Pakatan willing to accept Najib’s stadium offer

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 05, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 5 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties today declared themselves “open” to Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s offer to allow Bersih 2.0 to hold its July 9 rally in a stadium.

In a statement signed by PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar and DAP national organising secretary Teresa Kok, the pact said the agreement had been reached following several discussions among party leaders.

“We would like to record our stand that all three parties are open to the prime minister’s office as long as it respects the people’s right to assemble peacefully as enshrined under the Federal Constitution,” they said.

They added that Bersih 2.0’s demands for electoral reform should stay as the main objective of the rally, pointing out that such reforms were needed urgently before the 13th general election.

“There needs to be commitment from the PM on that, aside from his offer to Bersih that its rally can be held in a stadium,” they said.

The trio also said that their readiness to accept Najib’s stadium offer should be well received by the authorities.

“They should stop their harsh actions now. All three parties in PR are ready to cooperate with the police to ensure that the demonstration goes on smoothly.

“As such, PR demands that all those detained over Bersih 2.0 be freed immediately and charges against them dropped,” they said.

Their statement comes as Bersih 2.0 is in the process of determining whether to proceed with the rally after the King advised all parties on Sunday to resolve their issues through consultation instead of holding a demonstration.

It is believed that the King has also granted audience to Bersih 2.0 today as coalition’s chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenavasan and two others were seen entering Istana Negara this afternoon.

During a press conference yesterday, Ambiga said the coalition was willing to call off its rally if the King advised them to do so.

6 Replies to “Pakatan willing to accept Najib’s stadium offer”

  1. Remember people. Umno is stupid. Either that or umno assumes that we the people are stupid. Either way, umno is likely to respond to our request for fair election like so:

    “You nak rally, I pun dah kasi rally. Apa lagi you nak?”

    What we want is fair election. The rally is only the right to voice what we wanted all along – the right to relay the fact that we want fair election to the arrogant and selectively deaf umno gobermen.

  2. So BERSIH is NOT illegal. The T-shirt is NOT illegals.
    The Home Minister and Police have been made to eat humble pie.
    Have the rally in the stadium and fill it to the brim. That too can send the message to BN.
    Bersih will be demonized ‘derhaka’ if it hold it in the streets.
    Ambiga is in a catch 22 situation.

  3. Over the last week or so two very very significant events took place in china. (1) The launch of china’s shanghai-beijing high speed train. (2) The opening of the world’s longest cross sea bridge (about 40km) – the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge. Completed in 4 yrs at the costs of US2.3b.

    Here, umno is orgying away with all sorts of fearful thoughts.

    No wonder we lose talents.

  4. It’s like a poker game…bluff bluff bluff until the King got enough of the government nonsense.
    Amgiba have spoken…Anwar have spoken.
    Najib have agreed.
    Home Minister does not know where to hide his face.
    But then…he is a born like a trained brainless parrot.

  5. Lets make it clear during the rally – Najib must implement Bersih’s demand or he will be insulting the Agung. If Najib insult the Agung, they must arrest him or they will be committing treason.

    THEN there won’t be a Bersih 3.0 – they will be a revolution..

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