Bakri MP, 5 others held over yellow gotong-royong T-shirts

By Clara Chooi
July 03, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JOHOR BARU, July 3 — Six DAP members, including Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa, were hauled up by the police this morning during a gotong-royong exercise, on suspicion that it was part of the now-outlawed Bersih 2.0’s activities.

The six, wearing yellow T-shirts bearing designs different from that of the Bersih 2.0 logo, were picked up at the Taman Pelangi market as they were distributing leaflets to the public.

Despite trying to explain to the cops that their walkabout this morning was part of a community cleanliness campaign themed “Negara Bersih, Rakyat Bertuah”, they were still hauled up to the Taman Pelangi police station.

Er managed to post an update on his Facebook profile page, writing, “BN (Barisan Nasional) government should make new announcement — cleaning street campaign is prohibited in Malaysia.”

He claimed the cops had told them that if they had not invited the media to cover their arrests, they would have been freed immediately.

The six were later led to the Sentral police station for questioning. They are being represented by PKR lawyer Hassan Karim.

“PKR lawyer Hassan Karim is now dealing with police. Lawyer said they might be charged under sedition act but dont not know yet,” Er wrote on Facebook at about 1.30pm.

The six include Er, Johor DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) chief Tan Hong Pin, Johor DAPSY vice chief Jason Josob, Johor DAP committee member Chen Kah Eng, Taman Bukit Indah DAP branch secretary Yan Boon Meng and Johor DAP assistant political education director Tang Chee Kia.

Police have arrested more than 100 people over the Bersih rally and have detained six under the Emergency Ordinance for 60 days.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein has outlawed both Bersih 2.0 and the movement’s yellow T-shirts, saying it is related to illegal activities.

But Bersih has vowed to go ahead with its planned July 9 rally asking for free and fair elections.

7 Replies to “Bakri MP, 5 others held over yellow gotong-royong T-shirts”

  1. Hi Kit,

    Is it a good idea for us to all wear yellow, be it T shirt or Shirts for all public functions from now till 9th July?
    Will that also be another way to show that we wish clean, free and fair elections?

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  2. yea …where is brave Chua Soi Lek who claims to represents the Malaysian Chinese.
    Where is Koh Tsu Khoon…the one who claims he is color blind on races.
    Where is MIC President?
    All Bls shrunk???

  3. Somehow ‘yellow’ has become magic colour. When I see our King’s yellow robe, I immediately think of BERSIH. When I see buah nangka, yellow kiwi fruits or yellow watermelon, Bersih comes to my mind. The roof of my taxi is also yellow. I am now living in fear of the police.

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