23 Kajang councillors hauled up over Bersih T-shirts

Jimadie Shah Othman | Jun 30, 11

The clampdown against Bersih T-shirts continues, with 23 Kajang councillors being called up by police today for questioning for wearing the shirts at the full board meeting yesterday.

But of this number, only seven were present at the Kajang district police station this evening, while the others will give their statements in stages as they are not available today.

According to councilor Chandra Mohan ST, the police did not inform them under what section of the law they are being investigated.

The Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) has 24 members but only 20 were in attendance yesterday.

Those who had their statements taken today were Chandra, Ng Tien Chee, Steven Chan Jeong Hon, Tan Boon Wah, Lee Kee Hiong, Chang Siaw Hong and Noorhisham Ishak.

They were accompanied by lawyer and Segambut parliamentarian Lim Lip Eng.

Asked opinion on Bersih’s demands

It is understood that five police personnel had attended the council meeting yesterday and taken photographs of those present.

Chandra said that the police informed him that they are compelled to give their witness statements under Section 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

He added that besides being asked his particulars and on his duties as a councillor, he was also questioned about his views on the demands by Bersih 2.0.

“I told them I support Bersih’s objectives, that’s why we were wearing yellow,” he said, adding that he was also asked if he supported the July 9 rally.

There were also “irrelevant questions” which he refused to answer, like the name of his family members.

Colleague Norhisham added that the answers do not really require them to come all the way to the police station, as they were too simple.

“They could have just emailed us,” he said.

On June 29, seven Selangor local councils – Subang Jaya, Ampang, Klang, Petaling Jaya, Kajang, Selayang and Shah Alam – showed solidarity with Bersih 2.0 by donning yellow items of clothing like headscarves, ties and headbands, with some wearing the NGO’s T-shirts at the full board meetings.

Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein had said that wearing the T-shirts are illegal as it is connected to an illegal activity, that is the rally which has not been given a police permit.

More than 2000 have been called up by police to give statements in relation to Bersih 2.0.


8 Replies to “23 Kajang councillors hauled up over Bersih T-shirts”

  1. Najib: “Street demonstrations are destructive.”

    Hello, Jib – what talking u? How come yr street walkabouts r not destructive but others’ peaceful marches are?

    Jib, go get yr head exmined-lah.

  2. OMG, dis nation is truly a failed state dat has gone hysterical over yellow
    Polis busy catching every1 in yellow, no wonder d crime rate is on d rise
    Will polis catch royalty in yellow? school kids of yellow house in yellow T-shirts?

  3. Why are you wearing a yellow shirt ?

    Answer: Yellow is my lucky colour.

    Why are you wearing a yellow tie ?

    Answer: For colour coordination.

    Are you supporters of Bersih ?

    Answer: You expect me to support Kotor ?

    Sure masuk jail, but then they can only detain us for 24 hours without charge. So be it.

  4. “More than 2000 have been called up by police to give statements in relation to Bersih 2.0. ”

    This is very sick nation with nothing better to do except wasting time when the Police should be handling increasing crimes..

  5. I like wearing yellow…so what?
    I like my tie to match with my shirt…so what?
    I like wearing a yellow watch….so what?
    BERSIH color is yellow. I like BERSIH…so what?
    You like KOTOR..your business. Don’t bother me.
    Sure go to jail….meeting Godfather and many more.
    The more they arrest the better.
    One arrest means one more vote against them.
    They know it…but KOTOR they mus always be.
    So we are like cats and dogs…can never agree.
    They are government servants.
    We are Freedom Fighters.
    Lawan tetap lawan!!
    The more they restrict Malaysians…the more Malaysians will turn against them…including their one time supporters.

  6. Theirs are actions are to make Malaysians fear them.
    People Power’s 13th GE actions are to put them back…where they belong.
    Arrogance have reached the extreme.
    Betul kurang ajar…mata2!!!!
    Malaysia upah ku tinggal kasi ku ke?

  7. In the past few days,i visited my colleagues in few districts on job purpose and managed to encourage 2 of them to join Bersih rally.I think my boss would come after me again like previously, questioning the rationale behind my intention ie. after i had made ‘friend’ with him in facebook and later linked ‘friend’ with LKS,haha.Somehow,i managed to bullshit him through from little what i’ve learned from Umno’ cow dung reasoning.Anyway i don’t care much prior to that incident cause i’m for Bersih and that’s my fundamental right and freedom to express and support it.After all,i’m not staging war on him or the company.

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