Family says police responsible for Bersih death

By Yow Hong Chieh
July 10, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 10 — The brother of Baharuddin Ahmad, who died yesterday after collapsing during the Bersih rally, has blamed the death on a “deliberate act of cruelty” by the police.

Kassim Ahmad, 72, told The Malaysian Insider his brother had died because the police had withheld medical aid from Baharudin after he collapsed while running away from tear gas and water cannon bombardment.

“[They] asked the police to help send him to hospital but they refused, so we waited for one-and-a-half hours before the van came,” he said.

“A lot of people tried to revive him … Had he been given oxygen, he would be alive today.”

Kassim also expressed shock at the violence employed by police during yesterday’s mammoth rally, which he likened to war, but stressed that people should not be intimidated by force.

Baharuddin, 56, who died at Kuala Lumpur Hospital yesterday evening, was laid to rest at 12.55pm today at Lembah Keramat Muslim Burial Ground here just three kilometres from his home.

His hearse was escorted by the same yellow T-shirts he had marched alongside just a day before.

Baharuddin leaves behind his wife, Setiawangsa PKR division chief Rosni Malan, his daughter, Dr Hamizar Baharuddin, 24, and sons Mohd Nasrul Baharudin, 22, and Hadriyudin Baharudin, 19.

Kassim added that he was thankful for the presence of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders at Baharuddin’s wake and burial, including PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

Also present were Bersih chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan and steering committee member Maria Chin Abdullah.

“Have you ever seen the other party come to bury a normal person?” he asked.

“This is the most poignant burial I’ve ever experienced … because it’s from the heart. All through sweat, all having walked together for miles.”

It is understood that PR is looking into possible legal action against the police for Baharuddin’s death.

5 Replies to “Family says police responsible for Bersih death”

  1. Of course the police was responsible for Baharuddins death.If they hadn’t fired tear gas and charged at the peaceful protestors and arrest them all this wouldn’t have happen.The PM and his cabinet must be man enough to take responsibility for this fiasco.A man is dead because of this mob mentality by our men in blue.

    In the west whether in Europe or the USA the PM or President will take full responsibility and resign immediately.The people will see to that.No excuses accepted.

  2. This is Bolehland. The PM will disappear from the site, wait and see. Now taking all opportunities to travel overseas at tax payers’ money, worried that he won’t have such priviledges anymore after the GE.

  3. Oh, forgot.. seems that the Bolehland PM only goes for personal attack on Anwar being an actor, everything else is not his concern. He has nothing to do with not honouring his word for Bersih rally, it’s up to the police, he has no say among his ministers, he has no power, poor PM….

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