LKS backs Sabah Speaker on education autonomy

Jul 3, 11 | MalaysiaKini

DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang voiced support for Sabah Speaker Salleh Said’s call for the state education department to be given more power and autonomy.

Salleh had said reportedly said that many school buildings in Sabah are in a state of disrepair and educational projects are carried out only haphazardly due to the need to refer even simple matters to the education ministry headquarters in Putrajaya.

This, said the speaker, was jeopardising the government’s efforts in developing education in Sabah.

Sabah education director Muhiddin Yusin had also backed Salleh’s call for the state authorities to be given greater decision-making autonomy and powers in the implementation of development projects, especially maintenance, training and recruitment of teachers.

In a statement, Lim (above) said Education Minister Muhyiddin should fully devolve powers to the Sabah education department in the interests of autonomy and efficiency, and for Sabahans’ general educational interests.

Litany of education woes

Lim listed as some of “weaknesses, anomalies and downright abuses” by the education authorities in Sabah as being:

– the lack of safety in some 90 schools against floods, such as the SMK St Peters in Telipok;

– ‘Cabin’ classes in rural areas where lessons are being conducted in sub-standard and poorly-constructed classrooms where gaps not properly sealed and zinc roofs are not properly placed, posing dangers to students and teachers;

– ‘Computer labs’ that are without computers, or computers that cannot be turned on due to absence of electricty: Most of the 300 computer labs for secondary and primary schools in Sabah are ‘white-elephants’ and are not being used for their intended purpose.

– The abandonment, after three years, of a RM7 million project to elevate SMK Peter Mojuntin in Penambang into a sports school;

– The payment of school contract works by Putrajaya, not by the state education department; and

– Inordinate delay – ranging from six months to two years – in the promotion of teachers in Sabah as these are decided by Putrajaya, resulting in some 22 schools in Sabah that are without principals.

Describing the state of Sabah education as “topsy-turvy”, he urged Muhyiddin to “reduce politicking inside and outside the country” and tackle the problems faced by Sabahan children seeking an education.

“Who must bear responsibility (for the problems) – the Education Minister in Putrajaya or the state education director in Kota Kinabalu?” asked the veteran opposition politician.

One Reply to “LKS backs Sabah Speaker on education autonomy”

  1. Education autonomy? LOL, no way lah
    Putrajaya UmnoBputras wish 2 continue 2 colonise d minds of Sabahans n Sarawakians, their fixed deposits
    Educate them, but not too much; want them 2 b grateful 2 d hands dat feed n educate them, but cannot allow them 2 b too smart 2 b able 2 think n realise dat they r exploited
    Want them 2 read n brain washed by msm, but not 2 read Internet stuff, esp LKS blog
    As long as they r half-educated n ignorant, they r useful 2 UmnoB/BN
    Comprenez vous, Salleh n LKS?

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