Karpal: DAP’s presence was felt

By S Rutra
July 13, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP chairman Karpal Singh said his party was committed to the Bersih 2.0 rally from the start.

Responding to allegations that DAP members did not turn up in droves for last Saturday’s rally, he said many party leaders and members were confined at the Jalan Pudu Area (near his office), Menara Maybank and Pudu Plaza.

“From day one we were committed to the rally and we never intended in taking a backseat. In fact, I was on the ground to observe and was stopped very rudely by policemen on duty near a road junction in front of the Puduraya bus station,” he told FMT.

However, Karpal conceded that in term of numbers, there were more PAS and PKR members and supporters on the streets that day, but stressed that DAP also made a visible presence.

As for the allegations, the veteran politician, who is wheel-chair bound, said it was an attempt to discredit DAP in the eyes of its Pakatan Rakyat component parties.

“I was constantly in touch with (Lim) Kit Siang who was with other Pakatan leaders and my attempt to join them were prevented mainly by roadblocks around my office at Jalan Pudu,” he added.

Karpal also said that he witnessed Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) personnel firing tear gas indiscriminately at the demonstrators.

He said police not only used excessive force at certain locations against but he as a MP was also subjected to “harsh treatment”.

“They (police) threatened to arrest me if I didn’t retreat to my office. I can understand they were dealing with demonstrators but in my case probably they should have acted in a more professional manner,” he said.

The senior politician also estimated that about 30,000 people turned up on Saturday.

Karpal urged those demonstrators to come forward with visual evidence to assit the organisers in proving that the police used excessive force.

5 Replies to “Karpal: DAP’s presence was felt”

  1. Yes, DAP’s presence was noticeably subdued. I just wonder how many of their members did turn up. How many DAP leaders were detained or suffered injuries?

    Even KJ was detained when only about 300 UMNO Youth members turned up.

    DAP’s Sarawak leaders weren’t even brave enough to turn up with Bersih T-shirts on that day.

    Now DAP leaders want to wear yellow on Saturdays? Wuffor? Come on, you all missed your boats.

  2. It does not matter which party has more supporters at Bersih walk.
    At the end of it…Auntie Annie…now known as the Lady of Malaysian Liberty and that 85 year old poet….participation inspires more young Malaysians than political parties.
    We want a change of government..not because we support PR or anyone.
    We are convinced present government is most corrupted lot and love to divide and govern…which means Malaysians will never unite under BN at all.
    We wand a change in government…to lead us to total freedom….and PR is the logical choice.

  3. //I just wonder how many of their members did turn up. How many DAP leaders were detained or suffered injuries?//

    This type of argument will only cause disunity among supporters of Bersih. If you want to pass judgment using different yardstick you will get different answer. Do you know percentage of DAP leaders who have been victims of ISA?

  4. //I just wonder how many of their members did turn up. How many DAP leaders were detained or suffered injuries?//

    This type of argument will only cause disunity among supporters of Bersih. If you want to pass judgment using different yardstick you will get different answer. Do you know the percentage of DAP leaders who have been victims of ISA?

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