Lim Kit Siang

Let’s expose the ministers

The Malaysian Insider
Jul 17, 2011

JULY 17 — Enough is enough lah. Even after seeing the rakyat shout for change, the ministers continue to insult us and treat us like kids.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak tries to sound brave in London and challenges Pakatan Rakyat to a fight in the next elections. Hello, the polls will be rigged and election fraud will be widespread. That is why there was Bersih 2.0: to have clean and fair elections.

And now we have Ahmad Shabery Chik saying that Opposition will use Bersih as an excuse for poor performance in the coming polls. Here is where his reasoning shows him up: if BN is so confident of winning the polls, why are they so resistant to clean and fair elections?

Because they know they can only win when there is election fraud. But judging by the statements of all the ministers, it is clear that the government will not push for any change. They don’t want to move out of their comfort zone.

Therefore it must be the rakyat who make them move out of the comfort zone. This can be done by exposing the corruption and abuse of power in ministeries, or by the ministers themselves or their family members.

Everyone knows that all the ministers are living beyond their means. So how about exposing it. For a start, can someone tell me why there is no official probe on the RM24 million ring which was imported into Malaysia for the wife of a cabinet minister?

Or about the son-in-law of a senior minister whose company has the biometric contract for the Causeway and to check illegals during this amnesty period.

I am sure the list will make every minister squirm. Who owns what and where?