Police: PSM ‘communists’ waging war on King

By Hazlan Zakaria
Jun 26, 11 | MalaysiaKini

Penang deputy police chief Abdul Rahim Jaafar today said the 31 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activists arrested yesterday while aboard a bus at the Sungai Dua toll plaza have been charged under Section 122 of the Penal Code.

The activists were participating in the northern leg of the party’s “Udah La Tu Bersaralah” roadshow campaign which kicked off on June 24 as part of the work-up to the upcoming Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9 for electoral reform.

Those arrested included Sungai Siput parliamentarian D Jeyakumar. One was subsequently released as he was under-aged.

According to a Bernama today, Abdul Rahim told reporters that the 30 were being charged with ‘waging war against the King’ based on police findings that the group is trying to resurrect Communism in the country.

“Based on paraphernalia seized by police from the activists, it can be seen that they have connections with the Malaysian Communist Party (MCP) ideology.

“These include leaflets and T-shirts printed with the names Chin Peng, Rashid Maidin and Suriani Abdullah, all of whom are linked to the MCP,” said Abdul Rahim.

Abdul Rahim said he believes that the PSM activist were trying to revive the communist ideology by distributing the paraphernalia to the people in the state.

This, he added, prompted authorities to arrest those involved because their seditious activities threatened to turn the people against the government.

In an immediate response, PSM secretary-general S Arutchelvan (below) described the police’ actions as “ridiculous and far-fetched” and accused them of trying to paint the political party as a bogeyman to scare the public.

“It’s ridiculous and farfetched. They are trying to create a tense situation with these imaginary threats,” Arutchelvan told Malaysiakini when contacted today.

Rubbishing the charge, the secretary-general pointed out that there has been a peace accord between Malaysia and the Malayan Communist Party (MCP).

The country maintains democratic relations with communist countries whose leaders have had audiences with the Agong Mizan Zainal Abidin and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

Arutchelvan also confirmed that the 30 party members arrested in Kepala Batas, Penang, were transferred to the Butterworth district courthouse, the premises of which have been ringed by police with road blocks set-up and the public prohibited from approaching.

“PSM will issue a formal statement about this issue soon. We are holding an emergency meeting about it now,” he added.

Initially 31 party members, 14 females and 17 males, were sent to the Seberang Perai Utara district police headquarters after their arrest, to have their statements taken.

While the minor was released, the rest were remanded to assist police investigations. Their remand order was issued by the Butterworth magistrate court earlier today.

The arrests are part of a nationwide police crackdown on pre-Bersih activities and reported ban on political events.

In addition to those arrested in Penang, 28 people were yesterday arrested in Tangkak, Johor, in the southern leg of the campaign. Arutchelven was among those detained.

At 4am, all 28 were released on police bail. It is believed that they were investigated under Sedition Act and Printing Presses and Publications Act.

Last night, a Bersih roadshow in Shah Alam, Selangor, was interrupted by police, who arrested one person.

They were detained for distributing leaflets on the gathering which aims to promote a free and fair election, and organisers plan to submit an 18-point memorandum to the King.

In Ampang today, eight men were detained after they were found wearing yellow t-shirts with ‘Bersih 2.0’ written in the Malay Jawi script at Taman Kosas.

Ampang Jaya Police Chief ACP Amiruddin Jamaluddin said all eight were detained as their t-shirts reflected their support for the illegal July 9 rally.

“They were also found to have disrupted public order while riding on their motorcycles in the area. It was the reason for their arrest,” he told Bernama.

Amiruddin said they were being detained at the Ampang police station and police would release them after recording statements from them.

Arrests unabated

Meanwhile late into the night the arrests have not seen an end, as a Bersih Twitter message at 10.55pm reported a youth in Gombak Baru, Kuala Lumpur being arrested for wearing a Berish T-shirt.

Bersih 2.0 executive director Maria Chin Abdullah later added, “(There are) more arrests in Ampang and Gombak, and Bersih 2.0 is arranging for legal advice for them.

“We have many brave lawyers volunteering themselves to take up cases in the event of arrests,” she said, adding, ”The walk for democracy still goes on.”


3 Replies to “Police: PSM ‘communists’ waging war on King”

  1. The communists were reputated for their bravery and patriotism. They almost fought
    on their own against the Japanese invading forces.
    Where were the Royal Police and the sef-claimed bumis, UMNO melayu…bloody hell!…hiding in their stinking sarongs.
    Without the MCP, UMNO melayu will be having Japanese names and behaving like them…..
    Thank you Malayan communists, you made us proud f your fighting spirit.

  2. I have the collection of books in the “Great Books” series. Karl Marx is one of the book-titles. He has been gathering dust for 30 years, but today I am going to read Karl Marx in defiance!
    A French priest of the Paris Foreign Mission once expressed surprise that I had never read Marx, even at University (1973-1977). It seemed that Marx was basic reading in France for all students of Economics.

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