan Yee Ming General Practioner
102. Dr Kok Yuan Sing General Practioner
103. Dr Chee See Choke General Practioner
104. Dr Soo Kam Chiew General Practioner
105. Dr Abdul Malik General Practioner
106. Dr Leong Poh Nam General Practioner
107. Dr Lau Sau Khuen General Practioner
109. Dr Chin Kit Kong General Practioner
110. Dr Doong Hock Yuen General Practioner
111. Dr Khairuddin General Practioner
112. Dr Lee Nik Hooi General Practioner
113. Dr Cheah Saw Imm General Practioner
114. Dr Kamalanathan General Practioner
115. DR Arunash General Practioner
116. Dr Kwok Hou Phin General Practioner
117. Dr Rita Leow General Practioner
118. Dr Paizah Ramli General Practioner
119. Dr Uma Devi Arunasalam General Practioner
120. Datuk Dr Sarjeet Singh Sidhu Ob Gyn Specialist
121. Datuk Dr Subramaniam Consultant Plastic Surgeon
122. Dr Lai Thian Seong GP
123. Dr Chew Teik Chye GP
124. Dr Lim Tee Jin GP
125. Dr Teoh Lee Yong GP
126. Dr Ho Kok Hin GP
127. Dr Hoo Thoun Ting GP
128. Dr P. Raghavan GP
129. Prof. Dr Jackie Ho Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist
130. Dr Seet Chee Lin GP
131. Dr Kek Kim Huat GP
132. Dr P F Gill GP
133. Dr T. M. Ong GP
134. Dr C W Ong GP
135. Dr Nagara GP
136. Dr S Subramaniam GP
137. Dr Chew Keat Eng GP
138. Dr Ting Seo Leong GP & President, Perak Medical Practitioners’ Society
139. Dr Ling Hee Huong GP
140. Dr Lee See Chee GP
141. Dr Diong Ko Ing GP
142. Dr Ling Yok King GP
143. Dr V.Gurunathan GP
144. Dr Ching Lee Kee GP
145. Dr Suresh Sammanathamurthy Orthopaedic Surgeon
146. Dr Gurdep Singh GP
147. Dr Teoh S K GP
148. Dr Harbaskg Singh GP
149. Dr Suppaiyah GP
150. Dr Wong Ai Fook GP
151. Dr S Y Chan GP
152. Dr Bhajan Singh GP
153. Dr Ramesh GP
154. Dr Yek Sing Chee GP
155. Dr K. Skanthadevan GP
156. Dr Nasri GP
157. Dr Yusof GP
158. Datuk Dr Gurdeep Prakash Singh Consultant Physician
159. Datuk Dr. Gunasegaran Consultant Plastic Surgeon
160. Dr Jaspal Kaur Malhi GP
161. Datuk Dr Sharil Che Mat GP
162. Dr Rajeswaran Paramjothy GP
163. Dr Chan Kai Soon Consultant Pathology
164. Dr Harry Louise D’Cruz GP
165. Datuk Dr Palanicawnder GP
166. Dr George Thavarajah GP
167. Datuk Dr Aris Chandran Consultant Physician
168. Dr Tan Ooi Hong Consultant Physician
169. Dr Tan Boon Chye GP
170. Datuk Dr Ranjoth Singh Consultant O & G
171. Dr Rahmantulnisha GP
172. Dr Hu Wen Shing Consultant Radiologist
173. Dr K Muruhadas GP
174. Dr Thomas Arul GP
175. Dr Ong Chew Wui GP
176. Dr Ong Tee Meng GP

29 Replies to “Press statement for the immediate release of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj”

  1. I would like to lend my support for this petition. I had actually sign one petition organised bt the Private Medical Practitioners Association, Selangor and KL.
    Kumar is my friend and colleague. As far as I know, besides being a good doctor, he has great social concerns and helps the poor alot. A good guy. No I do not think he is a communist. It would be very hard to pin that crime on him. Waging war against the King. Lord I don’t think he knows how to fight.
    Dear Minister of Home Affairs, please, please charge him in court, so that he can get a fair trial, or as we all know that he is innocent, release him.
    I do not think that he has done any wrong.
    Please be fair, charge him, or release him.

