109 Replies to “709 Bersih Rally”

  1. The Star coverage of the Bersih rally was pathetic. The journalism standard of The Star has degraded to gutter journalism, the next Utusan Malaysia. Don’t waste your money on The Star. Unsubscribe today.

  2. NR n polis told us only 6,000 ppl took part in Bersih 2.0
    HH told us Bersih rally lost direction
    Mayb next they also claimed dat Bersih 2.0 supporters were dangerous
    Just look at d videos carefully n we know NR, HH, n polis were obviously liars
    Ask MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP kaki if they agree with NR, HH, n polis

    Yesterday heaven weeped 4 d nation, how rakyat was unfairly bullied by UmnoB/BN
    Keep d videos 4 posterity n 4 display in d national museum when PR rules M’sia
    Just like in Manila all can watch videos of human rights atrocities perpetrated by Marcos on the Philippines ppl
    We also need these videos 2 educate our polis NOT 2 act blindly against rakyat under d command of political desperados, dingoes n demons

  3. Right now, BERSIH 2.0 rallies still continue 2 propagate n fluorish in other cities around d world, YEAH!
    No way BERSIH 2.0 rallies lost direction
    Only HH n his cousin have eyes dat C not, ears dat hear not, blocked by corrupt $$$$ n d blood of innocent rakyat

  4. Google News “Bersih 2.0 rally” yielded 1,277 news articles @ 2.45am
    Wonderful, it really makes M’sia Truly Infamous

    Going through d various reports will confirm dat NR, HH, polis, n our local msm r big fat liars


    Well, Mr. IGP, you come across sheepish, sicko, stupid and silly; your reasoning warped and wallowing in your vomit.

    Firstly, how can Police be so brutal and uncivil to a civil and peaceful march by civil society. These are not thugs or villains; on the contrary, many are decorated, disciplined and responsible members of society.

    Why has the Police taken side on a political process? Would you do the same if PR were the gvernment? I would recommend a RCI and you to be sacked, stripped of your titles and disgraced if found criminally responsible.

    So many videos showed civil society civil and police the provocateur. Now, IGP, if your eyes are still functioning and you do not suffer from retinal detachment, please explain! There is an obvious disconnect between what you see and what your brain processes. Small mind or warped mind, pea-brained or bird-brained, eh?

    Police are meant to be protectors of the Rakyat. You have turned the police force against the Rakyat who paid your salary. BN is not your paymaster. When PR comes to power, I would recommend to Parliament that you get a RM1,000 pay-cut on your pension!

    Between you and UMNO crackos – fools seldom differ.

  6. N for Najib.

    From Netherlands to Norway, Nairobi to New York, Najib – your name – is now as putrid and peraiah as Idi Amin of Uganda and Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Mahathir of malaysia. Well, you have got company, the illustrious shi**tpots of the world.

    I hear you are planning a visit to the Vatican to seek an audience with the Pope and a PR photoshoot so as to gain christian votes in Malaysia. For your information, the Pope would probably whisper to you in Latin : “you generation of vipers (read: double-headed snakes called najis), you deserve a millstone around your neck for causing your Malaysian brothers to stumble, shot and slapped by your police officers. But, really, I think the Pope would receive you in his palace, feign illness and send his sh*itpot carrier to embrace you and then offer you a pasta topped with creamy, cheesy sh#it.

  7. Mayb d sinners of 709 (who sin against d rakyat) think dat, being filthy rich, they can go on hajj every year 2 absolve themselves from all their deadly sins 1, so easy wipe d slate clean, no scare of d world’s condemnation of their gruesome sins

  8. Baharuddin Ahmad, the husband of the Setiawangsa PKR Wanita division chief, was marching along with the thousands who turned up today in support of Bersih 2.0, died when he fell during a scuffle with police at KLCC this afternoon.

    Is this 1st degree murder or just an act of god? I propose that Dataran Merdeka be renamed Dataran Baharuddin Ahmad when PR forms the Federal Govt after winning the 13GE.

