Detention of PSM MP mockery of the law

By K Pragalath
July 15, 201 | Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Whoever framed the charges under the Emergency Ordinance to detain six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activists must be exposed, said DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang.

“Whoever is responsible for concocting the charges must be exposed and the government must also provide a full explanation for the detention,” he said.

“The detention is a mockery of the law,” said Lim after meeting with Sungai Siput MP, Dr D Michael Jeyakumar in Bukit Aman today.

Jeyakumar along with five other activists – PSM deputy president M Saraswathy, central committee members Choo Chon Kai and M Sugumaran, youth chief R Sarathbabu and Sungai Siput branch secretary A Letchumanan were rearrested on July 2 under the EO.

They were initially detained under section 122 of the Penal Code for allegedly waging war against the King late last month.

Lim who is also Ipoh Timur MP also criticised the initial charges under the Penal Code.

“The police and the authorities themselves don’t believe the charges so they dropped it,” said Lim who visited Jeyakumar along with PAS vice president, Salahuddin Ayub and Subang MP R Sivarasa of PKR.

Sivarasa urged the government to protect the country’s image in the international arena.

Sivarasa who is also a lawyer added that it was the first time charges of waging war were used against political activists.

Salahuddin who is also Kubang Kerian MP questioned the rationale of detaining the six under EO as the police continued to question PSM’s role in the Bersih rally.

2 Replies to “Detention of PSM MP mockery of the law”

  1. UmonB’s evil n high-handed actions precipitated d negative international coverage of d crackdown on 907’s Bersih rally n yet d dumb botak minister blamed Bersih 2.0/PR

    Damage control – what rubbish! Control Umno, Perkosa, d polis lah

  2. Ibrahim Ali…Khairy..including cintanegara are rubbish too.
    But Najib needs all the help he can get.
    He is the biggest liar..and so attract all sorts of rubbish Malaysians to support him.
    Queen of England wore full yellow dress greeting Najib and Rosmah.
    She is one hell of a witty…intelligent Queen.

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