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  2. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj was detained prior to 9th July under Emergency Ordinance (EO). His was a convenient case to deter others from joining Bersih. He would make an exemplary bogeyman because of his credentials not only as oppositionist MP but as a “socialist”. (One could get some pamphlets espousing socialism from his office as so called ‘’tangible evidence”.) But if one were to ask the authorities the difference between socialism and communism, I doubt they could answer cogently. EO has no need for evidence of waging war against King. “Suspicion” suffices, it allows authorities to hold detainees for 60 days without judicial review (to look for evidence). After 60 days of questioning, the Home Minister can order further detention for up to two years, a period which is renewable indefinitely…

  3. It’s not like as if it were Al-Ma’unah, carting away a huge cache of firearms and ammunition, including 97 M16 from military camp! Dr Jeyakumar is an exemplary professional do-gooder and social activist, and citizen vouched here (not just by Marina Mahathir) by 176 doctors of the country. Who would believe he intends to wage war against the King? People should learn to take & cut loss when they zero-ed in on the wrong choice of a bogeyman! 9th July is past and damage sought to be averted by deterrence is already done. Don’t make it worse. EO’s application is inconsistent with Malaysia’s claims to hold a seat in the UM Human Rights Council. Don’t wait till the UN sack us from the seat to only then reverse the overzealous mistake by then explaining that like Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, he was detained for his own safety lest he got hurt in Bersih march!

  4. They can’t differentiate between socialism and communism?

    They must think that the little red dot our neighbour is a country run by communists.

    They must realise that there is a monster ball of a difference between the two.

  5. First color blind Hisham and IGP thought that they could charge the PRM activists on trump up charges of communism and waging war against the Agung.What they didn’t realised is that they were making fools of themselves.

    Najib and Hisham better do the right thing.Marina Mahathir is already steaming mad.Big daddy Dr Mahathir might get pissed off by these fumbling jokers for infuriating his eldest daughter,and might decide to give these jokers the stick sooner than later.

  6. Najib,one hundred seventy six well educated doctors cannot be wrong.Not like your HM Liow or his predecessor who are fumbling fools.These 176 doctors can make these two Mca nitwits ,Hisham and the IGP looked like minnows.

  7. We can’t differentiate.
    We can’t think straight.
    We can realize there is a huge difference between Monster-ball and Monsterball.
    Try this….Spider-man…. and Spiderman.
    Only Sheriff Singh is smart enough to know all the differences.
    Sheriff was once a Freedom Fighter.
    Now 180% turn around and a turncoat.
    Perhaps he got a job…as a security guard from a UMNO B company?

  8. Communism in Malaysia ended decades ago.Most the members of the CPM members are already back home except for Chin Peng and a few others.In other words the surviving communists in Malaysia are already in full retirement.Some are still alive while some have died.To bring up the communists bogey man trump up charges can only come from very very sick men with evil intentions.

  9. Are any of the 176 above in government service? Then they can rest assured that their transfer letters to hospitals 500 miles from their homes have already been signed by LTL and they will receive them within 24 hours. Berkhidmat Untuk Negara!

  10. Najib and cousins are shaking now, I think. It is not just the working class, but the professional and elite groups such as medical doctors are also against the crazy Mubarak way of treating the people.

  11. BN sure know the difference between a capitalist & a socialist. Money politics is capitalist! However it is still illogical to brand ‘socialist’ Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj a communist just because of similarities in some respects between socialist & communist ideology. For over 10 yrs since inception Government had refused to recognise or register his party Parti Socialis Malaysia (PSM) as a political society citing that PSM is a threat to national Security. He took the matter to court and won. The Court of Appeal dismissed the national security argument on 16 August 2006, which the court felt was a bad reason. On 17 June 2008, the Home Ministry approved PSM’s application as a political party, ending a 10-year dispute. If socialism were equal to communism why did court of appeal reject the national security argument and the govt subsequently approve its registration as political party?

  12. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj ‘speaks truth to power’ with the kind of courage and sincerity like the other socialist doctor politician Dr Tan Chee Khoon but somehow their fates were different. Dr Tan was a leader of the Labour Party of Malaya and the Socialist Front coalition which Labour had joined. When Labour was taken over by Chinese-educated members with leftist leaning views Dr Tan left the party to form Gerakan. In fact when Alliance was on verge of loosing 2/3 majority in 1969 general elections, Dr Tan was one of those who organised an opposition victory parade on May 12. Yet this Socialist was never detained under ISA or EO. Why? In 1980, he was even conferred title Tan Sri by the King. He was dubbed Malaysian Mr Opposition respected by UMNO elites when Lim Kit Siang deserves more. This a mystery.