  9. “To reach a thousand steps, we begin with the first”…Bersih and honorable citizens, you have turned and moved the wheel of democracy once again….
    UMNO/BN you have dug a very BIG HOLE for yourself. We shall not be denied to achieve our goal by you uncivilized and uncultured low lives.
    MCA, MIC and Gerakan, the beggar parties, you can kiss each other posteriors good-bye to Malaysian politics….you are the biggest parasite as-holes!

  10. What the BN side says going forward is irrelevant. Is what they do that matters. Najib may be a pretentious mediocre leader BUT he is NOT an idiot (the next guy is). He knows how to do the numbers and he knows that 300K going to Seri Perdana ala Tahrir Square is the next thing without change.

    The issue really does UMNO/BN have what it takes to change. Change for UMNO/BN now means splitting it up. If they have outsource Ketuanan i.e.,Perkasa, now is the time to end the relationship, dump them outright – ISA, prosecute them etc. It means dumping first and foremost the AG and then a real change at the police and ultimately the CJ.

    Otherwise, Najib is going to lose his job. Period. No way he can hold on. If they dump himself the GE, then it means they are digging in and a Tahrir Square may be unavoidable. But if they dump him AFTER the GE, then if PR takes over then a Tahrir Square is avoidable, but otherwise the massive cheating that will surely be part of the GE means that Tahrir Square is for certainty.

    The outlook for this country is probably at its bleakest.

  11. Ibrahim Ali earlier said that 15,000 strong Perkasa’s supporters would march against, that he could not guarantee their reaction. Later by reason of police restrictive order he quipped that he would obey his “Minister of Home Affair’s directive” to stay home and because he couldn’t get a stadium permit, his supporters would just loiter around the city. That’s the trouble when leader was no where to be seen – at least in UMNO Youth Patriot case Khairy got himself drenched & arrested – and asked his supporters to loiter. Perkasa’s 15,000 strong supporters might have joined the Bersih’s march instead (for the lack of other moré exciting things to do in town)! Maybe some of the 50,000 strong silat exponents as well.

  12. //MCA, MIC and Gerakan, the beggar parties, you can kiss each other posteriors good-bye //

    CSL: Hey, Ah Koon, yours taste like saifool’s bookhari’s!

    KTK: What the…. how do you know that? You tried him before?

    Palaniv: By the beard of my granny, both of you taste like the mamaak’s!

    Well, Mr. IGP, you come across sheepish, sicko, stupid and silly; your reasoning warped and wallowing in your vomit.
    Firstly, how can Police be so brutal and uncivil to a civil and peaceful march by civil society. These are not thugs or villains; on the contrary, many are decorated, disciplined and responsible members of society.
    Why has the Police taken side on a political process? Would you do the same if PR were the gvernment? I would recommend a RCI and you to be sacked, stripped of your titles and disgraced if found criminally responsible.
    So many videos showed civil society civil and police the provocateur. Now, IGP, if your eyes are still functioning and you do not suffer from retinal detachment, please explain! There is an obvious disconnect between what you see and what your brain processes. Small mind or warped mind, pea-brained or bird-brained, eh?
    Police are meant to be protectors of the Rakyat. You have turned the police force against the Rakyat who paid your salary. BN is not your paymaster. When PR comes to power, I would recommend to Parliament that you get a RM1,000 pay-cut on your pension!
    Between you and UMNO crackos – fools seldom differ.

    Hello PDRM, ask yourselves why in other countries like Australia, Bersih 2.0 went on so smoothly and peacefully without the need for batons, tear gas, and poisoned water BUT WITH SMILES AND KINDNESS from the police? It is because their police leadership and force are EDUCATED and NOT POLITICAL and KNOW THAT THEY HAVE TO PROTECT CITIZENS AND NOT PROTECT POLITICIANS. That’s the difference, and I’ll say if not for your UMNO masters, you are unfit to be in your position! Truly, you are a disgrace to all Malaysians. BTW, when are you going to solve the Klang Acid Splasher case? Stupid!!