  13. The Bersih event has given cause for doctors to be resurgent as a pressure group. Eg 11 doctors of Tung Shin/Chinese Maternity Hospital testified against the official/MCA’s Liow’s version. The Federation of Private Medical Practitioners’ Associations Malaysia backed the 11. Now this 176 doctors as members of the Malaysian Medical Association (Perak Branch), and/or the Perak Medical Practitioners Society speak up for Jeyakumar Devaraj. At least on Tung Shin/Chinese Maternity Hospital issue Govt responded to the pressure somewhat by appointing 3 teams (Health Ministry’s & PDRM) to investigate further. Maybe its YouTube – images don’t lie. Jeyakumar Devaraj’s case is easier because whether or not he’s threat to national security is at the authorities’ discretionary judgment. It’s up to them to say and the rest to believe in their good faith!

  14. Even my 90 yr old grandfather has received a copy of this petition that is making its round all over town..Coupled with what happened at Tung Shin, even the older generations of Chinese voters are upset…

  15. ‘If we Malaysians can stand up against those cowards in power, we can once again, call ourselves, a decent society.”…said Dr.D.Jeyakumar.
    Najib..and his band of cowards fear him most …besides Ambiga.
    Last time..only Anwar.
    The list getting longer.

  16. Yeah umno cant seem to understand anything. Asking for clean and fair election to them means waging war against the king.

    Errr umno, listen. Sheriff singh here is sheriff Woody in disguise and and monsterball is james p. sullivan, the champion scream extractor of monster inc.

    Sorry sheriff and monsterball for exposing you people. Umno will be after you two soon.

  17. So you are Sheriff Woody and you think UMNO B will let you go for making them laugh?
    Who cares about UMNO B?
    If your wish comes true…I hope they lock sheriff singh and monsterball in one cell with one bed only.
    My monster ball needs a ball of fun with Singh.
    hhhhhhhhmmmm Sheriff Singh Vs Monsterball
    Need to exercise more.

  18. Nasib and cousins are shaking now, I think. It is not just the working class, but the professional and elite groups such as medical doctors are also against the crazy Mubarak way of treating the people.

  19. Right, right. You can do your upstrokes and downstrokes with your hands and maybe, just maybe, you might be able to firm up that muscle. Maybe not.

    Why do you have so many nicks. You have split and multi personalities? I must avoid people like you on the net. Bye.

  20. Kudos to Dr, Jeya,We all stand together in Oneness to defence this nation of
    Malaysia with 53 yrs of Autocratic Tyrant Umno Leaders,and their
    Politics of lawlessness,police brutalities abuses and racial discriminations.
    The real hindrances was PR had no other choices or not even a public domain to uphold the Mederka Const and generally all Rakyat civil society committed to democratic values,freedom of expression and so forth… Bersih2.0 3.0 4.0 >>thats the Only way to go with high risk of pain and sufferings.

  21. hahahahaha….running scared when tak tahan sound him off.
    Good riddance to bad rubbish.
    Now I can talk less and read more.
    Before that…let me remind all…Najib said the Police were too lenient to walkers.
    He is extremely disappointed no reasons to declare Emergency Rule.
    Don’t doubt it…it is a wounded dangerous orang hutan.
    But all can sleep well.
    He is powerless.. as his PM is appointed for show only.
    BERSIH 2 walkers make him mad.
    Dr, Jaya arrested.
    Ibrahim Ali…continue to threaten Malaysians..not arrested.

  22. You have split and multi personalities?Hahaha..that’s exactly you,Autar.All the readers here can judge who is so and so.Anti-Penang,Hong Kong,Singapore,DAP and now YELLOW.You have turned 180 degree and exposed yourself a true racist,Autar Singh.Buzz off! Ja Ne sayonara.

  23. The government does not listen to the people because they were elected on the date of the election.After that they listen to themselves.The only way to stop this is to throw them out in the next election.I hope the Pope asks Najib whether they have elections in Malaysia and why the word Allah cannot be used by Christians.Perhaps the Agong should intervene for the release of Jeyakumar as the police and Hishammudin want him to die in prison to teach Bersih a lesson.Bersih cannot be cowed and it will live forever in the hearts and the mind of the people of Malaysia.Hishammudin will come and go but Bersih will bersih whichever government comes to power.

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