  14. PM najis thanked the poeple of KL for satying away and offered his gratitude that there was no damage to property.In the first place had he allowed Bersih to march supervised and escorted by the police there would not be any unnecessary use of chemical water and tear gas.God is great for He brought heavy rain to neutralise the effect of the tear gas.Porn actor CSL commented that the Bersih rally made NO SENSE proving once again that he is UMNO puppet and taking shelter under its sarong.MCA is a total DISAPPOINTMENT.As for Katak Ibrahim sucking milk at home this only goes to prove he has a big dirty mouth unworthy leader playing on racial politics.To Star slant reporting of a FEW THOUSAND protesters and IGP 6000 the Rakyat says thanks to video reporting on the internet to see and witness the TRUE PICTURE and the UNNECESSARY brutal force use by the PDRM we are able to judge.TOGETHER WE WILL PREVAIL IN OUR QUEST FOR A JUST MALAYSIA AND A CLEAN AND FAIR ELECTION.HIDUP BERSIH

  15. Talking about 150 Perkasa members and 500 UMNO youths. How did 500 UMNO youth demonstrators all well-dressed (in moronic red), well-fed, well-groomed and well connected come into the city with a polished truck and loud hailers? Oh, Khairy got arrested – yes course, with wet hair and tired looked and being paraded around with Police holding him. How come I didn’t get to see how Datuk Ambiga was arrested? 500 UMNO youths compared with thousand of ordinary Malaysians of all races who have come spontaneously and with sacrifice to demonstrate their desire to see a better Malaysia is really telling us something. UMNO’s raison d’être over the past 50 years has been to keep the non Malays divided and the Malays ignorant. But these cavemen have not realised race and religious cards are getting a little passé. I wonder our resident sage has anything to say on this?

  16. Talking about 150 Perkasa members and 500 UMNO youths. How did 500 UMNO youth demonstrators all well-dressed (in red), well-fed, well-groomed and well connected come into the city with a polished truck and loud hailers? Oh, KJ got arrested – yes course, with wet hair and tired looked and being paraded around with Police holding him. How come I did’t get to see how Datuk Ambiga was arrested? 500 UMNO youths compared with thousand of ordinary Malaysians of all races who have come spontaneously and with sacrifice to demonstrate their desire to see a better Malaysia is really telling us something. UMNO’s raison d’être over the past 50 years has been to keep the non Malays divided and the Malays ignorant. But these cavemen have not realised race and religious cards are getting a little passé. I wonder our resident sage has anything to say on this?

  17. Check out what KJ tweeted this morning:


    If you look closely,
    1) the top and sides are actually empty.
    2) while Najib is getting all worked up, they are rather subdued – the large part of them like Ibrahim Ali will hand over trouble to the mercenery police when push comes to shove. They are too used to doing dirty tricks in the dark, collect the fats, to show their face in real light.
    3) they don’t get it that Najib huffing and puffing means he has absolutely no clue what he is doing and yet they are still looking to him for answer..

  18. Most of them are paid some allowance to attend anyway – money politics in UMNO, no money no talk. Even with money, they can’t even get the numbers to match the “illegal” Bersih rally. What a shame. Media and commentaries around the world, including Wall Street Journal are condemning the UMNO and police brutality and thoughtless actions. World leaders must condemn UMNO and Najip and place sanctions on them.

  19. “The Umno president also called on the silent majority, comprising millions of Malaysians, to no longer remain silent but voice their support for the Government.”

    By “silent majority” I think he is referring to the Phantom Voters in the electoral roll created by EC on behalf of UMNO.

  20. C’mon, Khairy J.,

    Surely Oxfordians are made of sterner, more rigorous, intelligent stuff, capable of knowing what’s truly great for the country than all those slapdash sloganeering churned out by the likes of smaller minds in UMNO and Perkasa.

    Surely….the greater good of the nation must extend beyond those hollow words and clanging cymbals that oozes from the oral gaps of Najib and Muhyiddin.

    Surely Oxfordians sense the difference between inane politicking and reaL contribution to nation-building.

    C’mon, KJ, be real before it really gets too late. this is the watershed moment in malaysian history. This is not an appeal to your good sense. Oxfordians don’t need that. An Oxfordian just got to do what an Oxfordian got to do: Be Real, Be Different; aspire for true greatness.

    Look at mahathir; he had his chance for 23 years. Just look at him such a pathetic figure, so alone against the vast ocean o0f public condemnation.

    But, of course, Mahathir was never an Oxfordian. He would never know what true greatness is now; he let slip the opportunities of a lifetime. So bloomin’ a pathetic visage and so cursed by so many and sundry across 3 generations of malaysians.

    I am still hoping to send my grandchildren to Oxford. I still believe in an Oxford education and the difference it makes.

    C’mon, Khairy. C’mon, get real. you weren’t born with an UMNO umbilical cord; cut that Gordian knot.

    Fiat justitia ruat caelum (“Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”) Justice must be realized regardless of consequences.

    BERSIH IS THE LAST OPTION and no other public domians
    FOR Malaysians of all faiths to voice out CIVIL AND DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS OF THE RAKYATS.
    Umno controlling and bs reform every damned issues,policies institutions purely Just to suit their aspiration and ensure their Putrajaya political Cronies Nepotism ,Corruptions , and power grap struggles for the past 53 yrs…they just want to rule and corrupts, do not care for their welfares of the Rkayats,cheating all the poor ULU Rakyats giving pre-election goodies( tin of condensed milk milo and tupperware with a pc of cake…..
    There is only way for Real Reform is to Vote PR into Putrajaya from GE 13 ,when ?? coming soon.

  22. This is what we experienced in the Tung Shin group.
    The only difference is that in Tung Shin, the tear gas was fired into the air ( at least those that I saw before I ran for cover ). In this you tube, the FRU was firing the tear gas cannisters at shoulder level, that may hurt and kill people.
    I wish I had attended the late Baharuddin’s funeral. He died for the cause. Sympathies and condolence to his family and loved ones.

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  23. PKR looking into possible legal action against Police for baharuddin’s death:

    Case: Dytham [1979] QB 722; [1979] 3 All ER 641; 69 Cr App Rep 387; [1979] Crim LR 666.

    In Dytham where a uniformed police officer had failed to intervene when he saw a man being kicked to death some 30 yards away, it was held that he could be convicted of the common law offence of misconduct in a public office.

    IGP is going to say that Baharuddin participated in an illegal assembly. No defence; so too the incident in Dytham is illegal. No defence, in dytham, there was one sole police officer; in baharuddin, there was a posse. The onus to act should be greater in Baharuddin.

  24. ///I am proud of what the police did yesterday … (They acted) with professionalism. They took such good care of those who were arrested that they got free food,” said PM Najib per TheMalaysianInsider report by Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, July 10, 2011.

    Apparently he does not see the IRONY of having PDRM on one hand shooting tear gas canisters and water cannons at demonstrators (in the case of Baharuddin Ahmad’s brother, who died for alledgedly police withholding immediate medical assistance) and yet after arresting the demonstrators, on the other hand, giving them a sumptious treat of buffet food at the police training centre in Jalan Semarak in KL (see pic in page 9 of NST 10th July). Wong Chun Wa wrote in his Star Column “On the Beat” – “There were round tables covered with table cloth. Not bad at all man! No wonder there are many people who think a protest in KL is really a stroll on the week end” – with buffet high tea thrown in (at public expense)!

  25. Najip and his UMNO henchmen must be condemned and brought to justice for this heinous crime against innocent and peaceful rakyat. There is no democracy in Malaysia until Najip and his UMNO henchmen are caught and put on trial. World leaders are already condemning him and his cruel and inhumane action. May you and your family face retributions from God Almighty!

  26. 7100 police personnel were on duty and there were only 6000 Bersih supporters according to the government. When the police outnumbered the protesters was there a need to use teargas?

    1601 were arrested out of 6000, i.e one out of four was arrested, and given free lunch. Did the police count the number of guests needed to finish the food in deciding on the arrest? The protesters did not expect free food. Is that a way to try to buy votes with public funds?

  27. Those who still believe in 1malaysia ought to be sent to Hospital Bahagia

    “Even though the demonstrators were violent and even assaulted journalists, no action was taken against them,” Lim told a press conference. “When there is a protest against Pakatan Rakyat, there is no tear gas. But when there is a protest against Barisan Nasional, anything can happen.”


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